Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1455 I can’t tolerate your faults

In the specially arranged consultation room, Hua Lao was lying on the bed, beside him were Shi Guangzu, Fan Meiqi and some expert doctors.

They are all busy doing various inspections for Mr. Hua.

In the outer room separated by the door, Hua Yizhu stood beside the old lady Wen Xian, looking nervous.

Lu Wenhu and Miao Wanfang accompanied them.

Hearing the sound of the door opening from behind, Hua Yizhu said to the old lady, "Grandma, someone is here!"

No need to ask, Chen Xin'an must have arrived.

Because no one else dared to walk in without knocking.

"You brat, why are you here!" Lu Wenhu scolded Chen Xin'an with a straight face.

Mrs. Wen smiled and waved her hand to Lu Wenhu and said, “It’s okay, don’t delay things.

It's because we came early.

Xi Ruo, bring your man over and let me see! "

Ning Xiruo blushed, walked over holding Chen Xin'an's arm, and sweetly called: "Grandma Wen!"

Wen Xian nodded, held her hand, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said, "Like! The eyebrows are like Chen Huang, and the eyes are like Wan'er!"

Chen Xin'an scratched her head and said to Wen Xian: "Old madam, the Wan'er you are talking about is my grandma?"

Wen Xian nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "She is also a good sister of mine. We are both alumni of Peking University. It's a pity that she was in poor health, and she..."

Grandma died of a serious illness, and Chen Xin'an also knew this.

Chen Huang had been a widower for many years before hooking up with the Phantom God.

But this scumbag dared not take it seriously. He left Huanshen and his daughter for many years and ran away. This is what Chen Xin'an has always looked down on Chen Huang for.

A dignified martial arts saint, when he was young, he left his son to his elder brother, so that his son did not recognize him as his father.

He had a new love and gave birth to a daughter, but he didn't dare to admit it. Leaving the mother and daughter to fend for themselves was really not a man.

Of course, Chen Xin'an understood his approach.

After all, he is the Dragon Shield Martial Saint. He has too many enemies. Once people know that he has a family, it will bring disaster to his wife and children.

Understandable does not mean agreed.

Chen Xin'an wouldn't do this anyway.

If you are afraid of getting involved, just control your lower body and don't get involved with women!

If you provoke someone but don't care, if you just hide, then you are a scumbag!

It seems that the Wan'er in the old lady's mouth is the name of her own grandmother.

The old lady looked at Chen Xin'an and said softly: "My child, Lao Hua leaves it to you!

Don't be burdened, just do what you want to do. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay! Let me first see how Mr. Hua's body is recovering and whether he can undergo surgery!"

After washing her hands and putting on sterile clothes, Chen Xin'an walked in.

Seeing him coming in, everyone gave way.

Although Fan Meiqi looked dissatisfied, she still had to act respectful.

Because the boss of this team is Chen Xin'an.

If she dares to show the slightest disrespect, Chen Xin'an will kick her out and prevent her from participating in the operation!

"The physical condition is relatively normal, all data are relatively stable, and surgery is possible!"

Fan Meiqi handed the measurement data book to Chen Xin'an's hand.

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at it, just stared at Mr. Hua's eyes and face, frowned and said:

"Mr. Hua, didn't I tell you? Don't be angry, control your emotions!"

Fan Meiqi was stunned for a moment.

No, where did you see Hua Lao's mood being abnormal?

He has been talking and laughing since he arrived, and he is in a good mood. Why is it abnormal?

Shi Guangzu also smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, is there a mistake?"

Chen Xin'an ignored it, walked to the door, opened it and asked, "Old madam, who was Mr. Hua angry with this morning?"

"Angry?" Wen Xian was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and immediately reacted and said to Chen Xin'an:

"A few kids wanted to come over and were scolded by him. It's just a small thing, does it have any impact?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I'm not sure yet!"

He closed the door, walked to Mr. Hua and said, "Check your blood pressure now. Is it over 130?"

Everyone quickly strapped on the blood pressure monitor for Mr. Hua and were shocked when they took the measurement. In just a moment, the high pressure was close to 140!

Fan Meiqi said nervously: "Mr. Chen, there is something wrong with Mr. Hua's current situation. I suggest postponing the surgery!"

Chen Xin'an did not speak, but sat next to Mr. Hua and held his hand.

"Chen Xin'an, what are you doing!" Fan Meiqi shouted.

This action is a bit too much!

Although you are the attending doctor and have won Mr. Hua's trust, it does not mean that you can be arrogant!

Do you think anyone can hold Mr. Hua’s hand if they want to?

Do you know who are the people with this qualification?

Are you still sitting on the bed?

You think you are a big leader and you are visiting your subordinates!

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said expressionlessly: "Go out and wait!"

"Chen Xin'an!" Fan Meiqi glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Mr. Hua's body is not yours alone, but also belongs to all of us..."

Your uncle's!

Why the hell am I occupying an old man’s body!

If you can’t speak, just shut up, okay?

I don't tolerate your faults!

Chen Xin'an had a dark face, waiting for Fan Meiqi to say: "If you give me another word of nonsense, get out of the treatment group!"

Chen Xin'an has no need to be polite to this kind of so-called expert who feels good about himself and thinks he has advanced medical skills after studying medicine for several years and working as a doctor for decades.

If you don’t know your identity, I’ll help remind you!

Do you really think that being the director of internal medicine at the Military General Hospital is a great thing?

I leave Mr. Hua's full authority to you. You don't even dare to do this surgery or take that knife!

What qualifications do you have to yell in front of me?

Fan Meiqi was so angry that she had no choice but to be led out by Shi Guangzu's arm.

Several experts and doctors stood beside him politely, not daring to say another word.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to Mr. Hua: "Mr. Hua, I originally wanted to wait until your body is almost healed before operating.

But today I found that I can't put it off any longer, I don't dare to wait any longer, I want to take risks! "

Mr. Hua looked at him and said, "How sure are you?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Not sure!"

Several experts raised their eyebrows, their hearts in their throats.

Good guy, you really dare to say that!

Dare you perform surgery on Mr. Hua if you are not sure?

Mr. Hua frowned: "Is it so dangerous? That won't work. I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I can't just explain it here."

This old man doesn't take life and death too seriously at all, but he must deal with his own affairs from beginning to end, because these are national affairs!

Chen Xin'an said with a solemn expression: "If it's someone else, I can just give him the number to make him feel at ease."

But for Hua Lao, I can only tell the truth.

It's either success or failure.

There is no such thing as a 10% chance.

Because even if it’s 99%, to me, it’s still a failure!

What I want is for you to live and recover! "

There was a look of surprise on Mr. Hua's face. He looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of gratitude and appreciation and asked softly:

"Is it now to the point where surgery is necessary immediately?"

"Yeah!" Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Mr. Hua and said, "That injury has already begun to affect your mood!

Do you feel angry easily these days?

Will there be an uncontrollable anger at the smallest things? "

Mr. Hua was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and nodded solemnly.

Chen Xin'an said: "If we don't control it, Mr. Hua may either become insane or develop Alzheimer's disease in a year!"


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