Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1472 Everything I said is true

The others all looked confused and had no idea what they were talking about.

Yu Zetao scratched his head and said with a puzzled look on his face: "What are you talking about? What hacker and baike? Are you talking about your figure?"

"Stature?" Du Yunyan looked strange, then glanced down and said:

"Little C...ah! You stinky scoundrel, I will kill you!"

Du Yunyan's face was so red that it looked like blood would ooze out. She grabbed the cup and rushed over to slam it on Yu Zetao's head!

Wang Yi and Duoduo quickly hugged her.

Yang Zimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry and scolded Yu Zetao: "What are you thinking about, brother!

We generally divide people who are engaged in superb network technology into two major categories.

One category is hackers, which generally refers to people with superb skills in computer science, programming and design.

They are accustomed to using their skills to do illegal things on the Internet.

Another one is Hongke.

That is, the hacker who was officially recruited.

They are people who demonstrate their skills in order to protect order on the Internet.

Miss Du is a Hongke.

The name Xiao A is famous on the Chinese Internet.

It also represents the top level of Chinese hacking technology and is one of the most famous hackers.

What do you think it is? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Yu Zetao seriously and cursed: "Young and young, with dirty thoughts!

You can't do this, Saonian!

Can you be more pure like me?

Find a good job again!

Put all your limited life and dirty thoughts into unlimited service to the people!

It just so happens that Hongyun Building is also looking for someone, so you can work here from now on! "

"Chen Xin'an, don't rob people!" Wang Yi quit and stared at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Yu Zetao has been working for me for a long time. Now that he has lost his job at Lyman, it is just right to join my self-media!"

Chen Xin'an had nothing to say.

He is not the boss of Hongyun Tower, so there is no need to help Hongyun Tower rob people.

He looked at Wang Yi, then at Yu Zetao, nodded and said, "It's quite appropriate!"

"What did you say?" Wang Yi blushed, slapped the table, and glared at Chen Xin'an.

Ning Xiruo also smiled angrily at Chen Xin'an and said, "Don't mess with the mandarin ducks!"

Chen Xin'an said with an aggrieved look: "I mean, I have long thought that you should find a male assistant!

What you did is too dangerous. As a girl, some situations are inappropriate!

Now let this little brother help you, I feel relieved a lot!

Matching male and female, work is not tiring!

My little brother looks good in body, and he would be a good partner with you.

Is this a problem?

What are you thinking about individually?

Why can't you be more sunny in your heart?

Can't you be as pure as me? "

Wang Yi and Ning Xiruo both had red faces and were full of shame.

Well, it was because I was impure and misunderstood others.

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked Yu Zetao: "Brother, where are you from?"

"From Lingxi Shacheng!" Yu Zetao said with a smile.

Chen Xin'an's expression froze and she glanced at this person.

Yu Zetao picked up the wine bottle, poured Chen Xin'an a glass of wine, and said with a smile:

“Without Anger and my boss today, I couldn’t leave Lyman’s door!

Thank you for saving me and taking me in.

I borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and give you a toast! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the wine glass, touched it with him, and asked him without drinking:

"Lingxi Shacheng, I know that place, but I've never been there! Why did you come all the way to Kyoto?"

"Just make a living! Where else are you going?" Yu Zetao shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent expression: "I was originally going to be a soldier, but then I quit and ran out to work!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, his face sank, he looked at Yu Zetao and asked, "Are you a deserter?"

Yu Zetao stared and said: "Where are the deserters!

If I go and come back after only a few days, then you say I'm a deserter, and I admit it!

I didn't even go and I didn't agree to them, so how can I be considered a deserter? "

Yang Zimo smiled and said: "Who did you not agree to? The cadres who will take over the troops?

Brother, you won't tell me that someone begged you to become a soldier, right? "

Yu Zetao smiled and said: "You guessed it right, they really begged me to go.

But I didn’t like it, so I ran away! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, glanced at him, and said nothing.

Yang Zimo and Duoduo smiled at each other, looking at Yu Zetao with eyes full of ridicule.

Patting Yu Zetao's shoulder, Yang Zimo smiled at him and said: "Brother, I never thought you could boast so well before!

Let me be honest, you can't talk nonsense when you go out.

Especially in this regard, whether it is a green suit or a police officer, they are all very sacred professions.

Don't make a joke about this. It's not good to brag about it without any edge.

I don’t like hearing it anyway! "

Yu Zetao shrugged his shoulders and said: "The key point is that I really didn't lie! I don't tell lies to my friends."

Yang Zimo scolded angrily: "Isn't this called boasting? When recruiting soldiers, you sign up for a physical examination and screening.

Now that I'm here, I'm begging you to become a soldier?

What do you mean? Do you have a big head?

Or do you have a big face? Four faces? "

Yu Zetao said helplessly: "I'm just a normal person! The key is that I have a quota!

It's just that I don't want to go to that army, I want to go to another one.

But if they don’t let me go there, there’s nothing I can do! "

Yang Zimo said with a sarcastic smile: "All the cadres who have taken over the army have gone to your house to beg you, but we still don't want you here? Why?"

Yu Zetao pointed to his feet dejectedly and said, "I have flat feet!"

Yang Zimo was stunned, pointed at Yu Zetao and laughed.

"Have your secrets been revealed, kid?

Flat feet can’t even pass the physical examination!

Do you still want someone to recruit military cadres to come to your house to beg you?

What do you think?

Brother, it would be boring if you chat like this!

People can be confident, but don’t take yourself too seriously!

With your flat feet, you can't even go to the police academy or become a police officer. Why do you still want to wear green clothes?

Do you think it's possible that the cadres who are recruiting soldiers will come to your house and beg you to go? "

Yu Zetao said with an indifferent expression: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Anyway, I didn't lie to you..."

"That's enough!" Chen Xin'an shouted angrily and glared at Yu Zetao, her impression of him dropping to freezing point.

He took a deep breath and said to everyone: "There is no need to talk about these things while eating.

Yu Zetao, what you just said, don’t say it again in the future.

I have feelings for the army and I cannot allow others to blaspheme them! "

"I didn't blaspheme, everything I said was true!" Yu Zetao frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Why don't you believe what I say? There's no need for me to lie to you!"

Chen Xin'an suppressed her anger, looked at him and asked, "You're done, aren't you? Then tell me, what is it about you that people like you so much that they want you to go to the army with your flat feet?"

Yu Zetao said confidently: "Didn't I just say it? I have a quota! I am a family member of a martyr!"

Everyone was stunned.

Chen Xin'an looked at him without blinking and asked, "What did you say?"

Yu Zetao sat on a chair and said calmly: "My brother died.

People in the army came to ask my dad, what difficulties did he need to solve?

My dad said, send me to the army again.

I want to go too, but I want to go to the army where my brother was alive.

If my brother can do it, I can do it too.

But upon examination, it was found that I had flat feet and could not serve as a soldier.

Those cadres didn't let me go, saying that I would definitely die if I went.

Then they called cadres from other troops and asked me to go to the military affairs class.

And in the future, he will be directly transferred to a non-commissioned officer, and he will be a division commander for the rest of his life.

This is because the state is paying to support me!

It’s true that I have flat feet, but I’m not a loser!

I have hands and feet, why should I let the country waste food to support me?

So I ran out! "

Everyone looked at each other, it turned out to be this reason.

Chen Xin'an looked excited, but suppressed his emotions. He asked in a trembling voice: "What is your brother's name? Which army is he from?"

Yu Zetao's eyes were red and he said calmly: "He is from the Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces, his name is Yu Nanyong.

Brother An, I really didn’t lie to you.

If you're angry, I'll just stop talking.

I'll offer you a drink to make amends! "

Chen Xin'an wiped the corners of her eyes with her left hand, picked up the cup with her right hand, stood up and said:

"There is no need for you to respect me, I should respect you!"

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