Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1623 Chinese Butcher

"Brother Dongshan, your daughter is in Inca, in Kambahan, less than fifty miles away from you!"

"Brother Dongshan, my sister-in-law is gone! I don't know what happened to her, but I can imagine that she was thinking about you before she left, just as you were thinking about her!"

"Brother Dongshan, I am actually younger than you, but I am just a face. It is natural and reasonable for me to call you brother!"

Chen Xin'an hugged Guo Dongshan's already cold body, tears streaming down.

Hans whispered: "Mr. Chen..."

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an shouted, opened his eyes, and his eyes became redder.

He gently closed Guo Dongshan's eyes with his hands, laid his body flat, and lay on the ground.

Then he picked up a rifle from the ground and strode towards the crowd.

"Brother Xin!" Ma Qiubai chased after him.

Chen Xinan asked gloomily, "Where are the people?"

Ma Qiubai pointed his finger and said, "They have all entered the workshop. I think they are afraid that you will settle accounts with them, so they want to hide!"

Chen Xinan said in a deep voice, "Stop! Just wait here!"

Ma Qiubai had to stop, and the people around him took the initiative to make way for Chen Xinan.

"Brother Xin, no matter what you do, let me help you!" Ma Qiubai said unwillingly.

Chen Xinan said nothing, holding the gun in his right hand and strode away!

In the workshop, a group of security guards were sitting or standing, and some were at a loss.

"Pah!" A security guard slapped the machine next to him and said loudly, "Captain, we don't need to be afraid!

After all, we still have more guns!

Go straight to them!

With those green suits working together, can't we beat these lowly black workers?"

The people around him echoed one after another.

"If we continue like this, we will be dead! How can these rabble beat those green-clad people outside?"

"We can find an opportunity to kill the leaders, and the rest will not be a big deal.

In this way, we can also hand over the bodies of these people to the big boss.

Just pretend to succumb to them, the purpose is to disintegrate them from the inside!"

"I think it's okay to do this!

Don't think that we are now teaming up with these illegal workers, but when there is a chance, who will let us go?

Are there not many illegal workers who died in our hands?

There is an irreconcilable hatred between us!

It's better to take advantage of the guns now and take action first!

Catch them off guard!

Captain, tell me, shall we do it?"

Everyone turned their heads and their eyes fell on the face of the security captain.

At this moment, everyone's eyes darkened, and someone blocked the door of the workshop!

Everyone stood up nervously and picked up the gun beside them.

It's that Chinese man!

What is he doing with a gun?

But why did he come alone?

The Inca security guards looked at each other.

Then everyone saw that man holding a gun in one hand and pulling the workshop door with the other!

The three-meter-high iron door that originally required two or three people to pull was closed by him with one hand!

"Be careful, this man is not easy to deal with!" The security captain lowered his voice and warned the brothers around him in Inca.

The brother next to him sneered and said to him: "So what?

What can one person do?

It's just right to deliver it to the door. Anyway, we have to please the big boss. The first person to be killed is him!"

Everyone nodded together.

The security captain frowned, but didn't say anything.

He just walked forward two steps and said to Chen Xin'an in poor Chinese:

"About what happened just now, listen to my explanation..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the other party holding up a gun!

At this moment, his pupils shrank directly into a point, and he shouted in horror: "No..."

Da da da!

Bullets poured out and hit his face!

Everyone around was stunned!

None of them expected that this guy would come in alone, and without saying a word, he opened fire and killed the captain first!

Before the rest of the people could react, dense bullets like rain poured down!

A shrill cry came from the whole workshop!

Hundreds of security guards were beaten and fled in the workshop in a panic, each looking for cover!

"He killed the captain! Damn it, I want to avenge the captain!"

"Where did he go? He was just in front... Oh my God, save me quickly, he ran behind me!"

"Shoot! I hit him! No, I didn't! He actually dodged! Oh my God! Am I fighting a ghost? He is simply... ah!"

Chen Xin'an kicked a security guard to the ground, then stepped on his chest, put the muzzle of the gun on his head, and pulled the trigger.


The magazine was empty, and the security guard who thought he had escaped death raised the gun in his hand with a look of surprise.

Before he could fire, Chen Xinan grabbed the butt of his rifle and swung it hard on his head!

The rifle was smashed to pieces.

The head of the security guard was also smashed to pieces!

Chen Xinan raised his toes and grabbed the Remington that the security guard had thrown away.

He turned around, loaded the gun, pulled the trigger, and hit the security guard so hard that a huge blood flower exploded on his chest!

The opponent's whole body hit the gun behind him, leaving a blood mist, and fell to the ground and died on the spot!

Without any pause, Chen Xinan rolled forward and hid behind a machine.

Throwing away the Remington in his hand, he turned over and grabbed the barrel of the gun that was almost reaching his face. He turned around and strangled the security guard in front of him by the neck.

At the same time, the gun in the opponent's hand began to spit out tongues of fire under Chen Xin'an's control!

The nearby security guard barely had a chance to escape before he was knocked to the ground by the spray of bullets!

Across a large iron gate, the workers outside looked horrified.

Even when faced with the overwhelming force of the Incas, they still felt less shocked than they felt at this moment.

One person and one gun.

Lock yourself in a large workshop with more than a hundred Inca security guards.

Isn’t this a proper way to die?

But now, listening to the fierce gunshots inside and the bursts of screams that didn't seem to come from human mouths, everyone stretched their necks and swallowed.

It doesn't look like you are going to die, but like a butcher entering a slaughterhouse!

I don’t know how long it took, but with a loud crash, the big iron door was opened.

Walking out of it was a bloody man whose original appearance was almost invisible, walking out with blood marks one step at a time.

Behind him, bright red blood flowed from the workshop and flowed to everyone's feet.

"Brother Xin!" Ma Qiubai and Erkui rushed over, trying to help Chen Xin'an.

But he pushed him away and said in a deep voice: "Carry out all the corpses and pile them at the gate!"

Ma Qiubai shouted to everyone who was still in a daze: "What are you still doing? Can't you hear the new brother's instructions? Do it!"

Only then did everyone react and rushed into the workshop.

But when the people in front just entered and saw the miserable scene inside, they vomited out with a scream!

More and more people saw the scene in the workshop, and they were all shocked!

No one can imagine what happened here just now.

But everyone could see that in the eyes of the Chinese, these Inca security guards were not human beings at all.

But a bunch of beasts.

And he is the butcher holding the butcher knife, killing these beasts one by one!

A short Tailan man said with a frightened face:

"He's not a human, he's a devil!

He is the butcher from hell!

He is a Chinese butcher!

I must tell everyone around me in the future not to mess with this guy!

Otherwise, you won’t even have a chance to regret it! "


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