Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1516 Be kind and kind

Looking at the mess in this place, Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue were really speechless.

No need to ask what happened.

Anyway, this is the virtue of their men, they are used to it by making all the trouble wherever they go.

Just seeing the injuries on An Jing's and others' bodies, the girls screamed and gathered around them.

The tables and chairs here are all made of hard plastic, with limited damage and can still be used when turned over.

When setting up a stall in a place like this, fights are basically commonplace.

Don’t forget, this is Qingxi!

When everyone sat down, Luo Xiaoman clapped his hands and said, "Okay, don't pretend to be dead, take out the beer!"

No one paid attention, and those who could speak were now crying and shouting in pain.

The one who cannot speak now has more breath than the dead.

Luo Xiaoman was not polite, picked up a beer bottle from the ground and threw it out, hitting a waiter on the head with a bang.

The waiter who had been squirming just now twitched twice and became motionless.

Lao Zhu got up from the ground and walked to the tricycle without saying a word.

He took out a bunch of beer from a foam box and put it on Luo Xiaoman's table.

He walked back to where he was lying just now, lay down in a familiar manner, and continued to pretend to be dead.

"What a blow to the bottle!" Luo Xiaoman muttered and cursed.

Seeing that Lao Zhu didn't respond, he was too tired to get up and lie down, so he found a disposable cup by himself.

Just after two glasses of wine, there was a constant sound of dripping on the street.

Five vans drove over at lightning speed and parked on the side of the road one after another.

Lao Zhu, who had already sat up, took a look and shouted excitedly: "Brother Shou is here!

Hey, he seems to be the godfather?

His old man is here too?

Great, these outsiders are dead! "

While talking, the waiters all sat up in surprise.

Lao Zhu's face was livid with anger, he glared at everyone and cursed: "You are all pretending to be dead, right? You're all just waiting for me!"

A group of waiters rolled their eyes.

Do you still have the nerve to talk about us?

Isn’t it the same for you?

Ning Xiruo saw that the group of people came with bad intentions and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, do you want to fight..."

"No! The float is here, just look at the float and don't worry about the rest!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and shook his head at her.

Konoha took Ning Xiruo's hand and stood up and said, "Okay, we don't have to worry about this kind of thing!

Qianxue, let’s go see the float!

Yunyan, come here after you bandage them! "

"Okay!" Du Yunyan nodded.

He slapped Du Dechao and said, "Stop humming, there are no broken bones!

It’s really useless, you have to ask the boss to save you every time! "

Du Dechao hissed and cursed at her: "You think I want it!

There are so many people, how can I fight?

Are you my biological sister? "

Du Yunyan snorted and said, "Then the boss and Brother Man are just two people?"

Du Dechao cursed angrily: "Haha, she is indeed my biological sister.

Are you really looking up to me and comparing me to them? "

"That's true!" Du Yunyan curled her lips and stopped talking.

Seeing a group of people coming over, Lao Zhu gained confidence and straightened his back!

He stood up and said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman: "Now you two are finished!

The godfather is here, and you two have no chance of survival!

Even King Qingxi will give him three points of noodles when he meets his godfather.

If you offend us, you outsiders will have to peel off your skin before you can leave Daliang City, even if you don't die! "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman looked at each other and curled their lips.

Who can be so awesome?

Plus a Master Luo, three inner strength masters are here.

How strong must the other party be to be able to suppress the three of them?

The square was covered with dark clouds, and a group of people came over menacingly.

The leader was a tall man, supporting an old man wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, and dressed in a rich man's money clothes, and he walked towards the beer stand calmly.

A young man pointed a knife at the beer stand and said to the old man and the tall man:

"Godfather, Brother Shou, it seems that Lao Zhu and the others are not seriously injured, and the other party did not dare to be cruel.

What will happen later?

Should we kill them directly? "

The old man scolded with a straight face: "How many times have I told you, don't kill anyone at every turn.

Their lives are not valuable, are our lives also valuable?

The police have to deal with it for a long time, which is very troublesome!

Just break one of their arms and one of their legs!

You have to be kind! "

"Got it, godfather!" a group of thugs responded, each with a fierce look on his face and a smile.

Just as they were about to rush over, the old man suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! Why does that guy look familiar to me?

Ah Shou, see if it's him? Yes or no? Why are my eyelids twitching? "

The tall man next to him hissed and shook his left hand as if he had been burned.

He craned his neck to look at the young man sitting on the chair, his face became paler and whiter, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Godfather, it seems... it's him! It's weird, why did he come to Qingxi?!"

A'Zhu said to Chen Xin'an with a ferocious smile: "Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, it's too late!

Godfather takes action, it’s hard for gods to save him!

Just wait to die! "

Chen Xin'an had also seen the group of people approaching. His eyes scanned their faces, and his eyes fell on the old man and the tall man in the front and center.

After being stunned for a moment, Chen Xin'an laughed.

He said to Master Luo and Luo Xiaoman who were eager to try: "Okay, we can't fight anymore, old friends!"

Lao Zhu didn't hear what Chen Xin'an said, so he ran over and cried to the old man at the top of his lungs:

“Godfather, it’s these bastards from out of town who beat up all our brothers!

Godfather, you must avenge me!

Godfather, where are you going? Why did you go back? "

The old man wanted to kick Lao Zhu in the feet!

Avenge your uncle!

I don’t even dare to seek revenge from him, so why should I do it for you?

Who do you think you are?

If I hadn't been avoiding him, would I still have come so far to Qingxi?

If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have come!

You stopped me just as I was about to run away. Are you really afraid that he can't see me?

At this moment, the man behind the old man shouted coldly: "You two, get here!"

Lao Zhu cursed angrily at Chen Xin'an:

"Damn! You bastard, how dare you talk to your godfather and Brother Hand like this?

I really don’t know when I’m about to die!

Godfather, please tell me, do you want the brothers to take off one of his arms first? "

The old man kicked him and cursed angrily: "Shut up!"

Then, in full view of everyone, he put on a flattering smile.

He quickly walked up to the man with his brother in hand, picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of wine for him diligently and said:

"Master An, why are you here in Qingxi? You didn't even tell me in advance, so I could help you clean up the dust!"

All the boys were dumbfounded!

Is this still the unsmiling godfather who controls everything in Daliang City?

What kind of person is this person? Even his godfather wants to be so polite to him and talk to him in a flattering way.

Even Brother Shou next to him is not even qualified to speak!

You must know that Brother Shou was a watermelon knife at the beginning, cutting from Penglai East Road to Jingzhu Square!

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at the two people in front of her, squinted her eyes and said, "I should be the one asking you two, right?

Yao Ye, Brother Guishou, why did you come to Qingxi if you didn't stay in Haidong and enjoy the happiness?

The corners of Yao Ye's mouth twitched, and he felt like crying.

As long as I have the slightest happiness in Haidong, I will not come to such a ghost place!

Where have all my life savings gone? You bastard, don’t you know?


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