Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1459: Becoming a disciple requires a sense of ceremony

There are martial arts enthusiasts who practice martial arts, and there are medical idiots who study medicine.

This Owen is an out-and-out medical idiot.

He put almost all his energy into improving his medical skills and medical research.

It's just that he wants to become a disciple, but Chen Xin'an doesn't want to accept a disciple.

"You are not the top surgical expert in the world, so there is no need to worship me as your teacher!

I am just an inheritor of ancient medicine, and I am not at all popular in the international medical community!

When I perform surgery on others, their patients’ families don’t trust me.

Call us liars!

Isn’t it a joke that you worship me as your teacher? "

Chen Xin'an sneered and glanced at Hua Yingjie.

Hua Yingjie's face was red and his neck was thick, and he was so embarrassed that he felt ashamed.

I really looked down on ancient Chinese medicine, so I invited the world's top surgical experts from outside.

He didn't expect that the top expert he invited would actually want to become his teacher in front of him and so many people, the inheritor of ancient Chinese medicine that he looked down on at all!

This is like slapping him in the face in public!

Owen cursed angrily: "Who said ancient Chinese medicine was not good?

Who said you are liars?

He is a fool!

When I first started studying medicine, it was because of my grandmother’s illness that she was cured by ancient Chinese medicine!

Over the years, I have met many inheritors of ancient Chinese medicine in many countries, and they are truly capable people.

This year, Hoops University has added courses on cupping, which is learned from ancient Chinese medicine.

I don’t know why foreign countries admire ancient Chinese medicine so much and praise it as a magical skill.

But you Chinese people despise and reject it so much that you even call them liars.

Burn the books of ancient medicine and abandon the study of it.

For me, an outsider, this is very heartbreaking! "

Hua Yingjie felt like his old face could light up a cigarette, and he couldn't bear the heat!

Who the hell laid the floor?

At least there is a gap!

Chen Xin'an laughed, patted Owen on the shoulder and said:

"Well, that's good!

However, I still won’t accept you as my apprentice!

Get up, I want to send Mr. Hua to the ward! "

Owen knelt on the ground and said stubbornly: "If my wife doesn't accept me, then I won't get up!"

"It's up to you!" Chen Xin'an glanced at him, then lifted up Hua Laolian and the stretcher with both hands, and passed over Owen's head!

Everyone in Owen was dumbfounded!

That adds up to more than two hundred kilograms!

Was he carried it as easily as a stroller?

He is indeed a man of great ability!

My vision is indeed as sharp as ever!

After sending Mr. Hua to the special care ward, Chen Xin'an said: "You must stay here for three days before you can leave.

I asked my junior brother to stay here and take care of me.

You can’t worry about this big thing in these three days! "

Mr. Hua frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but looked at Chen Xin'an and gave up.

This guy seems to be easy to talk to, but anyone who knows him knows that he is very difficult to talk to!

It's useless to give him orders or beg for mercy. Whatever he says will be whatever it is, even if you don't listen.

Chen Xin'an turned around and nodded to Luo Qianhe.

"Daughter-in-law!" Owen stood at the door and looked at Chen Xin'an pitifully.

This guy is quite persistent.

Chen Xin'an had a headache, so she walked to the door and said to him, "Okay..."

Owen quickly explained: "It's not OK, it's Owen! It means charming and romantic..."

I don’t care what your name means!

You are also charming and romantic, look at that big beard on your face!

It's so messy that my mouth is covered. I'm afraid a few earthworms might crawl out of it, and I don't even know if there are lice or not!

"What's wrong with that?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him angrily, and Owen quickly closed his mouth.

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "It's not easy if you want to learn ancient medicine. Our inheritance of ancient medicine has certain conditions..."

"I know!" Owen nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an: "I used to be in the Eagle Flag Country and wanted to be my wife.

But those who have ancient medical skills say that this is not spread to outsiders.

I couldn't help it then, but I can now.

As long as my wife accepts me, I can apply for Chinese citizenship now!

My friends will help me! "

He glanced at Hua Yingjie behind him who was blushing with shame.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "Nationality is not a problem. If we can promote ancient Chinese medicine to the world, it will be a great achievement!

But when we accept disciples, we have to consider many factors.

The most important thing is character!

I don’t know you at all, and I have no plans to accept any more disciples, so..."

"Mr. Chen!" Shi Guangzu came over and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr Owen is a qualified doctor.

He has been practicing medicine for so many years and has always upheld the professional ethics of saving lives and healing the wounded and respecting life.

He devoted all of himself to the cause of international medicine.

Use your own property to help build hundreds of medical institutions in many poor countries!

Even in some remote rural areas in China, there are hospitals built with Mr. Owen's money.

Moreover, as long as we Chinese doctors who go to Hopps to study have asked him to be their tutor, every one of them will do their best to teach and never hide their secrets!

Mr. Owen's character and medical ethics are highly praised by everyone! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Owen in surprise.

Although he also knows that whether they are Chinese or foreigners, they are both good and bad.

But in his heart, he always adheres to the concept of "people who are not of my race must have different hearts."

Therefore, he has always been wary of foreigners.

But this Owen has clear eyes and a very upright gaze.

He certainly doesn't look like a cunning person.

But he didn't want to accept this apprentice either.

Rolling his eyes, he pointed at Luo Qianhe who was standing beside the hospital bed and asked:

"That's my junior brother.

Didn't you watch the video just now?

What do you think of his medical skills? "

"Awesome!" Owen gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "I have seen the magical Chinese auscultation technique in the Eagle Flag Country, but I have never been able to understand the mystery behind it!"

"Then are you willing to become his teacher? If I can, he can, too. If I can't, he can!" Chen Xin'an pointed at Luo Qianhe.

Owen's eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously and said, "I do, of course I do!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Luo Qianhe: "Dove, come here!"

When Luo Qianhe came closer, Chen Xin'an leaned into his ear and said something. Luo Qianhe scolded with a dark face: "You just pushed me if you didn't accept it, right? I'm not..."

Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "Geve, don't forget that you are on this path, not me!

Do you want the inheritance of our sect to be ruined in the hands of these two unworthy disciples?

I think this foreigner has a good character. If he can spread the ancient Chinese medical skills to the whole world, it will eliminate everyone's prejudice against our ancient Chinese medical skills!

This is a great achievement!

How can you shirk it! "

Luo Qianhe opened his mouth, wanting to refute but not knowing what to say.

Anyway, he knew that he couldn't defeat his senior brother.

Even if I said it, I still can't beat him.

What's the point of getting him beaten up after you pissed him off?

Chen Xin'an nodded with satisfaction and said to Owen: "Okay, my junior brother has agreed to accept you as his disciple, and you can call him master from now on!"

"Ah? Is it that simple? No ceremony?" Owen was stunned.

Why does it seem like a bit of a joke?

"Ceremony?" Chen Xin'an glanced at Owen, this bearded man has a lot to do!

He asked Owen and Luo Qianhe to stand face to face. He stood in the middle and said to Owen seriously:

"Mr. Owen, are you willing to make Mr. Luo Qianhe your wife?

Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, whether you are healthy or sick, you will love him, take care of him, be loyal to him, and never abandon him, all your life! Do you want to? "

"I am willing, but I feel a little weird..."

"Mr. Luo Qianhe, are you willing to let Mr. Owen..."


"Okay! Now I announce that you two have become real masters and apprentices! The ceremony is over!"



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