Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1570 The situation is reversed

Everyone in the yurt was stunned by this series of changes!

Even Zhong Hongyi was anxious, and he cried out: "How could this happen!

How did those animals get out?

How did the sniper I arranged fall down?

How could someone come in?

Did you see anyone?"

No one could answer his question, because everyone was just like him, confused and at a loss!

Zhong Hongyi shouted angrily: "Let everyone go out! Kill him! All go out, no one is left alive!"

Tens of thousands of livestock had already run past, and most of them ran to the grassland behind the yurt.

Chaozi picked up a gong, stood at the door and began to knock hard!

With the sound of the gong, the shouts and screams in the yurt next to him shook the sky!

Ning Xiruo not only changed her face, she didn't expect that there were so many people hiding around her, at least more than two hundred!

No matter how powerful her man is, no matter how much confidence she has in her husband.

Now this intuitive difference in the number of people also makes her have to worry about Chen Xinan!

Two fists can't beat four hands.

What's more, there are hundreds of hands now!

How can his man win if he's alone?

Seeing her worried look, Mohad laughed.

He shook his head and said to Ning Xiruo: "It is undeniable that your husband brought me some unexpected surprises.

But that's all!

No matter how unexpected he is, in the face of absolute strength, he will eventually die!

What is strength?

The people you see now are!

I have money, Uncle Zhong has power, and we work together. It's too easy to pull a group of people in Qingxi to work for us!

After all, your husband is alone..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a drum-like running sound outside again.

Mohad's face changed. Are those livestock running back again?

Looking out the window, there were indeed hundreds of livestock running back.

But it wasn't the kind of big scene where tens of thousands of livestock passed by.

These should be the livestock that broke through the fence and ran out just now.

But didn't they run away? Why did you come back again?

Soon everyone knew the answer.

The thugs standing on the playground, each holding a two-foot-long machete in their hands, ran towards Chen Xinan aggressively.

But at this moment, a group of livestock came towards them!

They were so scared that they dared not run around, so they stood there with their heads in their hands.

Facing such livestock running in groups, you must not squat on the ground with your head in your hands.

You must let the livestock see you, so that they will avoid you.

So the higher you stand, the better.

However, despite this, some people were still stepped on, their heads were broken and bleeding, and they lay on the ground unable to stand up.

Originally, they wanted to fight with more people against fewer people. , to deal with Chen Xinan.

Now that half of them have been killed before they even meet, morale is greatly affected.

Fortunately, the personnel still have an absolute advantage, and the remaining people can chop Chen Xinan into a skeleton with one knife each.

A group of thugs quickly regrouped and rushed towards Chen Xinan shouting.

At this moment, countless lights suddenly lit up on the grassland behind Chen Xinan!

Under the night sky, the grassland looked like a long golden dragon lying on the ground, twisting its body and moving slowly forward.

When it got closer, it was clear that there were military vehicles, police cars, and countless vans in this long dragon.

As the long dragon slowly stopped, a series of bangs of car doors rang out on the grassland, like cannons.

"Mr. Chen, act with caution!" The first to run over were Wang Shoucheng, the leader of the Daliangcheng Guard Corps, and Zhao Zhiguo, the leader of the Municipal Bureau.

Wang Shoucheng said seriously, "The big leader is on the way, Mr. Chen must not start a massacre in Daliangcheng!"

Chen Xin'an's face was livid, and he didn't speak.

Wang Shoucheng quietly kicked Zhao Zhiguo.

Zhao Zhiguo didn't dare to speak.

This is fucking, how can you ask me to persuade him?

What kind of personality and temper does Chen Xin'an have, don't you know?

These bastards have done so much, and now you want me to persuade Chen Xin'an to put down the butcher knife?

Do you believe that he can chop me directly with a butcher knife?

Ignoring the two leaders in front of him, Chen Xinan waved back.

Ghost Hand trotted to Chen Xinan and whispered, "Mr. Chen, I will gather people as soon as I receive your call.

Call 400 people now, if not enough, I will continue to call people!"

Wang Shoucheng and Zhao Zhiguo's eyelids jumped.

How long has it been, and this unknown Daliangcheng gangster has gathered 400 people?

Good guy, is it another Qingxi King?

Chen Xinan glanced at Wang Shoucheng and Zhao Zhiguo and said lightly, "Ghost Hand is my friend.

I asked him to help me find people, one thousand yuan each."

Wang Shoucheng and Zhao Zhiguo lowered their heads, eyes watching noses, nose watching hearts.

Don't bother this ghost hand in the future, he is Chen Xinan's man.

What is rich and powerful?

This guy is it!

The little gangsters who fill in the manpower are at most two or three hundred yuan of hard work fees.

Some don't take money at all, just treat everyone to a meal.

If this guy gives me one thousand directly, it would be strange if the gangsters in Daliang City don't flock to him!

So, how about I stop wearing the uniform now and take it off to be your thug for a night?

To be honest, the two leaders really had this idea, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

One thousand yuan per appearance is almost a week's salary, why not do it?

It’s just a thought. After all, he is the leader and he wants to lose face!

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an said to Guishou: "Clear the place!"

"Okay!" Guishou nodded and waved back.

A group of young men in white shirts held machetes in their hands and rushed toward Zhong Hongyi's gang of thugs!

Those thugs were stunned!

The situation reversed in an instant. They originally had an absolute advantage in numbers, but now they were surrounded and crushed by others!

Some people still wanted to resist, but their hands were cut off with a knife, which scared the surrounding companions and threw away their weapons!

Nearly two hundred thugs, in less than three minutes, had all surrendered and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Chen Xin'an raised his right hand again and made a strange gesture.

Although the people in the yurt still couldn't understand, they could at least understand who he was gesturing to!

Three people in black clothes quickly came to Chen Xin'an.

Their clothes almost blended into the night. Standing in the shadow of the light, no one would notice them!

At the same time, the lights on the two wooden towers also hit the door of the yurt where Zhong Hongyi and the others were.

Obviously, someone has been replaced on the wooden tower. The sniper fell down and died!

But when did these two people go up to the wooden tower?

No one in the yurt saw it!

Chen Xin'an walked towards the yurt slowly and unhurriedly. The three men in black formed a triangle snake-head formation and opened the way in front of him.

Every step he takes is like a drumstick, falling on the heartstring drum of everyone in the yurt!

It was only at this moment that Zhong Hongyi discovered that all his elaborate arrangements, the so-called ambush on three fronts by sea, land and air, and the fatal attack on Chen Xin'an were a joke from the beginning!

When did such a terrifying young man appear in China?

I didn't pay enough attention to it before, but once they fought, they were overwhelmed by the opponent, defeated instantly, and they seemed to have no resistance at all!

"Stop him! Don't let him come over!" Mohad's face turned pale with fright, and he shouted to Zhong Hongyi:

"Didn't you say that killing him would be easy?

Haven't you already arranged everything?

Aren't you King Qingxi?

Why does this happen? "

Zhong Hongyi's face was livid, he looked at Chen Xin'an who was approaching outside the window, gritted his teeth and said:

"Why are you panicking? He doesn't dare to kill you!

Don't forget your identity! "


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