Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1445 This is not your home

Kyoto Four Seasons Flower City.

For Ning Xiruo, who had just moved here for less than a week, she was still not used to life.

The house is so big that sometimes I have to look for the main room for a long time when I go home.

The whole floor is your own, and it has been opened up and decorated in different styles. It is fun, but it is easy to get lost.

But it's very convenient. It's similar to the hotel. The sisters all live together. If you want to visit, you can just come here.

In the main room, there is a round dining table that Ning Xiruo ordered at a cost of 120,000 yuan.

Normally, it can accommodate fifteen people eating at the same time. If there are many people, the hidden part can be pulled out, allowing thirty people to eat at the same time on this large table.

At this moment, Ning Xiruo and a group of sisters were having breakfast.

Konoha really looked at the phone and said, "Are you here? Why aren't you here?"

Wang Yi rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Sister Ye Zhen, you've asked me eight times before I finished this bowl of porridge!

I see why you are more anxious than Xiruo! "

Konoha snorted and said, "I'm not afraid that my eldest nephew can't find his way home!"

As he was talking, the door was opened. Someone came in and went straight to the bathroom.

Ning Xiruo frowned and shouted, "Aunt Xiao, wait a minute!"

Xiao Cuihua, who was about to enter the bathroom, stopped and stood there uneasily, with his head lowered.

Ning Xiruo walked up to her quickly, tilted her head and looked at her face and said, "Don't hide! Who hit this?"

There were obvious finger marks on both sides of Xiao Cuihua's face and bleeding from the corners of her mouth.

The most serious thing was under the nose. The blood flowed to the mouth and the clothes on the chest. It looked miserable.

Because Xiao Cuihua is Xiao Qin's sister-in-law, no one treats her as an outsider from the first day they move in.

Now seeing her being beaten like this, all the girls were angry.

Konoha ran over with a tissue and gently wiped the blood for her while cursing: "Who did it? It's so inhuman! I'll call Sister Qin now!"

"No! Miss Ye Zhen, you really don't need it!" Xiao Cuihua quickly waved her hand and said, "She just went to work, so don't bother her with this little thing!"

Wang Yi said angrily: "It's okay if you don't tell her. Then tell us, who beat you like this?"

Xiao Cuihua sighed and said, "It was my clumsiness that knocked over the barbecue stall above.

I was so angry that I just hit me a few times, so I should..."

Du Yunyan frowned and asked: "Barbecue stall? Where did the barbecue stall come from? You mean the rooftop?"

Xiao Cuihua nodded.

Xiao Jiu cursed angrily: "We have told the property management a long time ago that we need to use the rooftop apron today.

Why is there still someone barbecuing up there?

When the young master comes back later, there won't even be a place to stop the machine, so wouldn't it be a big trouble? "

Ning Xiruo said to Du Yunyan: "Yunyan, help Aunt Xiao go in and wash herself, and then take her to the hospital for a check-up.

Sister Qing, let’s go up and have a look! "

Guan Qing nodded and said, "Okay!"

Take the elevator to the forty-fifth floor, then walk up a flight of stairs to the rooftop.

But everyone discovered that the door leading to the rooftop was locked!

This is a large atomic lock that still looks new.

Ning Xiruo took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "Real estate? I'm the owner of the 36th floor.

As I told you yesterday, we are going to use the rooftop apron this morning.

Then why do you need to lock the rooftop door?

Didn't you lock it?

Okay, then please send the locksmith over, we have to open the door!

Please hurry up, the plane is coming soon! "

Soon, a man in work clothes ran up with a toolbox. After apologizing to Ning Xiruo, he took out the tools and pried open the lock.

Everyone went up to the rooftop, and Ning Xiruo angrily asked the locksmith: "What's going on with your property?

Whose do these things belong to? "

On the rooftop, there was a barbecue grill with a pile of charcoal next to it.

The ground was strewn with condiments, bamboo sticks thrown away after eating, and some empty wine bottles.

How to use such a parking pad?

If Ning Xi was really angry, she said to the locksmith: "Contact your property department right now and send someone to clean it up, right away!"

"Okay!" The locksmith took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Suddenly, there was a burst of curses from the door of the rooftop!

"Who is so arrogant?

Who opened this lock?

Just a few minutes after I locked it, I pried it open!

Who is so bold! "

A tall, middle-aged man in a nightgown walked up, with a bald head and an angry face.

But when they saw Ning Xiruo and everyone else, they were stunned for a moment and then immediately changed their expressions.

"I'll go! There are so many beauties! Did you pick my lock?

Tell me earlier that you want to come up and play. I have the key. I can just open it for you. No need to pry! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind that made people feel goosebumps:

"Husband, what are you doing? Why are you up here again? Are you still running upstairs to our house without any eyesight?"

A charming woman who was also wearing a nightgown and exposed her long legs walked up. When she saw these people on the rooftop, her face instantly dropped!

Although these women did not wear makeup, their facial features were more exquisite than the other, enough to make the woman in nightgown feel ashamed.

She also felt a huge danger. Seeing her man looking directly at these women, she suddenly became angry and slapped the man on his bald head.

She completely lost the coquettishness she had just now, and instantly transformed into a dominatrix, as if she was a completely different person!

"What are you looking at! What is there to see? A group of vixens broke the lock of our house without saying hello, and you just watch here with a playful face?"

"Speak more clearly!" Ning Xiruo said to her coldly: "This is the rooftop, not your home!"

Konoha Shinya scolded angrily: "Who gave you the right to treat this place as your private place? Why do you even lock it to prevent others from coming up?"

The woman pinched her waist with both hands, glared at Konoha and cursed: "Why? Just because I am the owner of the forty-fifth floor!

This rooftop is on top of my house, it belongs to me! "

Wang Yi sneered and said: "Haha, what a joke!

Then according to your wishes, your house is still above ours.

So you are living in our house? "

The bald man looked at Wang Yi with a confused look on his face and said, "Is your home on the forty-fourth floor? If you say that, I don't have any objection. How about you give me a key to our house?"

The woman in the nightgown kicked him and cursed: "Zhong Jingwen, are you itchy? People are bullying you, and you are still here to attract bees and butterflies?"

She pointed at Wang Yi and cursed: "You bitch, stop telling me these useless things!

When I bought a house here, the property was already agreed upon, and the rooftop was also ours!

For those of you who live down there, just stay in your own homes.

It's okay, don't wander around showing off!

Get out of here right now!

By the way, pay me five hundred yuan for this lock, or I'll scratch your face! "

Everyone has never seen such a domineering and unreasonable person!

Ning Xiruo cursed angrily: "Keep your mouth clean!

When the sales office sells a house, they just say that there is a rooftop above you.

It doesn’t mean that the rooftop will be sold to you.

This is their talking technique when selling a house, and we’ve heard it too!

This rooftop belongs to everyone, why do you have it all to yourself? "

The woman in nightgown walked over directly, raised her arm and grabbed Ning Xiruo's face hard, and cursed:

"I'm too lazy to talk to you so much!"

"Get out!" Guan Qing strode forward and kicked the woman in the stomach!


A foot stretched out from the side and kicked her legs away!

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