Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1593 The money is with me, welcome to grab it

Everyone else also woke up, staring at this scene with wide eyes in astonishment.

Guo Zhaodi shouted to everyone: "What are you still doing?

These bastards want to steal my uncle’s money, come and help!”

But no one came over, they all sat there, looking like they were watching the fun.

Seeing that no one seemed to have seen it, even Lao Zhi and Taishan were lying motionless on the rocks. Ma Qiubai and the four of them all laughed proudly.

The four people had a clear division of labor, and Hu Jinyong restrained the young man.

Zeng Hai and Zang Dechang were very powerful and trapped the guy who was probably good at martial arts.

Ma Qiubai went to search him for money!

Don't show off your wealth when you go out.

You kid actually dared to show off, paid for others, paid the highest smuggling fee, and put the money back in your pocket in front of everyone.

This does not mean telling everyone that I have money, come and grab it!

Since you like being a money-splitting boy so much, why are you so polite?

Aren’t you here just to find money?

Now bring one to your mouth, there is no reason not to eat it!

As long as the two snakeheads don't care, it will be fine.

No one else has anything to fear.

When everyone is away from home, it is better to do less than to do more.

What's more, the four of them come from the same village. Who dares to take care of the four of them?

If this guy knows what he's doing, it's okay.

If you don't know the difference, the knife hidden on Ma Qiubai's body is not a vegetarian.

Wu Kuizi looked gloating.


If you don't take action, I will look for an opportunity to do it!

If I weren't worried about his martial arts skills, I would have thrown a stone at his head!

Now that the four of them are coming together, Wu Kuizi is also a little bit ready to go up and help.

After all, if you do it, you can get a share later.

But someone next to me shouted: "You can't do it! That's other people's money, how can you rob it? What are you doing!"

Jin Manshan stood up anxiously, wanting to come over and persuade people to leave.

Peng Ying grabbed him and said, "Brother, don't go there! We can't control it!"

Wu Kuizi scolded him with a look of disdain: "Who the hell are you? How dare you come up and join in the fun! Who do you think you are? People will listen to you?"

Zou Ying on the side curled her lips and said with a smile: "That's right! It has to be a gangster brother like our Wu Kui brother to speak for it to work!

Just looking at the tattoo makes me feel domineering and scary!

What's more, Brother Wu Kui is still a fugitive boss who is carrying a life on his back. Who dares not to give him face?

Right, Brother Wu Kui? "

Wu Kuizi blushed and had a thick neck, and said with a smile: "Young lady, you are just kidding me! I am not a gangster brother, I am just chatting and boasting for fun, don't take it seriously!"

Zou Ying curled her lips and was about to speak when she heard a bang on the door.

It was like someone was sitting in a balloon that had been squeezed. Immediately afterwards, Ma Qiubai's body flew up and fell two meters away.

Then Zeng Hai and Zang Dechang, who had originally grabbed Chen Xin'an's arms, suddenly bumped into each other as if they were being pushed!

The two of them covered their noses, screamed, and squatted on the ground facing each other!

Chen Xin'an sat on the stone and did not move. She just looked up at Hu Jinyong who was still covering Guo Zhaodi's mouth and waved.

Hu Jinyong looked at his three companions and swallowed.

He quickly let go of Guo Zhaodi and said to Chen Xin'an: "That... brother, it's a misunderstanding.

We just wanted to play a joke on you.

Anyway, you haven’t lost anything, so just forget it, okay? "

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to hear, but still waved to him.

With a ferocious expression on his face, Hu Jinyong turned around and pounced on Guo Zhaodi again.

I can't deal with you, and I can't deal with a half-year-old child?

Aren't you protecting this kid?

With him in hand, let's see how you can take revenge!

But the moment his hand touched Guo Zhaodi, there was a sharp pain in the back of his head!

Then his whole head felt like it exploded, there was a buzz, and then he didn't know anything anymore!

Guo Zhaodi glanced down, and blood flowed from the back of Hu Jinyong's head to the ground.

She was so frightened that she screamed as if she had stepped on a cockroach, ran to Chen Xin'an, and hugged him tightly!

"Damn! It turns out these two people are..." Looking at Chen Xin'an and Guo Zhaodi like this, Zou Ying seemed to understand something, with a disgusted look on her face.

No wonder I looked down on my mother just now, it turned out to be a pair of rabbits!

Wu Kuizi was so frightened!

Fortunately, I didn't do anything just now.

None of the four people could deal with that kid, and it was impossible for him to succeed.

If he had gone up just now, he should be lying down now!

Chen Xin'an stood up and took two steps forward.

Lao Zhi and Taishan walked up to him at the same time, looked at him coldly and said, "That's enough!"

Chen Xin'an looked at them expressionlessly and asked, "Why didn't you say anything when they touched me just now?"

Old Leech turned his head and winked at Taishan.

Taishan turned around, took out his iron-tipped belt from his waist, and slapped the people on the ground violently!

Ma Qiubai, Zeng Hai, and Zang Dechang curled up and screamed like they were killing pigs!

Soon there was blood and flesh flying everywhere, and it looked extremely miserable.

The three of them were beaten until they, like Hu Jinyong, lay motionless on the ground before finally stopping.

Without looking at the people on the ground, Taishan walked up to Chen Xin'an, looked at him sullenly and asked, "Is that enough?"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Enough!"

The old leech stared at him and said, "Brother, I don't care what you do or what you are going to do.

But since you are following this path with me, you have to listen to me!

Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have some skills.

If you can get out by yourself, I will let you go now!

If you don't have this ability, you have to listen to my arrangements!

Do you understand?"

Chen Xinan looked at him and Taishan, nodded and said, "I understand!"

Turned around and walked back to the stone and sat down, saying to everyone, "The money is on me, anyone who has the ability can come and rob it.

But next time, I will take your life directly!"

Everyone was silent.

The old leech and Taishan looked at each other and saw a hidden murderous aura in each other's eyes!

There must be no thorns in their own team that even they have to worry about.

This will cause them endless troubles and make everyone out of their control, which will be a big trouble!

The four people lay on the ground with blood all over their heads. They slept until dawn, and were awakened by Taishan's kicks.

Holding their heads covered with blood and scabs, the four people remembered what happened last night and looked at Chen Xin'an with fear.

They didn't dare to say anything. They got up honestly and found something to wipe the blood off their bodies, and hid aside timidly.

Continue on the road, and climb up Shencui Peak today.

The sky is very gloomy, as if a heavy rain is brewing.

The rain in the mountains comes as soon as possible. Lao Zhi urged everyone to climb up as soon as possible and enter the forest, otherwise there will be no place to shelter from the rain.

Sure enough, not long after everyone stepped into the woods, heavy rain began!

Thunder rumbled overhead. Chen Xinan frowned and said to Lao Zhi:

"Leave the forest area, let's go back to the stone beach and wait until the rain is over before leaving!"

"Are you sick?" Lao Zhi squinted at him and cursed: "You're going to the stone beach in such a heavy rain?

There's nowhere to hide!

If you want to go, go by yourself. I will definitely not turn back.

If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to climb up Shencui Peak tonight!"

Chen Xinan frowned and said: "If you can't climb up, it's better to waste a little more time than to risk your life!"

"Risk your ass to die!" Lao Zhi cursed impatiently: "Have I walked more of this road or you?

Don't talk nonsense to me, I just ask you whether you want to leave or not!

You want to stay, it's up to you!

Anyway, the money has been paid and it won't be refunded!

Whoever wants to go with him can go.

If you want to leave early, follow me in!"

Except Guo Zhaodi, everyone else followed Lao Zhi and Taishan. Chen Xin'an shook his head and followed Guo Zhaodi reluctantly.


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