Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1482 He doesn’t look like someone who can do surgery

He took his wife and Du Yunyan to say goodbye to Meng Aihong and walked out of the school.

A group of handsome men and beautiful women sent the three people to the parking lot.

Ah Quan snorted and said: "Brother An, I heard that you didn't agree to the principal to be an instructor in our school?

snort! Brothers are not as close as apprentices!

I have been working as an instructor for Master Ming, and now that I have returned home, I don’t even want to stay with my brother for a few days..."

Chen Xin'an turned around with a smile and kicked him on the butt.

"You've grown up, haven't you?

Are you still acting weird when you talk to me?

Okay, everyone, stand still and let me ask you something.

After graduation, do you want to stay in Kyoto?

As you know, I still have some connections in Kyoto.

Arranging graduates from the Public Security University to join the police station is not a problem, just a matter of words! "

Everyone fell silent. You looked at me, and I looked at you.

What Chen Xin'an said was too tempting.

Except for Yang Zimo, the other five were admitted from other places.

If they can stay in Kyoto, no matter what aspect they consider, it will be of great help to their future development.

Yang Zimo smiled and said, "I don't need to worry about Brother An.

I was originally on the waiting list for new members of the City Bureau.

Now that Zhang Chunlei has been eliminated, I am probably stable. "

Ah Quan also shook his head and said: "I don't need An Ge to bother and go back to Dongshan.

Kyoto is nice, but my parents definitely don’t want me to be a policeman in Kyoto so far away from home! "

What surprised Chen Xin'an was that none of these guys asked Chen Xin'an to help them arrange it. They all chose where to go and back.

Lu Jingming looked at Wang Xiaoshuai strangely and asked: "Fourth, didn't you say that this place in Kyoto is good and that there is a good place, and you always wanted to stay.

Now that the opportunity has been placed in front of you, why did you give it up? "

Wang Xiaoshuai smiled faintly, shook his head and said, "Third brother said, no matter how good Kyoto is, it can't compare to my hometown!

Boss, didn’t you also choose to return to Guanbei?

In Qingmeng City, my Wang family is full of police!

My father, my mother, my grandfather, my uncle and aunt, my brother-in-law and my aunt, my brother and sister-in-law, my cousin and my cousin-in-law, and my cousins ​​all work in this industry.

My uncle was a border policeman and died on the grassland.

My eldest brother was a policeman and also died on the grassland.

If I stay in Kyoto and enjoy my life, they will crawl out of their graves and point their fingers at me! "

Chen Xin'an didn't seem surprised at all by their choice. He just smiled and nodded and said:

"Okay, just tell me when you change your mind and I'll help you make arrangements!"

"Thank you Brother An!" The six people said to Chen Xin'an in unison.

After waving to them, Chen Xin'an opened the car door and said to Du Yunyan, who was still whispering to the girls next to him: "Yunyan, let's go!"

Du Yunyan said to Duoduo, Yue Zixin, and Liu Xinzhu: "Let's contact them online.

When the time comes, I will set a time and tell you the process, and you just need to cooperate with me.

Remember, you must register with the agent, and I will check it uniformly.

If you are not qualified, you do not need to participate in this mission! "

"Yes, Master!" Several little girls stood at attention and answered neatly.

Du Yunyan blushed and cursed: "Oh, I already told you, I'm not your master!"

Yue Zixin bit her lip, looked at Du Yunyan with tears in her eyes and said, "Master, do you think we are too stupid? You just promised..."

Du Yunyan looked as if his head was going to explode, and said angrily: "Here it comes, it comes again!

I don’t have time to explain it to you. You can call it whatever you want!

I'm leaving. I'll contact you online when I get back. "

Several girls shouted in unison: "Goodbye, Master!"

Du Yunyan rolled his eyes, shook his head and got into Master Long's back seat.

There was a burst of joy on the faces of the little girls, and they made OK gestures to each other.

It was already dark. Chen Xin'an drove her car. Instead of going directly back to Four Seasons Flower City, she went around to the city bureau.

Yuan Zhenhai had already prepared what he needed. Chen Xin'an took a bag of information and drove back home.

After reading the information until twelve o'clock, Chen Xin'an turned off the lights and went to bed.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother anymore that night, and just slept with his wife in his arms until dawn.

Everyone had gone to work, and Chen Xin'an also took his wife to return the documents before heading to the Military General Hospital.

You need to see how Hua Lao rested that night so that you can adjust your rehabilitation plan in time.

When we arrived at the floor where Mr. Hua was hospitalized, there were two people wearing green clothes standing at the entrance of the corridor.

It's strange. Hua Lao's bodyguards are all members of Dragon Shield. Why are they changed into green clothes?

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo walking out of the elevator, they walked straight over.

A man dressed in green stretched out his hand, stopped the two of them and said, "I'm sorry, it's forbidden to pass here!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, looked at the two men in green clothes strangely and asked, "Who are you?"

It wasn't his first time here, so Chen Xin'an didn't call Shi Guangzu before coming.

Another elevator opened behind him, and a young woman wearing green clothes and a clerical badge walked out.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an and asked the green suit who stopped him, "Who are they?"

The green suit shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm asking them to leave!"

The civilian woman glanced at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo and said, "They are visiting, right?

The patients who originally lived on this floor have been arranged to other floors.

You can go to the main service desk below, or find a service desk on any floor.

Tell us the names of your relatives and friends, and they should be able to find out. Let's go! "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo looked at each other.

Ning Xiruo wanted to explain, but Chen Xin'an gave her a look, looked at the woman and asked:

"Who are you?

Why are you here?

Do you have any documents?

I'm afraid you are fake, take it out and show it to me! "

"What are you talking about!" The civilian woman became angry and said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face:

"who do you think You Are?

Why do you ask me for my ID?

Are you a police officer?

Even if you are really a police officer, you are not qualified to check our IDs!

I told you to leave quickly, didn’t you hear me?

Warning you not to mess around here, otherwise we will arrest you all! "

"Who is causing trouble? Are you sick?" Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"Who are you and why are you here?

Where did Zhen Yingxiong and the others go? "

"Who are you saying is sick? How do you know Zhen Yingxiong?"

The woman glared at Chen Xin'an strangely and shouted:

"I've never seen you!

What are you here for?

Do you know who lives on this floor?

Who told you that?

Are you two the only ones here?

Is there anyone else? "

The woman's tone of voice was like interrogating a prisoner, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "I was the one who performed Mr. Hua's surgery! What do you think I'm doing here?"

"Did you do it?" The woman looked Chen Xin'an up and down, curled her lips and said:

"You don't look like a doctor at all!

You're not lying to me, are you?

Xiao Zhao, go in and ask if anyone knows him?

By the way, what's your name? "

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to take care of this woman. Just when she was about to force her way in, Fan Meiqi passed by and shouted to him: "Mr. Chen, are you here? Why don't you go in?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "I would like to enter! But this guy won't let me in!"

Fan Meiqi quickly said to the woman: "This leader, the person in front of you is Mr. Chen Xin'an Chen who performed the surgery on Mr. Hua!"

The civilian woman felt relieved, looked at Chen Xin'an again, curled her lips and said:

"Is this Chen Xin'an? He doesn't look like someone who knows how to perform surgery!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her, snorted and said, "With your IQ, stop reading!

You don’t believe me when I say it, why don’t you just donate it to those in need without any thought? "


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