Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1440 Just killed a few cats and dogs

What a big heart!

Li Qi's words were obviously provocative, but the instructor's actions seemed not to be affected at all.

He raised his head, looked at Li Qi and asked, "What would you do if it were you?"

Li Qi said expressionlessly: "Of course I'm going to ask for leave, then go home and help my woman out!"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "Then how should you say this?"

Li Qi said without hesitation: "Of course I beat him! His mother couldn't even recognize him!"

"Is this settled?" Chen Xin'an put his feet on the ground, squatted on the ground and said to Li Qi: "This is just you venting your anger, but your woman is still injured!"

"This..." Li Qi was stunned, not knowing what to say.

A special operator next to him pointed at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile: "Instructor foul! Both feet fell to the ground!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Long Sheng sneered coldly and said disdainfully: "Are you blind? The instructor has already done a hundred push-ups!"

"Ah? Finished so quickly? How is it possible!" Everyone looked incredulous.

A special operations team member said with admiration: "It's indeed done. I've been counting here and even made two more."

Everyone was speechless.

For others, a movement that is so difficult to reach the sky is so simple and easy for the instructor.

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an expressionlessly and said, "Then what does the instructor think is the true way to vent his anger for his woman?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "I don't dare to say anything else. If the other party bullies your woman and lets her live in the ICU, then let him die. Why don't you kill him and keep him for the New Year?"

Li Qi could not hide his inner disdain, applauded and said: "What the instructor said is great!

Yes, this is the real bloody man!

But the instructor just said it beautifully.

A strong talker.

In fact, I can only use the excuse of training to hide in the base and not dare to come forward! "

"Li Qi, what do you mean?" Hu Bing stood up, glared at Li Qi, and rolled up his sleeves.

A group of princes from the training class also stood up and looked at Li Qi angrily.

Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted to everyone: "What are you doing! Sit down!"

Li Qi sneered and said to everyone: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?

Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore, she’s not my woman, why should I worry so blindly!

Instructor, I didn't participate in the competition that day, so I don't know how good you are at fighting.

In terms of fighting and fighting, I have never convinced anyone.

How about we discuss it now?

I just want to have a fight with you, please ask the instructor to make it happen! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Qi, who was a little abnormal, and said with a smile: "Li Qi, do you have any misunderstanding about me..."

Li Qi had a gloomy face and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, do you want to fight or not? Stop inking!

If you don't dare, I will quit training today.

It feels so frustrating to train with a coward! "

"Squad leader!" The people who patrolled the Sky Eagle didn't expect Li Qi to speak so eloquently, so they all screamed in surprise.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Qi, nodded and said, "Okay! Go get the protective gear!"

Li Qi wanted to say that he didn't need protective gear, but after looking at Chen Xin'an, he turned around and left.

After he left, a Patrol Eagle special force member quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, don't be angry with Li Qi. In fact, he..."

He seemed hesitant to speak.

Hu Bing scolded him: "Just say what you want to say, what are you doing?"

The Sky Patrol Eagle special force member sighed and said, "Li Qi used to have a girlfriend who was also a childhood sweetheart with him.

We originally agreed to get married after my girlfriend graduates from college in four years.

Unexpectedly, during a school club activity, his girlfriend got drunk and was raped by several seniors...

His girlfriend was seriously injured, but she was rescued.

Li Qi's family called him after learning about the incident.

He went back and beat those people up.

But his girlfriend still committed suicide by jumping off the building.

This incident had a huge impact on Li Qi, and he almost had to change his job.

It took him two years to become a bit more cheerful, but he hasn't completely come out yet! "

Everyone did not expect that such a thing had happened to Li Qi, and they were silent for a moment.

Li Qi had already brought the protective gear over, threw one to Chen Xin'an, and said to him: "Come on! Let me learn the instructor's fighting skills!"

At this moment, an open-top jeep came quickly and rushed directly to the training ground.

From a distance, I heard someone in the car yelling: "Chen Xin'an, you bastard!"

Old man?

Why did he come to the training ground?

No, he should have come, but why was he in such a hurry?

And he still looks angry?

The driver was actually Cun Lei, and the passenger seat was Zhang Jian.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun sat in the back.

Tang Peng stood up, saw Chen Xin'an's position, directed Cun Lei to drive over, and jumped up and cursed before he could stop!

"What did I tell you when you left yesterday afternoon?

I told you not to go to Guanbei, not to go to Guanbei!

It's really a good thing for you, just give me a trick to build the plank road openly and seduce Chen Cang secretly.

I took a helicopter to Guanbei in the evening! "

Meng Jianjun also scolded with a livid face: "Old Tang and I are still wondering, why are you so generous and told us not to pursue the case?

After working on it for a long time, you solved it last night! "

Tang Peng cursed angrily: "Early in the morning, your political commissar and I answered the phone and received calls from the leaders who were being lenient. From the Grand Palace to the General Military Region, the leaders were scolding us.

It's puzzling that we are still here, thinking that the leaders have wronged you.

I didn’t expect it! I didn’t expect it!

Chen, tell me honestly, did you go to Guanbei last night?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, there are two witnesses here!

explain! Where did you go with Chen Xin'an last night? "

Zhang Jian glanced at Chen Xin'an and said righteously: "Captain and political commissar, one person is responsible for the work!

Last night I was the only one who went to Decela, and it had nothing to do with the instructor! "

Cun Lei nodded vigorously and said, "Me too!"

These two idiots!

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes fiercely.

It's better not to take things into your own hands. Only a fool would believe it!

However, he didn't want to hide it all the time, so he admitted openly: "Yes, I went to Guanbei and Dekra's headquarters last night!"

Tang Peng asked angrily: "What were you doing there? You started fighting with someone, right?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "I took action and killed two people..."

Tang Peng jumped up angrily and cursed: "You mean you killed two people?

You killed ten people!

Are you the executioner?

And they are all foreigners!

Dekra's long-established enterprise of more than 20 years has been shut down overnight!

You've turned Guanbei upside down, do you know that?

Now even the international community has exploded!

The embassy of the Eagle Flag Country and the Inca Country both strictly demanded that the murderer be handed over!

Chen Xin'an, do you know that you caused a huge trouble for the Montenegrin tiger and dug a huge hole? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said with a sideways glance, "I'll get into trouble if I kill a few dogs?

Old man, don't be so excited, wait and see, there will be a surprise!

Don’t worry, the Montenegrin tiger won’t have any trouble at all! "

"What a surprise, I'm totally frightened now!" Tang Peng cursed angrily.

But everyone present was stunned.

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an dumbfounded and murmured: "So you didn't hide here and ignore me.

Last night you went directly to Guanbei and killed those who hurt your woman?

And no one is left behind!


Instructor, you are so domineering!

How stupid can I be to think you are a coward?

Compared to you, I am an out-and-out coward! "

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