Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1618 The army presses the territory

In the open space at the entrance of the east workshop, a lot of mixed raw materials have been placed.

The air was filled with a strange smell of mixed engine oil.

Chen Xin'an shouted to Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai who were squatting on the ground: "Stop pretending, it's too late.

Gather these together and transport them to the front of the office building.

Remember, you must obey the command before lighting it.

Don't blow yourself up before the fight even starts! "

Ma Qiubai stood up and asked Chen Xin'an, who was changing clothes, "Brother Xin, what's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an didn't need to answer. A red tracer rushed into the sky in the direction of the gate.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. No need to ask anymore, the large army has already arrived!

Everyone in the entire factory looked solemn after seeing this tracer of light.

Everyone quickened their pace and began to gather in the direction of the prearranged office building.

Chen Xin'an entered the office building and went directly to the top-level factory director's office.

Sitting on the chair that Zhong Xing once used, Chen Xin'an said to the empty room: "Do me a favor!"

There was no response from the room.

Chen Xin'an snorted and said: "Since you want to be a coward, I will fulfill your wish.

Seal the bathroom door and stay in there for the rest of your life! "

After hearing these words, the bathroom door opened with a click, and a young woman shivered out of it.

She looks pretty good and dresses pretty well.

But he had obviously cried, and the makeup on his face was all messed up, making him look a little funny.

"Don't, don't kill me!" The woman spoke, her teeth making a clicking sound.

She had never been out, but she knew that the factory director Zhong Xing was killed by the man in front of her!

There are many surveillance cameras in the factory area, recording many scenes of the man in front of him in battle.

The woman saw with her own eyes how this man beat the green suit to death and took away the gun.

How to control Zhong Xing so that he can shoot without his control?

Of course, there is also the scene where he shoots the black man’s head off with one shot!

In the eyes of women, this guy is a terrifying murderer!

Chen Xin'an looked at her with a gloomy face and said, "Are you Chinese?"

The woman shook her head and said, "No, I am from Ying. However, I have learned Chinese since I was a child.

Will you let me go?

I'm just a secretary, I've never harmed anyone! "

Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Just because of Zhong Xing's popularity in the factory, he died so tragically that he was almost torn to pieces by the gang of illegal workers!

Can you imagine how many evil things he has done?

Who would believe your personal female secretary who said that it has nothing to do with you?

However, Chen Xin'an is not a chivalrous knight, so naturally he has no time to help the victims settle old scores.

He said to the female secretary with a straight face: "Don't worry, as long as you obey, I will let you go!"

"Okay, I understand!" The female secretary breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, how could you understand it before I said anything?

Then he looked at the female secretary. Right in front of him, he unbuttoned her chest gracefully and took off her coat and shirt...

Holy shit!

I asked you to be obedient, but I didn’t ask you to be so frank!

Why are all the women in Great Britain so open-minded?

Strip yourself naked at every turn?

Then what do you need clothes for?

Wouldn't it be easier to just go out naked every day?

Chen Xin'an wanted to hold her hand to take off her clothes, but found that it was not suitable to put it anywhere.

He simply slapped her in the face with a big mouth and knocked her unconscious!

"What are you doing!" Chen Xin'an angrily picked up her clothes with her toes and cursed at her:

"I asked you to answer the outside call for me!

Why are you taking off your clothes?

When others saw it, they thought I wanted to do something to you! "

The female secretary picked up her clothes, looked at Chen Xin'an in astonishment and asked, "Sir, don't you want to do something to me?"

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an yelled: "Don't think that I won't scold you because you are a woman!

If you get angry, I'll slap you back!

I don't care about you that much, don't be so smart here!

Come on, help me connect this number! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the big thick pen on the desk and wanted to write, but found that it had no pen tip!

The female secretary blushed, put on her clothes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Actually, that's an Anmo stick!"

I go!

Chen Xin'an threw away the thing directly.

Who the hell made this thing look like a thick pen?

The female secretary took out her mobile phone and said to Chen Xin'an, "You can use this to call directly!"

If you have a mobile phone, you should have told me earlier!

Chen Xin'an took the phone, quickly dialed a number, and then pointed to the female secretary where the bathroom was.

The female secretary was smart enough to take the initiative and walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Chen Xin'an stood by the window and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Moore, I am Chen Xin.

What I promised you to prepare is almost here.

You can come to Dingxin Company immediately.

It’s up to you whether you can make the final decision!

Yes, it was me who made the noise.

I can tell you for sure that your Inca military is fully involved.

As for which army it is, I don't want to know.

I just want to know, can you handle it?

Okay, then I will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes as he looked outside the gate at the convoy that was already pressing down like an army.

Although we are cooperating with Moore, who knows when he will arrive?

What if the fight had already started or was over and he arrived belatedly, would he still be alive to see this guy?

Anyway, he only needs evidence of collusion between the military and local enterprises. Whether he saves people or not is not important to him at all!

So before Moore arrives, how to resist the attacks of these green outfits is the most important thing.

After deleting the call history on the phone and putting it on the desk, Chen Xin'an strode out of the office.

In the corridor, Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai ran over and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Brother Xin, everything has been put away and can be used at any time!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Go to the top floor!"

This group of people are all from dormitory 103, and they are already Chen Xin'an's cronies.

He turned his head and glanced, frowned and asked, "Brother Dongshan hasn't come here yet?"

Dakui held the small speaker used by Brother Dongshan before, shook his head and said, "Still in dormitory 2!"

Chen Xin'an also got angry and cursed: "Why is this piece of shit so precious that you risk your life just to find it?

The enemies are so close to your face, and they are looking for you here and there! "

Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Now everyone regards Chen Xin'an as the boss, respecting and fearing him!

Climbing up to the rooftop on the eighth floor of the office building, you can have a panoramic view of the entire factory.

Although the location is not as high as the water tower, there is no smoke interference, so the view is very good.

There were all black heads underneath, and all the illegal workers in the factory had gathered around.

In front, on the road outside the gate, military vehicles were approaching in a mighty manner.

When everyone saw this scene, their faces turned pale, with fear written all over their faces!

After all, everyone in the factory has less than two hundred guns in total!

What most people even hold in their hands are just random wooden sticks!

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of unarmed labor slaves, but they are dealing with standard troops armed with live ammunition. How to fight this battle?

In fact, if Chen Xin'an is given enough time, he can raise everyone's combat power to a higher level, even if they are a group of unarmed workers.

But he only had two or three hours in this afternoon, and even if he was a god, he didn't have that kind of ability.

He doesn’t even have the ability to spread the beans into an army!

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