Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1553 I may not be able to go back

The power grid on the west wall, as expected by Liu Yidao, was not powered on.

Because Luo Xiaoman's side involved most of the enemies, they didn't encounter many pursuers along the way.

But just as he climbed over the high wall, he was still discovered, and soon a group of men in black chased him!

"Old Liu, come up!" Gongsun Feiyang squatted on the wall, and the wire fence next to him had been knocked down.

Only Liu Yidao was left below, while Sun Galuo and Dao Lei were already standing on the wall.

Liu Yidao wanted to jump up, but when the wound hurt, he lost his temper.

He shook a few times and almost fell.

Looking at the pursuers who were getting closer and closer behind him, he shook his head and said to everyone: "Go away and leave me alone!"

Gongsun Feiyang cursed: "What nonsense are you talking about! Come up quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Liu Yidao said in a deep voice: "I have to stop them, otherwise even if you get out, you won't be able to get far!

There is a grassy beach outside with no cover. As long as you don’t run far away, you will always be under their surveillance! "

Gongsun Feiyang slapped his bald head and cursed: "Young master, why are you kidding me! We came together, so we have to leave together!"

You can't jump up, right?

I'll help you!

Dao Lei, Brother Luo, hold me! "

With a loud shout, Gongsun Feiyang bent his legs and hooked them on the wall. His whole body hung upside down, his hands dropped, and he shouted to Liu Yidao: "Come up quickly!"

"What the hell..." Liu Yidao's eyes were red, but he still endured the pain from the wound and ran forward for two steps, and then jumped!


The two of them connected their hands and held them tightly.

Gongsun Feiyang's body sank, and he was held down by Dao Lei and Sun Galuo, who then worked together to drag his body and pull him up together with Liu Yidao!

Gongsun Feiyang felt that his legs had been hooked with countless holes by the wires, and his waist and arms were about to be broken.

But now is not the time to take this into account. The pursuers have already reached the foot of the wall. They don't dare to stay too long, so they turn over and jump off one by one!

The endless grassy beach in front of us looks like a sea of ​​green during the day.

But usually even cars can't pass because the potholes are so difficult to navigate.

It's been raining heavily all day, making it even more dangerous here.

There are puddles everywhere. Maybe if you step into it, it may look like lush grass, but in fact it is just a puddle. If an adult sinks into it, he will be submerged directly!

The four of them supported each other and walked forward along the corner of the wall.

But once you leave the factory area and want to hit the road, you have to cross a dark flat land.

Whether there is any danger of falling into a puddle, we have to leave it to fate!

Behind them, more than a dozen men in black climbed over the wall one after another and chased them!

Seeing these guys getting closer and closer, Gongsun Feiyang and Liu Yidao looked at each other, and Dao Lei also looked over. The three of them seemed to have reached a tacit understanding in an instant and stopped at the same time.

Sun Gallo took two steps forward. He felt that his companions around him had stopped, so he stopped and asked loudly: "Come on, what's the matter?"

Liu Yidao turned his head, looked at Sun Galo and said: "Let's go! Don't stop, don't look back!

We are stopping these people, you have to take the things out and give them to the police! "

Sun Galo's expression changed and he said to him: "No! You can't do this! You can't let me alone cause the three of you to sacrifice..."

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth!" Gongsun Feiyang laughed and scolded: "It's just to stop them, not to die!

You go first, don't leave any traces, you won't be of much help if you stay!

Get out, get out, what's on you is very important.

Whether the Valerona Energy Company can be shut down or even the entire Zhongding Group can be brought down is the key! "

Dao Lei grinned and didn't say anything. He just patted his shoulder and pushed hard!

Sun Galo's eyes were red, and he looked at the three people behind him. Although he wanted to stay and fight alongside him, he also knew that they were right.

Only when you go out can you be effective.

Staying, with his strength, will only drag everyone down!

Gritting his teeth, he turned around and rushed into the rain.

At this moment, the three people behind them also shouted and rushed towards the group of men in black!

At the entrance of Vallarona Energy Company, Wen Renqian pulled on the leash and led Zhong Yue to the gate.

Seeing that fewer and fewer Zhongs were being held hostage, the security guard's expression changed drastically.

Just as he was about to pull off the rubber stick on the wall, Luo Miou smashed the glass of the duty room with a knife and shouted to the people inside: "Open the door!"

The security guard initially looked horrified and wanted to do as he was told, but after glancing behind Luo Miou, a smug sneer appeared on his face, he crossed his arms and took two steps back.

Just when Luomiou was about to scold him, he felt something was wrong behind him. He turned around and saw a man in black wearing a ragged felt hat following everyone.

The three men in black who had been following him looked overjoyed.

Now that this person is here, none of these people can even think of leaving!

Zhong Yue also saw him and shouted: "Where the hell have you been? Why are you here?

Come and save me!

Except for these two women, break the legs of all of them!

I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?

Don't show off to me again. You've forgotten how I dealt with you before, right?

Remember, you are just a dog of the Zhong family, and I am your master!

You do whatever I ask you to do.

If you keep such a face, I want you to look good..."

Before he finished speaking, Ragged Felt Hat suddenly took out a pistol from his arms like lightning, and shot Zhong Yue in the head with a bang!

Blood splashed on Wen Renqian's face, and she did not hide, but just stared at the scene blankly.

Everyone was stunned!

Even Romiou, who was trying to rush over with a knife, froze in place.

Several men in black looked at the body lying on the ground in disbelief and shouted tremblingly:

"Are you crazy? How dare you kill Yue Shao, you..."

The ragged felt hat turned the muzzle of his gun and fired several shots.

Every time a shot was fired, a man in black fell in a pool of blood!

The last shot was shot through the glass, killing the security guard on duty in the security room!

Everyone in the crew was dumbfounded. Isn't this person their accomplice?

Why did you kill all your own people in one go?

The ragged felt hat took a step forward, and everyone quickly took a few steps back with horrified expressions on their faces.

Luo Miou suppressed the fear in his heart, looked at the man and asked: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The eyes hidden under the brim of the broken felt hat exuded a faint cold light and asked her:

"Are you from Kyoto? Do you know Fan Tongsheng?"

Everyone shook their heads.

He murmured: "Has Lao Fan retired? After all, he said he would retire back then. What about Sun Galo?"

Just when Luo Miou was about to shake his head, Luo Zhen said from the side: "Captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Kyoto City Bureau?"

The old felt hat snorted and said: "This boy has become the captain? By the way, he is Lao Yuan's son-in-law! You brat, you are not so lucky!"

Luo Zhen looked at him carefully and asked, "What are you asking about them for? This Sun Galo is a friend of our boss!"

"Your boss?" Ragged Felt Hat asked back.

Luo Zhen nodded and said: "The current richest man in Kyoto, Chen Xin'an! Also..."

"I don't know you!" The broken felt hat interrupted him directly, then took out something the size of a thumbnail from his pocket, handed it to Luo Miou and said:

"Please do me a favor!

Give this thing to Sungalo!

Remember, don’t give it to anyone, only hand it to him! "

Luo Miou subconsciously took it and took a look. It seemed to be a button-style USB flash drive.

She asked strangely to her ragged felt hat: "Why do you want me to hand it over?"

The old felt hat turned around and whispered: "Because, I might not be able to go back!"


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