Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1514 Please beat me to death, okay?

The four crew members were not arranged with Chen Xin'an and the others.

They are fun-loving and will not stay at home or in a hotel as long as they have no tasks to do.

I will definitely go out and visit all the fun places in the city.

So it's definitely not appropriate to stay at the Red Star Hotel with Chen Xin'an.

They stayed at the Green Grass Hotel, the most exclusive hotel in Daliang City, without Chen Xin'an's help in making arrangements.

I went out to play for a few hours and happened to encounter a float show, so I wanted to ask the boss lady to come out and watch it together.

Unexpectedly, Jing Jing and Wang Yalu were targeted by several local hooligans.

As soon as they sat down at this outdoor beer stall, these gangsters came over to pester them and insisted on having a drink with them.

Of course Duan Changkong and Du Dechao protected their companions, so the conflict was inevitable.

A little yellow guy kicked Du Dechao to the ground, and a group of people around him swarmed up, punching and kicking Duan Changkong and Du Dechao!

Jing Jing and Wang Yalu screamed and rushed forward, trying to push them away and rescue Duan Changkong and Du Dechao, but they were hugged by several people and groped up and down in their arms!

"Ah! Gangster! Help! Let go!" Jing Jing and Wang Yalu were so scared that their faces turned pale, and they struggled and shouted for help.

But no one came to help. A few waiters stood aside and watched the fun with expressionless faces.

Jingjing became anxious and bit the man holding her on the arm.

The guy screamed in pain, and then slapped her in the face!

Over there, Wang Yalu finally broke free from the clutches of the gangster, threw herself on Jing Jing, hugged her and started crying in fear.

Jing Jing stood up angrily and shouted at the group of people: "You molest women and beat tourists in broad daylight. Do you still have the law?"

"Wang Fa?" Xiao Huangmao grinned and said with disdain: "This is Daliang City, we are Wang Fa!"

Jing Jing said angrily: "Daliang City is also a famous tourist city in China. You are trying to discredit Daliang City! Is this how you treat foreign tourists?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Xiao Huangmao spat on the ground and cursed with disdain: "You foreigners, really think that just because you have two steel coins in your pocket, you think you are rich?

When I came to Daliang City, I was reluctant to buy some and eat some.

You have to bargain for a taxi.

I look down on you people, so I treat you like this. Do you have any objections? "

A dark-skinned man next to him sneered and said, "I think you two girls look good.

Is it wrong to have a drink with you and make friends?

Don’t you give me any face at all? "

Jing Jing scolded: “We don’t want to drink with you or make friends with you!

We don’t know you, so why should we give you face? "

The man grabbed the chair next to him and threw it over, cursing: "Why? Just because this is Daliang City!

When you come to my territory, you have to drink when you are asked to drink, and you have to eat when you are asked to eat.

If you don’t give me face, don’t blame me for being rude to you! "

A man next to him scolded him: "Black dog, yellow dog, you guys are making trouble, don't mess with me! We still have to do business!"

Xiao Huangmao grabbed the wine bottle next to him, threw it directly towards the man who spoke, and cursed:

"Damn it, Lao Zhu, do you have a role to speak here?

I haven’t even bought the talisman, and Master Kun hasn’t settled the score with you yet, yet you still dare to bitch at me! "

Lao Zhu Han said to him with a face: "Yellow dog, don't bark here! Others are afraid of you Xikun, but we are not afraid!

Brother Shou said that he will talk to Xikun, and you should stop coming to the square to sell talismans!

And these people, if you want to make trouble, take them away. Don't make trouble here with us! "

Xiao Huangmao's eyes widened, and just when he was about to scold him, the black dog next to him pulled him and whispered:

"Master Kun hasn't said anything about starting a fight yet, let's not break up with them completely!

These two girls are pretty good, let’s have some fun together today! "

Black Dog looked at the two women on the ground, feeling really itchy.

I have to say that there are very few girls of such high quality coming to play in Daliang City recently.

This cannot be wasted!

He waved his arm and said to the group of boys behind him: "Take them back!

Don’t give me face and don’t want to drink with me?

I will let you drink until you vomit today! "

A group of younger brothers came over laughing.

Jing Jing and Wang Yalu knew what would happen to them once they were taken away by these lawless guys!

She screamed and struggled, pushing away the outstretched hands.

Duan Changkong and Du Dechao also gritted their teeth and stood up, clenching their fists and rushing towards the gang of hooligans.

Wang Yalu cried and said: "Why is Daliang City like this? Why are there such people in the clear sky?"

Huang Gou said with a grin: "Remember a lesson, what is advertised may not always be true.

From now on, just stay home if you have nothing to do, and don't run around with your dirty money.

Do you really think you are the boss wherever you go? "

Seeing that he could no longer resist, Jing Jing shouted: "Our boss will not let you go!"

The gang of ruffians all laughed.

Black Dog looked at her with disdain and said, "Is your boss so powerful?

What if you won't let us go?

Who is your boss?

Give me your name?

See if I will be scared to death?

Let him stand in front of me and try?

See if I can beat him to death! "

At this moment, a voice suddenly came to his ears: "I am their boss!"

Hei Gou raised his head and looked at two people standing not far away.

Just as he was about to speak, one of them had already rushed out and kicked a younger brother who was swinging a bottle to hit people away!

Originally, Luo Xiaoman alone was enough to deal with this gang of hooligans.

But Chen Xinan was angry at the moment, and he didn't want to be idle.

So he walked straight to An Jing and Wang Yalu.

A younger brother turned around, tilted his head and pushed Chen Xinan, and cursed him: "What the hell are you doing..."

Before he could see the other party's movements clearly, the boy's arm was grabbed by a hand, twisted in the opposite direction, and with a click, the shoulder joint was directly broken!

"Ah!" The younger brother screamed loudly, and Chen Xinan turned his right hand again, forcibly stuffed the other party's right hand into his own mouth, and then slapped his elbow hard!

The shoulder was already broken, and this time the elbow and finger bones were all cracked, and even a few teeth were broken!

The boy rolled his eyes, and lay on his back, twitching all over!

"You..." A companion next to him was startled and turned to run over to fight.

Chen Xin'an had already arrived in front of him and kicked him in the thigh!


The guy's thigh was instantly twisted and deformed, and the broken bones pierced through the skin and pants, exposing him to the outside!

He lay on the ground, slapped the ground with both hands, and screamed like a pig being slaughtered!

The few hooligans who were still entangled with An Jing and Wang Yalu were so scared that their faces turned pale, and they all let go of their hands and subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Xin'an did not give them a chance to escape, and rushed forward like a ghost.

With a series of crisp crackling sounds, the hands and feet of a group of hooligans were broken by one move, and they all fell to the ground, crying loudly!

Chen Xinan stood in front of Heigou, looked at him coldly and asked: "I am their boss.

Now I am standing in front of you, please beat me to death, okay?"

Heigou's face turned pale, swallowed his saliva, and said to Chen Xinan:

"What do you want to do?

I warn you, my boss is Lord Kun of Daliang City!

You are in trouble now!

Believe it or not, if you dare to touch me, you will not be able to leave Daliang City alive!"

Chen Xinan kneed him in the stomach, pushing him up one meter into the air, and fell heavily to his knees on the ground!

Chen Xinan bent down, looked at him expressionlessly and said: "I don't believe it!"

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