Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1467 A real man never hesitates

The police car stopped on the side of the road, but the funny thing was, the police couldn't get in!

The door was blocked by a bunch of vans, and it was not easy to get in without having to climb mountains and wade through rivers.

Chen Xin'an couldn't stand it anymore, so he ordered Dao Lei to take a few brothers to move the car blocking the door, and then a group of police officers rushed in.

When they saw them, Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei both looked like bullied children, just like seeing their parents. They burst into tears and complained aggrievedly.

"Captain Sun, you must help me seek justice!

These people drove on a rampage in broad daylight.

Look at what they did, what they did to me!

This is a foreign investment project introduced by our world food.

How can this approach attract foreign businessmen to do business in China with confidence?

This kind of evil force that undermines stability and unity and disrupts local security must be attacked mercilessly! "

"Yes, old classmate, these people came to our company to frame us and extort us, and they did all kinds of evil!

He even injured my husband and the foreign boss!

Look at these people he brought, they are all dark forces!

Old classmates, you must never let them go! "

The couple cried to the police officer leading the team, then turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an triumphantly.

You don't even ask who we are, but you dare to provoke us!

Do you think you are great just because you can fight?

Do you think you can run rampant in Kyoto?

The real strength is connections!


I have a lot of connections in the officialdom!

This police officer, just one of them, is enough to manipulate you!

But the old classmates who were polite to them and greeted them with smiles this time seemed to have not seen them and walked straight to Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, is there anything you need me to do?" Sun Galuo walked up to Chen Xin'an and asked in a deep voice.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Brother Luo, help check this store.

The first sister disclosed something here, but I don’t think it will be that simple!

All affiliated companies of this world food must be checked. "

"Okay!" Sun Galo didn't waste any time. He immediately called his colleagues over and gave him the task.

A group of police officers quickly went to the back kitchen and the company office above, paying no attention to matters in the restaurant.

Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei were both dumbfounded!

How is this going?

It was obviously them who called the police, so why did the police listen to Chen Xin'an when they came?

Moreover, Cen Jiamei and Sun Galuo are old classmates in middle and high school, and their relationship has never been far away.

Why didn't you even pay attention to her this time?

"Old Sun, what are you doing! We are the victims! You just helped him without asking any questions!" Cen Jiamei shouted at Sun Galuo angrily.

Sun Galuo stopped, glanced at her, sighed and said: "Jiamei, for the sake of my old classmate, I won't say anything more.

In Kyoto, you can't offend Chen Xin'an if you offend anyone!

Otherwise no one can help you! "

Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei looked at each other with ugly expressions.

This guy actually has such a deep background?

Even a criminal police captain like Sun Galo is so afraid of him?

But it's not surprising when you think about it. A person of Chen Xin'an's status naturally has some connections.

It is not unusual to meet a poetry detective captain.

But do you think our relationship only has one squad leader?

Then you are wrong!

Since the old classmate can't help, then he is not needed.

He is not the only friend I have, there are many high-ranking leaders!

Cen Jiamei took out her cell phone and wanted to make a few more calls and bring in more reinforcements.

Sun Galo shook his head, walked to her side, and said in a deep voice: "Old classmate, it's useless.

No matter who you ask to come forward, it won't work.

Let me tell you this.

If you really offended Chen Xin'an, even if you invite Leader Yang from Kyoto, it will be useless! "

This time Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei were really shocked!

That Chen Xin'an, is so scary?

Is Sungalo lying?

This guy named Chen doesn’t look like someone with a big background!

If he was really that difficult to deal with, that shouldn't have been the fate of the couple yesterday!

Just when the two of them were doubtful, Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and made a call:

"Leader Yang, I am Chen Xin'an.

Yes, I've been back for two or three days!

Did you see what I just sent you?

I now need Leader Yang to issue an order to ask the industrial and commercial, health, food inspection and other departments to jointly investigate all affiliated companies of Tianxia Food.

OK, I'll wait for your news.

I'm here at Tianxia Food Headquarters now.

Don't worry, you can't run away. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an turned to Sun Galuo and said, "Brother Luo, seal this place down first!

Leader Yang Hongtao will order a joint law enforcement surprise inspection here later.

These Incas, handcuff them!

And these two. "

Chen Xin'an pointed at Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei.

Sun Galuo sighed, glanced at Cen Jiamei, and nodded: "I understand, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Wang Yi and the others: "You go back to Hongyun Tower first, and I will handle the matters here."

"Okay!" Wang nodded, turned to Yang Zimo and Duoduo and said:

"You two, why don't you go sit down at the Hongyun Building opposite?

Xiaofei, ask someone to get medicine and bandage this brother. "

Then she turned around and said to Yu Zetao: "Little brother, you should also go straight over!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the logo on Yang Zimo's chest and asked curiously: "Are you a student of the Public Security University?"

Yang Zimo nodded and said, "Yes, I will graduate soon!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said, "I have a brother who is also at the Public Security University and is about to graduate!"

Wang Yi smiled and said, "Are you talking about Ah Quan?"

"Ah Quan?" Yang Zimo frowned and asked, "What's your full name? Is it Zhou Quan?"

Wang nodded and said, "Yes, that's him! Do you know him?"

Yang Zimo said in surprise: "That's my third brother! There are six of us in a dormitory, and he is the third oldest. He has a very good relationship with me!"

Turning his head, he looked like he suddenly understood, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said: "So you are the brother An who is often mentioned in the third brother's mouth!

He said that your full name is Chen Xin'an.

I didn't think of it just now! "

Duoduo covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Third brother will mention this brother An every time we have dinner, saying that you are the most man-like man he has ever seen!

I met the real person today, and it turned out to be... Third brother didn't lie! "

"This brat, why do you still deserve a beating for your words!" Chen Xin'an's face darkened, and he waved his hands to everyone to let them go.

What is the most manly man?

I am a man to begin with, okay?

The moment Wang Yi and the others left the restaurant, there was a sudden exclamation from behind!

Zhong Jingwen and Di Rang got up at the same time, took out a knife, and each captured a hostage!

A brother from Zhongyi Hall was caught by Dirang unprepared and the tip of the knife was aimed at his carotid artery.

On the other side, Zhong Jingwen actually put a knife to Cen Jiamei's neck and took his woman as a hostage!

Chen Xin'an was dumbfounded. What kind of plane were these two people doing?

He gave Zhong Jingwen a thumbs up and said: "You are cruel! A real man never hesitates, just cut it off!"

If you can't cut her trachea with one knife, you're a sissy! "

He turned his head, looked at Dirang coldly and said, "As for you, hold the knife firmly!

Even if my brother sheds a drop of blood, I will drain all the blood from your body! "

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped it down. The dining table next to him crashed and fell into pieces!


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