Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1584 Farewell Reception


Who can think of this name?

Wan Zhenwei and Wan Qianshui's faces were as twisted as steamed buns.

What is this name used for?

Or not?

Chen Xin'an didn't care about this, just let them screw around, turned around and left the hospital.

He was really tired and wanted to go back to the hotel to have a good sleep.

Having learned from the past, Mr. Li left the Getan Wolf Five in the hospital to secretly protect Chen Xin'an's relatives and friends.

There are Hu Zhenrui and the guards at the hotel, as well as so many green uniforms and policemen, which is enough.

As soon as I returned to the room, before I lay down on the bed, the room phone rang.

Du Yunyan called.

She did not stay in the hospital and came back early.

Hearing the knock on Chen Xin'an's door, he called and asked, then came over with his notebook in his arms.

"Boss, let me show you something!" Du Yunyan sat on the sofa and placed his notebook on the coffee table in front of him.

"What is it?" Chen Xin'an sat next to her and glanced at the screen, which showed some clips from surveillance videos.

Du Yunyan said: "The vehicles represented by the three parties are all provided by the Daliang City Government.

Each vehicle is equipped with a panoramic driving recorder.

But because it was not informed in advance, no one knew.

I overheard the police saying that something fishy happened on the day the negotiations ended. I wanted to investigate, but was refused.

So I entered the Daliang City police information system and found these surveillance videos.

Boss, look, this is the video of Car No. 3 on its first day of mission. The person in the car is the Xinlun driver.

This is the scene of the driver staying alone in the car after the leader entered the negotiation room.

At this time, the driver should have gone to the rest room.

Do you know who this person is who got on the bus? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said solemnly: "Inca driver!"

Du Yunyan nodded, pointed at the screen and said, "Look here, what he handed to the Xinlun driver is an international bank card!

Boss, please read this paragraph again.

This is the scene when the Inca driver of car No. 2 was at the gas station. I have never seen the person who got on the car and sat in the back. "

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "His name is Mohad.

Came with the Inca chieftain.

I wanted to live here in Red Star, but I kicked him away!

This time if Xi Ruo was kidnapped, he was the one behind it!

I will settle this account with him sooner or later!

The Balosa family, right?

Wait for me! "

Du Yunyan's expression changed and she said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, do you think this Mohad is from the Inca Borosa family?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Du Yunyan in shock and said, "Yunyan, you can do it! Do you know about the Inca-Borosa family?"

"I don't know, but I checked it!" Du Yunyan put his hands on the keyboard of his laptop and tapped it, and a web page appeared on the screen.

Du Yunyan pointed to the web page and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Abraham is the current patriarch of the Borosa family.

This Mohad should be one of his twelve children! "

What the hell!

Chen Xin'an slapped her hand on the coffee table.

I thought it was a new grudge, but I didn’t expect it to be an old grudge!

If I had known about this relationship, I shouldn't have let this kid go. I could have killed him right there on the ranch!

Rubbing his eyebrows, Chen Xin'an lay on the sofa, thinking about what happened these days.

Originally thought to be a dispute over the resources of Lake Figar, it now appears that the real purpose of this negotiation is not that simple.

Why did Mohad bribe the Inca driver?

I remembered the dangerous situation at the gas station on the day the negotiations ended, and the performance of the Inca guard chief.

Chen Xin'an guessed that Mohad bribed not only the Inca driver, but also the Inca guard chief and some guards!

What do they want to do?

Kill the Inca chieftain?

No, let the Inca leader die in China, during the negotiations!

Is this a conspiracy of the Borasa family?

Chen Xin'an doesn't think so.

A small Inca wealthy family does not have such big ambitions.

There may be strong support behind it.

Or the Inca leader, or a bigger backstage!

Chen Xin'an said to Du Yunyan with a gloomy face: "Please prepare these materials, maybe you can use them in the next few days.

Also, Yunyan, please help me transfer the real-life map of the entire Western Territory, and even the Inca area close to the Western Territory, to my mobile phone. "

Du Yunyan asked Chen Xin'an a little strangely: "Boss, what do you want this for?"

"Take a look if you're curious, no need to ask any more questions!" Chen Xin'an said casually.

Du Yunyan nodded: "Okay, give me your phone.

Your mobile phone can directly connect to the satellite, I just need to give you permission.

I'll help you tune it out, and you can just see for yourself. "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an took out his cell phone and handed it to Du Yunyan.

Soon, Du Yunyan connected to the satellite map and located it near the western border.

Then he handed the phone to Chen Xin'an and returned to the room with the computer.

Chen Xin'an took a shower, changed her clothes, and then lay on the bed, holding her phone and looking at the map carefully. She didn't even know when she fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt the fragrance lingering around me, and a warm and fragrant jade body snuggled into his arms.

Chen Xin'an didn't open her eyes, she just opened her hands and hugged the beauty in her arms tightly.

No need to look at the person, just smell the faint fragrance and know it is his wife.

It's just that today's aroma is mixed with a discordant medicinal smell.

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and stretched out her hand to gently touch Ning Xiruo's forehead.

Through a layer of gauze, Chen Xin'an could still feel the depth of the wound.

It can be seen how much force Ning Xiruo used at that time!

It was completely determined to die!

In fact, the pain was bearable. The most unbearable thing was that her tongue was almost chewed off by herself!

This kind of pain is unbearable even for a grown man like Chen Xin'an.

But the beauty in his arms never shouted from the beginning to the end.

I'm just afraid that he will worry.

Every time he thinks of this, Chen Xin'an will feel a little scared, and even more heartbroken!

His wife, even cutting her finger was enough to make him feel distressed for a long time.

But after getting married, he had even forgotten how many life-and-death experiences he had experienced!

Ning Xiruo held his hands, put them on her chest, and said softly:

“I wanted you to sleep a little longer.

But Xiaodong said that you had to go to the cocktail party on the first floor, so I had to wake you up. "

Chen Xin'an nodded, put her hand to her lips, kissed it gently and said, "Are you going?"

"I'm not going! I'm tired too and want to go to bed early." Ning Xiruo stroked Chen Xin'an's face and said:

"You are very weak now, so don't drink too much.

Come back early, I like to have you hold me so that I can sleep soundly! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an sat up and said to her, "Take a photo and come back!

I don't like that kind of situation in the first place!

You can go to bed after dinner, don't wait for me! "

Ning Xiruo nodded, watched Chen Xin'an wash up and change clothes, and suddenly called out: "Husband!" when she was going out.

She picked up the phone from the bedside, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said, "Don't forget to bring your phone!"

Chen Xin'an took it with a smile and put it in his pocket.

He bent down and kissed Ning Xiruo gently on the lips, then turned and walked out of the room.

The time has come and the reception has begun.

Li Niandong was standing not far from the door. When he saw Chen Xin'an arriving, he greeted him with a smile.

"Grandpa said, I'm afraid you won't come over!"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Am I someone who doesn't keep my words?"

There was an interview next to the host desk, and Xinlun Dashou was the first big shot to arrive at the reception.

Many reporters were surrounding him.

A foreign reporter held up the microphone and asked: "Mr. Ricardo, are you satisfied with this negotiation?"

Ricardo shook his head: "Not satisfied. China's security environment is really bad!"


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