Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1502 Don’t worry, he has the strength

Everyone fell silent, as if they didn't believe their ears.

This new guy is actually the captain of the security team?

Guangu's face turned red, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to bury his head in his crotch!

Just now he was telling people loudly that as long as he joined the security team, he would be his subordinate and would be under his control.

He also said that he had the final say here, and he could do whatever he was told. If he didn't obey, he would be kicked out of the house!

In the blink of an eye, he stood directly on top of him and became his immediate boss!

Guan Gu's face turned from red to green, and from green to black. He looked at Guan Qing and asked, "Why?"

"Huh?" Guan Qing frowned, turned to look at him and asked, "Why for what?"

Guan Gu pointed at Zuo Meng and asked: "Why did he become the captain as soon as he came?

Those of us have been together for several months at the longest, and we all know what our strengths are.

I don’t have a problem with whoever you choose as captain.

Why choose someone new?

If I read it correctly, there is something wrong with his left arm, right?

It's been hanging halfway on your chest and can't hang down? "

Zuo Meng said honestly: "The brachial plexus here has been injured, so I can't straighten my arm. I can't hang it down when standing, and my daily activities are also affected."

"Did you hear that?" Guan Gu looked at Guan Qing with a sarcastic face and asked, "How can such a person be our captain?

Sister Qing, is it possible that he is a relative of An Geer? If that's the case, I have nothing to say! "

Zuo Meng smiled and said: "The An Geer mentioned by the vice-captain is Mr. Chen Xin'an, right?

In fact, he and I just met last night. We have never met each other before, and we are not related in any way! "

That is a non-related household!

Guangu became even more unscrupulous and said with a sneer: "In this case, why do you become the captain?

Do you have any special skills? "

Zuo Meng shrugged helplessly and said, "No. I'm just an ordinary veteran!"

"Haha!" Guan Gu curled his lips and said with a sneer: "Veterans... Come on, everyone who is a veteran, raise your hands and let me see how many there are!"

With a crash, countless arms stood up in front of them. Looking around, there were only eleven or two people who did not raise their hands, and the rest all raised their right hands.

In other words, veterans account for four-fifths of the entire security team!

Guangu sneered and said: "If a veteran can be a captain, then all of these brothers are qualified, right?"

Guan Qing lowered her face, looked at Guan Gu and cursed: "Guan Gu, what do you mean? Do you want to resist the company's decision? I'm giving you face, right?"

"No!" Guan Gu's expression changed. He now understood the truth.

In the Guan family, I would rather offend Brother Seventh, the head of the family, than Sister Ninth!

Seventh Brother is soft-hearted and shows no mercy when punished by his own people.

But Ninth Sister is different. She is not merciful when it comes to teaching her own people, and she does it twice as hard!

Guangu pointed at everyone and said: "I am also doing it for the good of the company!

Think about it, Sister Qing, if the person you find cannot convince the public, he can just sit on the throne of captain casually.

Taking charge of our entire security team will affect the normal operation of the entire group!

How awkward would it be for everyone to work with someone who is unfamiliar to them and who doesn’t even have leadership skills?

It also affects efficiency, don’t you think? "

Suddenly someone came up from behind Guan Qing and said with a smile: "In that case, let's have a try!"

"Mr. Chen!"

"Brother Ang!"

Everyone shouted softly, but they didn't expect Chen Xin'an to have arrived at the training ground.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to Guan Qing, telling her not to be angry, and said to everyone: "If you don't accept it, let's fight!

We don't allow private fights here.

But we advocate fair fights.

Zuo Meng, is that okay? "

Zuo Meng scratched his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "No need, right? Since you don't accept it, I just won't be the captain. There will be a fight when you get here. It's not good to offend others..."

"Hahaha!" Guan Gu laughed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, have you seen that this guy doesn't even have the courage to fight!

Does such a person still want him to be the captain?

Too cowardly? "

Luo Niu also curled his lips and said, "He also said that he retired from the army?

We have so many retired brothers here.

I have never seen anyone so timid and afraid of getting into trouble! "

The second squad leader looked at Zuo Meng with an unkind look and said, "Brother, which army are you from?

Come on, tell me the beginning of your number, and I will know where you are from! "

Zuo Meng smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "You can't say!"

The third squad leader smiled and said: "I think you don't dare to say it because you can't make it up, right?

Or is your army a miscellaneous force that you can't see at all? "

Everyone laughed, and the fourth squad leader said: "A ragtag soldier from a ragtag army came to us to be the captain?

Isn’t this a direct slap in our face?

So what, let me practice with you.

Let’s see if you, a motley soldier, are capable of becoming the captain of regular veterans like us! "

The smile on Zuo Meng's face disappeared. He glanced at everyone, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, what's so good about this guy?

The fourth monitor narrowed his eyes and said, "What's good? Do you want to practice with me?"

Zuo Meng shook his head and said: "No..."

The fourth squad leader scolded with a mocking smile: "If you don't have the guts, don't say you are..."

Zuo Meng pointed at him, then pointed at the other monitors, and said calmly:

“I’ll just practice with you!

How many retired monitors are there? Come together!

If you can knock me down, you will win! "

Everyone looked at each other, is this kid crazy?

He actually challenged the three monitors by himself?

Seeing that the other party did not move, Zuo Meng raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously: "What, are you scared?"

The second squad leader snorted coldly and said, "Since you have to deal with it yourself, I will help you!"

Guangu immediately asked everyone to retreat and disperse, leaving a place for the competition.

Guan Qing looked at Chen Xin'an worriedly and shouted, "Uncle, is this inappropriate?"

One against three, isn’t it a bit too much?

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "It's indeed inappropriate! Wait a minute!"

All four people on the field stopped.

The fourth squad leader curled his lips and said: "It's a pity that Mr. Chen won't let you pretend, otherwise you will get hurt if your strength and tone don't match up!"

But he never thought that Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Zuo Meng: "This is unfair!

Luo Niu, Guan Hui, you guys are coming too!

And Guangu, don’t just stand there stupidly, come on too! "

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Guangu said helplessly: "Uncle, let me be the referee. Three on three is just right! It's not appropriate for me to help anyone else!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Three spanks and three farts! Six of you, fight Zuo Meng together!

This is only fair! "


There are six of us playing and one of us is a bit disabled with his left hand. You still think it’s fair?

Are you kidding me?

Chen Xin'an grinned and shouted to everyone: "Okay, let's start!"

Guan Qing said worriedly: "Uncle, is this really okay?"

"Of course!" Chen Xin'an grinned.

People who wear cloud dragons have this strength!

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, only one of the seven people was left standing.

The other six people were all beaten to the ground with three punches and two kicks!

The fourth squad leader slumped on the ground, feeling frightened when he thought of Zuo Meng's chokehold just now!

He even felt like he was killed with just one move!

He looked straight at Zuo Meng and shouted unwillingly: "This is not the military style boxing we learned!

Which army did you say you were from?

Just tell me the first two digits of the number! "

Zuo Meng thought for a while and said helplessly: "00!"

The three veteran squad leaders immediately shut up and remained silent!


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