Being so cruel and scheming at such a young age made Chen Xin'an feel a little creepy.

So Chen Xin'an killed their relatives in front of them.

As for what kind of shadow it would leave on their young minds, that was not something he had to consider.

It is better to become a fool than to become a murderer!

He forced Babu Lu's two wives to get the medicine box from home.

Chen Xin'an simply treated and sutured Peng Ying's wounds.

Two hours passed quickly.

Bablo's face turned pale, he took out a card from his body, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said:

"I really tried my best! I could only raise 2.8 million, and it was all put into this card!

The password is on the back of this card, and it’s all up to you! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Peng Ying and said, "How much is the total difference?"

Peng Ying said with red eyes: "About more than 1.3 million!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's enough!"

Even Bablo himself was stunned.

This guy can't count?

How can it be enough if there is still more than one million?

However, he was secretly happy in his heart. Fortunately, he still kept some and didn't have to hand it all over!

He was also prepared to pretend that the other party would not agree, and then he took it out.

I didn’t expect that Chinese people are stupid and would be satisfied so easily.

It's so easy to deceive, so you were deceived. Who can blame you?

But the next second, Chen Xin'an's words suddenly changed his color.

"Let's use his life to pay the remaining debt!"

Bablu shouted: "Wait a minute..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an grabbed his throat, clicked, and crushed his throat bones!


Babu Lu fell to the ground, staring at a pair of dead fish eyes, twisting his body in pain.

At this moment, Peng Ying suddenly rushed up, picked up the knife that killed the old woman, and stabbed Babu Lu in the chest!

Bablu died instantly and lay motionless on the ground.

Chen Xin'an said to Peng Ying, who was in tears: "Sister Ying, let's go! Go back to Kanbahan to find Xia Hongying and ask her to help you transfer the money to your account.

Then you go to Dingxin Factory to find Ma Qiubai and join them.

Return to China the way we came! "

Peng Ying wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves and asked Chen Xin'an, "What about you?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I can't leave yet! You don't have to worry about me.

When the time comes, I will go back by myself!

By the way, Sister Ying, what exactly is this place? "

Peng Ying also knew that this Chen Xin had too many secrets. He was definitely not an ordinary person and was not something she could worry about, so she had no choice but to stop asking any more questions.

She said to Chen Xin'an: "This is Hydra City, by the way, this is for you!"

She took out a mobile phone and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

"I just bought this yesterday. If you are unfamiliar with this place, you can take this. I tuned it to the Chinese version!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she took it.

He said to Peng Ying: "Sister Ying, think of it as buying a lesson this time.

When you find a man in the future, don’t just believe his sweet words! "

Peng Ying blushed and glanced at him.

My sister is attracted to you, but she’s not good enough for you!

Chen Xin'an waved his hand to her and motioned for her to leave, while he stayed here to deal with the aftermath.

Peng Ying didn't ask any more questions. She took a deep look at Chen Xin'an and turned to leave.

After she left, Chen Xin'an looked at Babu Lu's two wives and their five children, all crying loudly next to Babu Lu's body.

With no mercy in his heart, he walked to the body, picked up the cell phone that Babu Lu had dropped on the ground, turned on the camera, and took a selfie of himself.

Then he threw the phone on Babu Lu and said to the two women: "Call the police!"

The two women looked at him with resentment, not understanding his words.

Chen Xin'an took out the mobile phone Peng Ying gave him.

I found the translator, turned on the voice, and played what I just said to them.

The two women looked at each other, wondering what this guy meant.

But seeing that he didn't look like he was joking, the eldest wife was still brave enough to pick up her mobile phone and dial the police number.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and turned to leave.

Leaning under the streetlight and watching the police car roaring into the alley, Chen Xin'an took her mobile phone and opened the map.

This is Hydera. Going further into the Inca hinterland, the next city is Gabon. Going further west is the Inca Kyoto city of Mutan.

Do you want to go there for a walk?

It seems that the headquarters of Wackeer Group is in Mutan City, right?

Lifting the bag at his feet, inside were a few pieces of clothing taken from the house on Babu Road.

Walking to a secluded place, Chen Xin'an changed into Babu Lu's clothes.

Standing like this on the street, they look just like ordinary Inca people.

It was getting daybreak. Chen Xinan walked around Market Street, then walked out and got on a bus.

Now he not only dresses like an Inca, but also looks similar.

There is everything in the market street, even wigs and beards are sold.

Of course, it's just dawn and the doors are not open yet.

But this is Inca, do I need to wait for you to open the door to buy something?

It doesn't exist!

Just kick open the door, pack what you need, throw in some money, and it's a transaction that satisfies both parties.

Now Chen Xin'an has a much darker complexion and has a fake beard.

He originally wore a mask, but now he has no resemblance to his original appearance.

Even if his wife stood in front of him, she would not recognize him!

After taking the bus for forty minutes, Chen Xin'an got off the bus, bought a large pancake on the roadside, and ate while walking.

This is the entrance to the largest shopping mall in Hyderabad.

It's daybreak and the shopping mall is open.

Chen Xin'an walked in, walked around and came out again.

Just as he was about to leave, the phone in his hand rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar number above, a sneer appeared on Chen Xin'an's lips.

He pressed the answer button, but there was no word on the other side, and he didn't say a word either.

He hung up the phone, opened his phone, took out the phone card, and threw it into the trash can next to him.

He took out a stack of phone cards in his pocket, ten in total.

He took out one, broke off the chip, and put it into his phone.

This mobile phone once called Bablu.

Now that the police have gone to Babu Road's house, they won't miss this clue.

So the call just now must have been made by the police.

As long as Chen Xin'an is connected, his location can be tracked.

Peng Ying gave him her phone out of kindness.

She had no idea cell phones could be tracked.

If Chen Xin'an doesn't want her cell phone, these police will target Peng Ying.

With her strength, it was impossible to escape the pursuit of the Inca police.

Now Chen Xin'an has left a selfie on Babu Road's mobile phone and also left communication clues.

All the police's attention was also focused on him.

Carrying out a nationwide wanted manhunt will put everyone's attention on Hydera.

Then there is a greater chance that Ma Qiubai will take that group of people out of the country.

As long as they are not caught by the Inca green outfit and cross the border, they can return home!

However, Chen Xin'an also knew that even if he prepared so many mobile phone cards in advance, he would change them frequently.

These numbers will soon be available to the police.

As long as he makes a phone call, his location will be leaked, and his situation will become very dangerous!

The current situation is like a cat and mouse game.

But it’s hard to tell who is the cat and who is the mouse!

Twenty minutes later, sirens roared.

The entire mall was quickly cordoned off by police.

After searching for more than an hour, the police found a phone card in a trash can.

At this moment, the original holder of this phone card has long disappeared!


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