Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1474 Why do you compete with me for women?

A red Aston parked on the side of the road, and three people got out of the car.

The first man in a white suit pushed Xiao Liu away!

Yang Zimo's eyes darkened and he said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo:

"Brother An, sister-in-law, wait a moment, I'll go over and take a look!"

Chen Xin'an stopped him and asked, "Don't be impulsive! What's going on?"

Yang Zimo snorted and said, "That guy's name is Zhang Chunlei, from the Zhang family in Kyoto.

He is also one of Jiang Xiahan's suitors.

He is a direct candidate and has never dealt with us advanced students! "

"What do you mean?" Chen Xin'an asked with a frown.

Yang Zimo explained: “Our university’s admissions process is a bit special.

The first is to take the direct examination through registration.

The second type is to select from police academies from various places, but they must also pass an examination and be considered as advanced trainees.

So the second one is more difficult than the first one because the competition is very strong.

But the first type of candidates feel that they have a pure status and look down on us advanced students.

They dislike us for taking up their resources and so on.

So conflicts often occur.

Our dormitory is full of advanced students.

I’ve had sex with Zhang Chunlei and the others several times! "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo suddenly understood and nodded.

Ah Quan also attended Haidong Police Academy for a year before coming to Kyoto.

Chen Xin'an did not stop Yang Zimo and said to him: "It's okay. If you don't accept it, just do it! I'm here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ning Xiruo pulled him, rolled her eyes angrily and said, "What are you talking about!

Zimo, don't listen to him, wait here for a while to see the situation, and come over if necessary! "

Yang Zimo thought for a while, nodded and said: "Listen to sister-in-law!

I'll call Third Brother first.

Zhang Chunlei is a cheap guy, and Xiao Liu is a bit stubborn. I'm afraid there will be a conflict. "

Next to the Aston car, a man in a white suit pointed at Xiaoliu and cursed: "Ou Peng, how many times do you want me to tell you?

Stay away from Hanhan, okay?

I've said it before, if you pester her again, I'll beat you every time I see you!

Do you think I'm just joking with you? "

The two people beside him took a step forward, wanting to attack Xiao Liu.

Jiang Xiahan shouted angrily: "Zhang Chunlei, what do you want to do?

Why do you say such a thing?

I am no one like you and have nothing to do with you!

Ou Peng is my fellow countryman, why do you stop him from communicating with me? "

"Why?" Zhang Chunlei looked at Jiang Xiahan and said with a ferocious smile: "Only because I, Zhang Chunlei, like you!

Who dares to snatch the woman whom I, Zhang Chunlei, have injured?

Just him? "

Zhang Chunlei pointed at Xiaoliu and said with a look of disdain: "A country bumpkin who came to study in a small place.

Even if he graduates, he still has to go back to his hometown!

Hanhan, you don’t want to go back to your little place, right?

If you want to stay in Kyoto, you must learn to choose.

Whoever can help you should be with you. Do you still need me to teach you? "

Jiang Xiahan looked angry and was about to speak when Wan Chenxuan next to her quickly pulled her back.

"Hanhan, don't be angry!

Although what this guy said was ugly, it was the truth.

If we want to stay in Kyoto, we must get help from some people.

How can Oupeng help you?

The Zhang family's status in Kyoto is not small. If I can help you stay, what else can't you endure? "

"But I..." Jiang Xiahan wanted to say something.

Wan Chenxuan pouted and said, "You don't like Ou Peng anyway.

If he wasn't a fellow countryman, you wouldn't even pay attention to him.

As for this Zhang Chunlei, it's just a pretense, and he's not serious. What are you afraid of? "

"I..." Jiang Xiahan's face was full of hesitation, but she didn't know what to say.

Ou Peng looked at her appearance and felt his heart twisting.

He looked at Jiang Xiahan and said: "Hanhan, I just want to return my wallet to you!

Just the money inside and your phone...

Don't worry, I will try my best to get it back for you! "

"What the hell!" Zhang Chunlei kicked Ou Peng, pointed at him and cursed:

"I said that I looked for Hanhan all day today but couldn't find her. It turns out she is with you!

If you dare to be with my girl, I will kill you today! "

The two people behind him rolled up their sleeves and were about to attack Ou Peng!

Jiang Xiahan cursed angrily: "Zhang Chunlei, what are you doing! Who is your girl?

We are a hometown gathering today. Why don’t we go have a meal together?

Why do you care who I hang out with? "

Zhang Chunlei immediately grinned and said: "It turns out it's a gathering of fellow villagers, not alone with this kid!

That’s good, that’s good!

What, your wallet and phone were stolen?

Ou Peng, you are such a waste!

Hahahaha I was laughing so hard!

Are you going to be a policeman in the future?

You are really embarrassing the entire Chinese police force!

When you go out to eat and let a thief touch the wallets of people around you, are you blind? "

Jiang Xiahan was so embarrassed and angry that she gritted her teeth and cursed at Zhang Chunlei: "Zhang Chunlei, what do you mean?"

Zhang Chunlei smiled and waved his hand and said: "Hanhan, I'm not talking about you. After all, you are a girl!

I was laughing at this idiot!

You don't even have this precaution, why are you still studying?

If you're like this, even if you get into the police force, you're still a piece of trash! "

Ou Peng turned his head and glared at Zhang Chunlei.

Being a police officer has been his dream since he was a child, and he does not allow anyone to desecrate his ideal.

Zhang Chunlei snorted with disdain: "What the hell are you looking at?

Not convinced?

If you can't even protect the woman you like, what are you if you're not a loser?

Just under your nose, let the thief steal Hanhan's wallet and mobile phone.

Are you still qualified to go to the police academy and become a police officer? "

Ou Peng's face turned pale and he wanted to say something but lowered his head dejectedly.

Jiang Xiahan said to Zhang Chunlei: "It was my own fault and it has nothing to do with Ou Peng!

Zhang Chunlei, don't go too far.

Ou Peng is my fellow countryman and my friend.

I don't want to see you do this to him! "

Turning his head, Jiang Xiahan said to Ou Peng: "Ou Peng, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you.

There wasn't much money in the wallet.

It’s just that there are some photos of me and my grandma on my phone.

That's the most important thing to me!

But I will figure it out on my own, so you don’t have to worry! "

Ou Peng looked at Jiang Xiahan and said solemnly as if he was swearing:

"Hanhan, don't worry. I will help you get your phone back, for sure!"

"Fuck!" Zhang Chunlei pushed Ou Peng in dissatisfaction and cursed at him:

"Can you call me Hanhan?

Who do you think you are!

Do you still have to get your phone back?

Don’t know how many pounds you have?

Do you know how big Kyoto is?

Just asking you where to find the thief, can you tell me?

If you want to please a woman, you have to stay within your capabilities.

Otherwise you will just brag and it will be of no use at all! "

He spat at Ou Peng with disdain, turned his head and said to Jiang Xiahan:

"Hanhan, don't worry, within three days, even if I search the entire Kyoto, I will help you find your phone!

Also, this wallet is so old, don’t use it anymore! "

Zhang Chunlei snatched the wallet from Ou Peng's hand, took out the contents, and then threw it into the trash can on the roadside!

"What are you doing!" Jiang Xiahan shouted angrily to Zhang Chunlei: "I bought that wallet with my internship salary, and I have only used it for less than a year!"

Zhang Chunlei turned around and took out a wrapped women's wallet from the car.

He tore open the package, put the items in his hands into his wallet, handed it to Jiang Xiahan and said:

“That wallet is too cheap for you.

I bought you a limited edition Neiffel wallet. You can use this from now on! "

He took his wallet, patted Ou Peng's face and said, "You can't afford this wallet even with ten years of internship salary!

Why are you competing with me for women? "


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