Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1629 Everything will be fine

There is no need to listen to their explanation, Chen Xin'an just came to teach Moir a lesson, and now his purpose has been achieved.

The king of Cambahan?

Candidates to be the next Inca Prime Minister?

In front of me, you are nothing!

I want to kill you, even if you hide in the dragon's pond and tiger's den, to me, it will be like entering a deserted land!

Guo Zhaodi, who heard the noise, ran to the door, saw Chen Xin'an at a glance, and shouted in surprise: "Uncle!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, ignored Moore in the bathtub, turned around and walked out.

"Uncle, I thought I would never see you again!

Tomorrow I plan to go to another city to find my dad. Sister Hongying has already helped me get my identity.

By the way, Sister Ying left at noon.

She told me that if I had the opportunity to meet my uncle, I must say thank you for her.

Without her uncle, she wouldn't have been able to come to Inca!

Uncle, when I find my dad, I will definitely go to Kyoto to find you.

By the time……"

"Zhao Di!" Chen Xin'an interrupted her, her face full of confusion.

He really didn't know whether he should tell her the truth or not.

I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to accept it, but I also knew that I couldn't hide it for too long, and I had to let her know after all.

"What's wrong, uncle?" Guo Zhaodi looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and said carefully:

"Uncle, are you tired?

Did I disturb you?

Then I won’t talk anymore and I’ll help you take a rest, okay?

I personally cleaned the room where you sleep today! "

Chen Xin'an hesitated for a moment, but finally took out the pocket watch and handed it to her.

Guo Zhaodi blushed and said to Chen Xin'an in surprise: "Uncle, what is this?

A gift from you?

Is it a necklace?



Why do I seem to have seen this thing before?

This is……

My grandfather had a pocket watch, and it looked like this!

Later, my dad took it with him!

No, this is the pocket watch!

Uncle, this is my father's pocket watch. Why is it on you? "

Guo Zhaodi took the watch, opened the cover, looked at the photo of her and her mother inside, and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile:

"Uncle, this is my mother!

I said why does it look so familiar? It’s really my father’s watch!

But why is it in your hands?



Guo Zhaodi's voice suddenly lowered her head. She seemed to have a premonition of something and shook her head vigorously.

Tears suddenly fell down his face!

Chen Xin'an sighed and said to her: "Zhao Di, I saw your dad.

Sorry, I couldn't bring him out with me..."

"Did you lie to me?" Guo Zhaodi cried and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Uncle, are you kidding me?

Inca is so big, how could you possibly meet my dad after you have only been out for two days?

Did you pick up this watch?

It happened to be my dad who lost it!

Uncle, my mother is still lying in the hospital morgue!

I want to go back with my dad to take care of my mom’s funeral!

Uncle, I'm only sixteen years old!

How can I live without my mom and dad? "

Chen Xin'an didn't know what to say. For a teenage girl, this was really the most tragic experience!

The pain and helplessness of losing his parents was precisely because he had experienced it, so he knew how terrible it was!

Chen Xin'an just opened his hands, gently held her, and patted her back.

Seeing this scene, Xia Hongying and Moir, who was wrapped in a bath towel, stood at the door of the bedroom and lowered their heads with some guilt.

No need to wait for Chen Xin'an to scold them, they also knew that if Moore had brought people there earlier, maybe Guo Zhaodi's father would not have died!

Guo Zhaodi looked up from Chen Xin'an's arms and said with tears in her eyes: "Uncle, where is my dad now? I want to see him!"

Chen Xin'an told her: "It has been taken away by the Inca police and used as evidence.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you want to see it, Mr. Moore will take you there!

Isn’t that right, Mr. Moore? "

Moore nodded quickly and wiped the water stains on his forehead with his hand.

I don’t know if it’s sweat or the water in the bathtub.

Xia Hongying came over, took Guo Zhaodi's hand and said, "Zhaodi, I'll go with you.

Arrange for your father to be cremated and then send you back to China.

Don't worry, I will find a way to arrange your mother's affairs and help you take care of her funeral.

Zhaodi no longer has her parents and sister Hongying.

I am your relative! "

"Thank you, Sister Hongying!" Guo Zhaodi bowed to Xia Hongying and threw herself into her arms while crying.

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to Xia Hongying: "I'll leave it to you to take care of Zhao Di! I hope this time..."

He didn't finish what he said, but Xia Hongying already understood and said to him quickly:

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will never let you down again this time!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned and walked downstairs.

Guo Zhaodi called to him: "Uncle, where are you going?"

Chen Xin'an said to her: "I still have some things to do.

After you finish handling things here, go back to your country!

After the family affairs are settled, he will go to Kyoto to become a disciple.

Study hard and everything will be fine! "

Turning around, Chen Xinan walked downstairs.

Someone was speaking in Inca in the living room, and it was More's bodyguard Lind.

Seeing that this Chinese man had reached the second floor without knowing when, Lin De was furious!

He is a great bodyguard!

Now someone went to the second floor at night, but he never knew about it. This was simply mocking his incompetence!

"Hey! You can't get up there just because you want!

Don't think that just because you saved Mr. Moore, you can be so unreasonable!

Mr. Moore doesn't like..."

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to talk nonsense to him, so she turned around and kicked him sideways.

Which room he came out from, and kicked back to where he came from!

"Sleep well! Chirp Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai!"

You dare to call me rude?

I have saved you no matter what, but you are still here yelling and screaming, who are you talking to!

The Incas are such a bunch of white-eyed wolves!

Linde sat on the floor of his bedroom, unable to recover for a long time.

He knew that the guy named Chen Xin should be a kung fu master.

So does he.

I originally wanted to find a chance to fight with him.

It's not that kindness is repaid with hatred.

The main reason is to see that this kid is being arrogant and teach him a lesson.

Let him know that the Incas also have masters, so don't be so arrogant.

Only now do I know that the strength gap between the two is so huge!

If the other party wants to deal with him, it only takes one move!

Kambahan Lohia Hospital is regarded as the best private hospital in the world.

In Inca, anyone with a little money would not go to a public hospital.

Because the environment there is very poor, the equipment is old-fashioned, and most importantly, there is a shortage of medicines!

This Lohia hospital looks pretty good, and its equipment is similar to that of the tertiary hospitals in Kyoto, China.

Chen Xin'an followed a man wearing a maintenance worker's uniform into a room on the first floor.

The man was about to close the door when he saw someone coming in behind him and was startled.

He opened his mouth to scream, but Chen Xin'an had already covered his mouth.

Then he took out the silver needle he had just retrieved from Moore's house and stuck it in the back of his neck.

Chen Xin'an dragged the unconscious man into the room and closed the door.

A minute later, Chen Xin'an walked out wearing maintenance worker's clothes and carrying a tool bag.

Pulling the brim of his hat down, Chen Xin'an walked towards the stairs.

There is a floor sign in the middle of the hall. Unfortunately, Chen Xin'an can't understand a word of it.

But this didn't bother him.

I don’t know anything else, but fire boxes are similar all over the world.

At this moment, smoke was coming out of the maintenance workers' lounge on the first floor.

Chen Xin'an walked to the fire box and smashed the glass cover of the fire bell with one punch!

The shrill bell rang!

Everyone panicked.

Seeing the billowing smoke coming from the maintenance workers' lounge, the people around started shouting loudly.

Then almost all the fire bells in the building rang!


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