Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1462 The evidence is conclusive

Ryman has a total of six waiters.

Three of them were Incas, and the remaining three were locally recruited workers.

The people speaking now are Chinese people.

Came to Ryman and worked as a waiter for a week.

Di Rang scolded angrily: "You are talking nonsense! You were also sent here by Hongyun Tower, right?"

"He's not!" A woman walked out of the crowd, shook the camera in her hand, and said to Dirang:

"He is just a Chinese who still retains his conscience!

You are using expired ingredients!

It’s useless even if I deny it, because I have already taken pictures of all the operations! "

The expressions of the three Inca waiters changed drastically. They all secretly turned their heads and glanced at Dirang.

Dirang's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the woman coldly and said, "We businessmen all know these methods!

Just select the blurst shots and then do some editing for those who don’t know the truth.

There is an old saying in China:

If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows.

We Incas have always been honest and hard-working, and we are used to being bullied by you.

But not all Chinese people will believe you.

Most people still have a conscience! "

"Yes, we don't believe your tricks!" a Ryman fan shouted loudly.

Others nodded.

"Boss, do you want to snatch that woman's camera?" An Inca waiter stood next to Dirang and asked in Inca with a cold face.

Dirang shook his head, with a smile on his lips, and said to him: "We don't need to rob, these Chinese people will help us!

Stupid Chinese people like to fight among themselves and are easily manipulated by others.

I love being smart!

We take advantage of this and let them beat themselves.

We can defeat Hongyun Tower without us showing up! "

The three Inca waiters all laughed and looked at the noisy group of fans and guests with mocking faces.

The Inca waiter who just spoke said with a smile: "These ridiculous Chinese people! It's so fun!"

One fan drank two large gulps and wiped his mouth and said, "Now that I've drank, what else do you have to say?

You think it smells bad, I think it smells good!

Food is like this, some people are used to it, and some people are not!

I just like this kind of taste. I think Incan food is more suitable for my taste than Chinese food. What's wrong?

How ridiculous!

The ancestors of China all know that if they invent a word, it will make it difficult for everyone to pronounce it!

When you come here, why do you have to let others satisfy your taste?

Once the taste is not what you are used to, just say that other people's taste tastes bad and is garbage!

Do you really think of yourself as God? "

"That's right! Inca Restaurant is a high-end restaurant.

If you can't afford it, don't come here.

Don’t come if you’re not used to it!

Did anyone force you to come here? Are you asking for trouble? "

“If you want to eat Chinese food, go to Hongyunlou, and if you want to eat Incan food, go to Leman.

We are not of the same type at all, so why do we have to exclude others and try our best to bring them down?

With business like this, what do you want to do? A monopoly? "

The woman looked at the fans in front of her coldly, shook her head and cursed: "Haha, you are really cheap!"

"What did you say? Who are you scolding!" A fan glared at the woman, pointed at her and cursed: "Keep your mouth clean!"

The woman was not afraid at all, she glared at a group of fans and cursed: "I said you are cheap!

All of you so-called Ryman fans are so mean-spirited!

They have prepared pig food for you to eat and raised you as livestock.

All of you are still here to show your loyalty and protect the master. What if you are not mean? "

"Tear her mouth apart! How dare you scold us! Who are you?" one fan screamed.

The woman snorted coldly and said: "I am a self-media person named Wang Yi!

Commissioned by Kyoto TV to investigate the incident of Lyman Restaurant deceiving consumers by using expired ingredients!

Do you think these are the only people who say the food here stinks?

Let me tell you, Kyoto’s food hygiene system has long been eyeing this place!

Don't think I don't know what you people do.

Isn’t it that Lyman promised you that you can enjoy a 30% discount and asked you to help them promote it?

Just for that little discount, just for a pig meal, you are unconscionably maintaining a restaurant that doesn't treat customers as human beings.

I am still confusing right and wrong here, thinking that I am on the side of truth.

Don’t you feel ashamed yourself?

Are you considered a human being? "

Everyone was stunned, their faces were burning, and they were extremely embarrassed!

They help Lehmann promote it, so naturally they have to use the Internet.

They are also experienced netizens.

Which netizen in Kyoto today has never heard of Youshuoyi self-media?

There are already over 10 million fans!

It is almost becoming the largest self-media company in the country!

Every time the news broke, it was big news that shocked Kyoto and even the whole country.

Even the official TV station can't get first-hand information, but it can be reported exclusively!

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of him turned out to be the boss who had everything to say.

Since it was her intervention in this matter, it was tantamount to a real deal!

Wang Yi pointed to the buttons on his clothes and said: "It's also live broadcast now.

The evidence I obtained has just been uploaded to the Internet.

You can go and see for yourselves how you were evaluated on the Internet based on your performance just now!

Everyone feels that they are standing on the moral high ground.

What he did was a traitorous act of betraying his country for glory and admiring foreign things!

You people are even more hateful than this Lyman boss! "

A fan plucked up the courage and said to Wang Yi: "Even if you are a person who has opinions, you are not a saint, and you make mistakes sometimes!

Regardless of the food issue today, I just want to say that Mr. Dijean is a good man who is willing to help others..."

Wang Yi cursed impatiently: "Shut up! Is he a good person? He is a complete hypocrite!

You praise him for helping homeless people. The hospital has received several cases of homeless people being admitted to the hospital for diarrhea.

The patients all admitted that they began to feel stomach discomfort after eating the free meals provided by Lyman.

There are also examples of giving money to homeless people. Those homeless people called the police and the money was taken away by unknown people on the night they received the gift.

One common feature is that the man has a tattoo of the Erawan Buddha on his left wrist! "

An Inca waiter pulled up his sleeves in a panic to cover the tattoo on his left arm.

But everyone has already seen that he has a tattoo on his arm, which is an Erawan Buddha!

It was only at this moment that the expressions of Dirang and the three Incas really changed.

They could see that this time the other party was prepared!

"Ah, so disgusting!" A fan held up his mobile phone, looked at the broadcast, and vomited out!

The content on the screen is a group of Incas making food.

Cockroaches and mice can be seen everywhere in the operation room, and food ingredients are thrown on the ground where sewage flows.

There are white hairs growing on the tomatoes, and bugs are crawling on them!

An Inca kitchen worker came out of the bathroom without washing his hands.

I took out a handful of chopped beef from the pot, which looked very stale.

After putting it under his nose and smelling it, the cook pretended to be vomiting and threw it into the large pot of mushy food next to him, spitting in the pot.

Then he put his hand directly into the pot of simmering paste, and stirred it vigorously a few times without fear of burning it!

Everyone knows that the Incas never wiped their hands when going to the toilet!

Thinking that they were eating such food, those fans also had disgusting expressions on their faces!

They were still hoping that this was just footage taken secretly from somewhere else, not Lyman.

But as the camera shook, the scene came to the restaurant, and then out the door. The camera turned and just captured Lyman's sign!

And the person who secretly photographed it was the Chinese waiter who tasted the paste before!


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