Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1538 Your thoughts are useless

A group of Incas roared and rushed upward.

Luo Xiaoman, Master Luo, and Xiao Zhang were so polite that they clenched their fists and smashed them.

The people in the RV also heard the noise, and Guan Fei Guandu also ran out and joined the battle!

But at this moment, someone shouted loudly from the back seat of the black car, and the Incas immediately stopped.

The last hairpin was finalized and Ning Xiruo's makeup was finished.

The results of thirty-eight minutes shocked everyone in the room!

Ning Xiruo was still alone at this time. She was just like the Yaochi fairy who appeared in fairy tales. Her beauty was breathtaking! Not stained by a trace of fireworks dust!

Xingxing, who had just said that with the beauty of her guest, there was no need to put on makeup at all, otherwise it would be superfluous. Only now did Xingxing truly realize her lack of talent and knowledge.

It turns out that beauty never has a ceiling. When you feel that you have reached a certain extreme, there will be an even more extreme level!

It turns out that makeup and beauty skills are not judged by certificates.

A true master reaches the pinnacle every time he makes a move!

Luo Qianxue and Wu Yan were both shocked. They were both women, and both were beauties. But when they saw Ning Xiruo at this moment, they both felt like they were ashamed of themselves!

Du Yunyan was even more direct. He hugged Ning Xiruo, kissed her on the face, and giggled: "Madam boss, you are so beautiful!"

"You're going to die!" Konoha was really anxious and scolded her: "Don't touch the makeup that was made with great difficulty!

Do you think it’s easy for me to work here?

I am more tired than usual after working for two hours. "

Du Yunyan stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: "I can't help it, who made the boss lady so beautiful!"

Konoha really clenched his fists and shook them at her.

He turned his head and sighed and said to Ning Xiruo: "It's already dirty anyway, so I won't miss this one!"

After saying that, she hugged Ning Xiruo, kissed her hard on the face, and then burst out laughing!

"You two are so annoying!" Ning Xiruo blushed and glared at them both.

I wanted to wipe it off, but I was afraid of smearing my makeup, so I could only endure it.

Grasshopper clapped his hands and shouted: "Master's wife is so beautiful! I want to kiss her too!"

Wu Yan grabbed him and scolded him: "Why are you kissing me? How dare you snatch it from your master?"

Grasshopper said with an unconvinced look: "But Aunt Ye Zhen and Aunt Yun Yan both kissed!"

"They are women, it's okay!" Wu Yan pulled him and cursed.

Grasshopper pouted his little mouth.

At this moment, there was a noise outside. Guan Du's eyes widened and he stood at the window and said, "My uncle got into a fight with someone else!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to everyone: "Hurry up and take a look!

Why are you here on the grassland and still fighting with people?

Really! "

The moment Ning Xiruo stepped out of the RV, the person sitting in the middle of the back seat of the black car saw her.

At that moment, the people in the car felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and the whole person entered a strange feeling.

It seemed that only the woman in the red dress could be seen, and everything else had become blurry.

I can't believe there is such a beautiful woman in China!

He had three wives, all of whom were first-rate Inca beauties.

But in front of this Chinese woman, they all pale in comparison and are not worth mentioning at all!

He quickly shouted to his men outside to stop.

If these savage guys hurt this beautiful woman, or even frighten her, it would be a sin!

"Husband, what's wrong?" Ning Xiruo walked out of the door of the RV.

At this moment, all the men's eyes were attracted to her, and they were all shocked by her beauty!

Even Chen Xin'an was shocked.

People say that even if you eat delicacies from mountains and seas all day long, you will get tired of them.

But this statement does not apply to Chen Xin'an.

His aesthetic point of view was different from others since he was a child.

So when I first met Ning Xiruo, I thought she was worse than a secretary.

The so-called Dongshan Goddess is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

But as the relationship deepened, and he truly fell in love with Ning Xiruo, he saw the beauty of his wife.

And every time I'm with Ning Xiruo, I can't get enough of her face and smell her fragrance.

Seeing his wife coming over, he took Ning Xiruo's hand and praised sincerely: "Honey, you are so beautiful!"

Ning Xiruo blushed, rolled her eyes at him and said, "Don't be so disgusting! There are so many people watching!"

Chen Xin'an didn't need to turn her head to feel the jealous, almost blazing eyes of the men around her.

He thought that such a beautiful woman who could confuse all living beings and make all men surrender to her willingly was his wife.

Just falling in love with him made me feel so proud.

He reached out and hugged Ning Xiruo's slender waist, holding her in his arms and said with a smile:

"Just watch, is it illegal for me to hug my own wife?"


The car door closed, and a young man stepped out of the black car, stood in front of Chen Xin'an and said:

"Mr. Chen, what happened today was our fault. I apologize to you for their recklessness!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him. It was the young Inca Kuo whom she had met in the lobby yesterday.

Beside him stood a tall, muscular man with a turban on his head.

Probably his personal bodyguard.

"Master Mohade, you don't have to do this..." The Inca standing aside wanted to persuade him.

Mohade's face sank and he scolded him: "Anji, shut up! Apologize to Mr. Chen!"

Before Anji bowed, Chen Xinan sneered and scolded: "What kind of apology are you saying to me!

If you want to apologize, go and apologize to the shop owners whose shops you smashed!

Remember to pay them money!

And the money for this piece of grass, pay as much as you should!"

Mohade smiled and said: "Okay, we will pay in full!"

He turned his head and said to Anji: "Go now!

And this injured friend, send him to the hospital together.

I will pay for all the expenses!"

Anji nodded and asked two men to come over to help the injured man up.

But the guy was so scared that he screamed and wanted to come over to hug Chen Xinan's legs.

He is not stupid. These Incas were so cruel just now, and now they have become like this. They must have bad intentions.

Mohad smiled faintly and said to the injured man: "Don't be afraid, we sincerely apologize to you.

Since you don't believe us, let's do this!

Anji, give him this check."

He took out a checkbook from his body, wrote an amount, tore off a piece, handed it to Anji, and said to the injured man:

"This is 100,000 yuan, you can cash it at any Huaxia Bank!"

The injured man didn't dare to take it, Chen Xinan laughed and scolded: "If it's given to you, then take it, otherwise you will be injured in vain!

Can't you see it?

This Inca tycoon wants to show off in front of my wife and leave a good impression.

So this check must be real, but If it's money, you need to withdraw it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he gets frustrated with me, he will try to get the check back.

You should not open the door for the next two days. This money is just enough to compensate for your loss.

He can't find you and can only suffer this loss in silence!"

Chen Xinan turned around and looked at Mohad, who was pale, and smiled: "Now that you are done pretending, what else do you want to do?

But I advise you, forget about trying to hook up with my wife!

Let's not talk about whether I will beat you to death. Even if I am not here, my wife will not fall in love with someone like you. Your thoughts are useless!

Isn't it, wife?"

He hugged Ning Xiruo tightly and kissed her on the face without saying anything!

Mu Yezhen and Du Yunyan on the side blushed.


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