Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1493 I stand still and let you chop me

Several vans stopped on the side of the road, and with the sound of doors opening, a group of people rushed over with guys in their hands.

The first wave of helpers from the Zhang family have arrived.

The leader looked at Zhang Jihai and Zhang Zhe who were lying on the ground and shouted:

"Godfather, I'm here!

Who dares to do this to my godfather and my nephew?

I will skin you alive! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at the visitor and sneered coldly: "Wu Duanming, when did you accept Zhang Zhe as your godfather?"

Wu Duanming gritted his teeth and cursed: "Luo Xiaoman? Why are you everywhere!

This is my godfather!

What the hell are you looking at!

How are you, godfather?

Get up quickly! "

Wu Duanming ran over and wanted to help Zhang Jihai up.

Just when his hand was about to touch Zhang Jihai, Chen Xin'an, who was standing next to him, said coldly: "Did I ask you to touch him?"

Wu Duanming's body froze, his hands still maintaining the position of supporting others, he turned his head to look at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Who the hell are you?"

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, this grandson's name is Wu Duanming.

He opened an intermediary company, worked in Beicheng, and had a group of people under him.

I said how could I have been competing with Mr. Dao for several years? He is Zhang Zhe’s godson! "

Chen Xin'an squinted at Wu Duanming and said, "So it turns out you are the one running the agency..."

"My godfather is Zhang Jihai! Not Zhang Zhe! If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!" Wu Duanming became anxious.

Seeing the unkind look in Zhang Jihai's eyes, he quickly apologized: "Godfather, don't be angry when I call you by your first name. It's purely to explain our relationship!"

Zhang Jihai endured the pain, snorted and cursed: "Don't touch me, this bastard kicked my knee to pieces!"

"Son of a bitch!" Wu Duanming raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an with gritted teeth, and cursed: "I want your life! Brothers, chop him up!"

A group of people rushed over with the guys in their hands!

Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared in front of Wu Duanming, kicked him over, and said coldly:

"You want my life? Do you have the ability?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Duanming knew kung fu, so he crossed his hands in front of him to block, and Chen Xin'an kicked his hand!

As if his feet were on ice, he slid back two meters.

Luo Xiaoman said sarcastically: "Wu Duanming, he is Chen Xin'an!

With just those two attacks of yours, you still want to kill him?

Who gave you the courage?

Is your godfather Zhang Zhe? "

Wu Duanming became anxious, stared at Luo Xiaoman and shouted loudly: "It's Zhang Jihai!

Let me say it again, it’s not Zhang Zhe, it’s Zhang, Ji, Hai!

Oh, godfather, I’m not scolding you!

I just want to tell this idiot that he never remembers!

I don't care who you are, if you dare to touch my godfather, you will die!

Just these two people dare to come to Dahongmen to cause trouble?

I promise you that you will never come back tonight!

Yes, I just have a lot of people! "

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang stood in front of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

Facing the swarming thugs, there was no trace of nervousness or fear on his face. Instead, he looked a little excited.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "A fight cannot be won with more people.

If all the people who come are trash, it will be useless no matter how many people there are.

What's more, if we compare people, do you think I will lose? "

He put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly.

Wu Duanming looked around cautiously, with a guarded expression.

But after waiting for a long time, no one came, so he laughed and said:

"Are you here to be funny?

Isn't it a comparison of the number of people?

Where are your people?

If you can't be called, stop pretending. Who do you think you are?

After all, you are just a foreigner who has only been in Kyoto for a year.

There are more people than me, are you crazy?

Hahaha! "

Just when he was grinning, he suddenly felt that the surroundings were much brighter.

The group of thugs who were attacking also stopped and turned around to look in the direction of the intersection.

For a moment, I couldn’t see how many vehicles were driving towards me. When I looked over, they were all brightly lit, and there was no end in sight!

And that kind of driving slowly, you can only hear the roar of the engine, but you can't see the speed.

On the contrary, it seems more urgent and heavy, with a sense of oppression like a large army pressing down on the situation!

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at Wu Duanming with disdain and said, "I really don't know if the thing you are wearing around your neck is a chamber pot?

Chen Xin'an has been in Kyoto for more than a year. Why the hell do you still think of him as a foreigner with no money and no power?

Have you been living in a well this year?

How many things are happening in Kyoto that you don’t even know about?

There are more people than us, what the hell are you thinking! "

The car stopped, and the headlights illuminated the big red door as bright as day.

With the banging sound, an unknown number of people jumped out of the car and surrounded them in a dark crowd.

No need to do anything, this momentum alone has already made the thugs brought by Wu Duanming tremble with fear.

Dao Yi came over with a machete, glanced at Wu Duanming and said, "Old Wu, the debt on Fulu Street should be paid, right?

That time you chopped me with a knife, tonight I want one of your hands! "

Wu Duanming laughed angrily, looked at Dao Yi contemptuously and cursed: "With your old bones?

I stand here and let you chop me, but you can't even chop me! "

"Okay! Then just stand there and let me chop, you said so!" Dao Yi pointed the knife at Wu Duanming and strode over.

Wu Duanming pulled out a short knife from his waist and said with a ferocious smile: "If you have the ability, just let me stand here and not move!"

"Okay!" As Dao Yi nodded, a dark figure rushed out from behind him, rushed forward and punched Wu Duanming in the face!

Wu Duanming quickly raised his hands to block, but the opponent punched him on the arm, causing him to take two steps back.

Before he could recover, the opponent punched him with both fists and punched him seven or eight times!

Wu Duanming took a dozen steps back, and the knife he had just pulled out fell to the ground before he had even used it.

Both arms seemed to have frozen, half raised in front of the chest, shaking violently.


As the opponent exhaled and shouted, a heavy punch directly broke through Wu Duanming's defense, hit him hard on the chest, and knocked him away!

The man made a gesture of pressing his hands flat on his chest, exhaled slowly, and said in a deep voice: "You little ant, not worth a cent!"

Wu Duanming was lying on the ground, with blood pouring out of the corners of his mouth. He couldn't use his hands to stand up!

Looking at the strange man in a suit with a bun in front of him, he asked in horror: "Who are you?"

"Why, it's only been a year since I left Kyoto, and my brother's legend has already disappeared from Kyoto?" The man with a bun said angrily.

Luo Xiaoman pouted and said, "Second uncle, even when you were in Kyoto, not many people knew you, okay?"

The man with a bun yelled loudly: "Fuck your braised radish! I, Master Luo, am famous throughout the world. I have a reputation both ancient and modern. I dominate the world and am invincible!"

Not to mention the small Kyoto, how many people in the whole of China have never heard of my name, Master Luo? "

Wu Duanming said angrily: "What the hell, Master Luo, who are you? Even if I lose, I will lose clearly. I know who I lost to!"

Master Luo got angry, ran over and kicked him between his legs, and cursed angrily:

"Why are you pretending to be stupid! How come you haven't heard of my reputation as Master Luo?"

Wu Duanming let out a cry and rolled on the ground.

Dao Yi walked up to him, grabbed the clothes on his chest, lifted him up, and said coldly: "Are you going to stand still and let me chop you?"

As a cold light flashed, Daoyi chopped off Wu Duanming's right hand to the wrist!

Wu Duanming opened his mouth and was about to scream. Daoyi grabbed his jaw and removed it with a click!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Master Luo and laughed: "Master Luo, invincible!"

Master Luo turned his head, changed from the upright and awe-inspiring appearance of the martial arts senior, and shouted with a charming smile: "Master An, long time no see!"


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