Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1644 Truck Octagonal Cage


The two cars collided, and the black car was pushed by the truck and slid into the field next to it.

Unfortunately, the distance was too close, and the truck did not speed up, so the impact was limited.

When it entered the field, the truck could not exert much force.

The people in the other two cars had already reacted and rushed over!

They were all bald monks!

And they were all ancient martial artists!

Of course, their ancient martial arts were ancient Inca fighting techniques, which were different from Chinese ancient martial arts.

They shouted loudly and climbed onto the car from various places!

A bald man stood not far from the car with a short spear in his hand and threw it fiercely at Chen Xinan!


At the moment the windshield was pierced, Chen Xinan dodged to the side, and with a puff, the short spear pierced into the back of the chair behind him!

The short spear, which was about one meter long, almost penetrated the back of the chair and the steel plate behind it, leaving only a short section.

Damn it!

Chen Xinan stepped on the accelerator and reversed the truck onto the dirt road.

Then he shifted the gear, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards the guy who threw the spear!

The bald man's face changed, and he turned and ran!

Chen Xin'an held the steering wheel with one hand, bent the other hand, and smashed the glass of the car window next to him with an elbow, and hit the face of a bald man who was holding the car door!

The guy was bleeding and fell straight up on his back!

The guy who threw the spear ran to the back of the car, feeling relieved that he had come to a safe place.

But before he could catch his breath, the truck had already rushed over and hit the car in front of him with a bang!

Before he could react, his body was hit hard by the car and flew out!

Then the car was pushed by the truck and crushed over him. Before he could escape, he was ruthlessly crushed under the car!

If you are a monk, just recite your sutras in the temple!

If you can't distinguish right from wrong, you are doomed to have a bad end!

When dealing with enemies, has Chen Xin'an ever been soft-hearted?

No matter you are a monk or a Taoist priest, if you provoke me and want to kill me, you deserve to die!

Chen Xinan, driving a truck, rushed on the dirt road like riding a mad bull!

Of course, the master Muzhu who ran out of the car in a panic was his main target.

He was also specially taken care of and was chased by him all the time!

Seeing the dusty and embarrassed appearance of Master Muzhu running away, Chen Xinan felt so happy!

A master of the fourth level of internal strength is amazing?

He has been chasing me all the way from Kambahan to here!

Don’t you want to kill me?

Then come!

If you have the ability, stand there and don’t move, and fight with my car to see whether the truck is powerful or your fourth level of internal strength is more awesome!

Unfortunately, the joy turned into sorrow. I went too deep into the field. If I didn’t pay attention, the car got stuck in the soft soil and slipped!

How could the other group of people miss such an opportunity!

A group of bald men rushed over from the front of the car and the doors on both sides like locusts!

Chen Xinan stood up and grabbed it with his backhand.

He grabbed the part of the short spear that was exposed outside, and with a sound of "Hey", he pulled it out!

The short spear turned a circle in his hand and suddenly stabbed forward!

With a loud bang, a bald man grabbed the front of the car with both hands, kicked his feet hard, broke the windshield, and kicked towards Chen Xinan.


The short spear pierced the monk's right foot alive!

The monk screamed and rolled on the front of the car.

Chen Xinan swung the short spear and slammed it to the side, slamming the monk who had just opened the passenger door!

With his right foot stepping on the driver's seat, Chen Xinan jumped out of the front frame of the car without a windshield.

He stood on the front of the car, holding the bloody short spear, and shouted to the monks: "Come!"

As soon as the voice fell, he leaned back and hit the short spear in his hand fiercely.

With a clang, a Buddhist bead flew away!

The wooden Buddhist bead hit the steel short spear, making a crisp sound of metal and stone hitting each other, and the lingering sound lasted for a long time.

Chen Xinan's right hand was numb, which showed how much force a master of the fourth level of internal strength had in his fingers!

The scarf on his face fell off, revealing his entire face.

Of course, it was still the mask, but Master Muzhu's eyes widened, pointing at him and yelling at the monks in Inca!

Chen Xinan had already put on the translation headset and knew that Master Muzhu was telling his companions that this guy was the one they came to find!

Including Master Muzhu, there were a total of eleven monks.

One was crushed to death by Chen Xinan's car, and four were seriously injured.

There were six others standing around, staring at Chen Xinan.

"You Chinese kid, get down here and die!"

"You've offended our master and hurt so many of our fellow disciples. Don't think about leaving here alive today!"

"You're just a Chinese, and you dare to come to our Inca to cause trouble. You deserve to be killed! Damn it!"

Chen Xin'an stood on the front of the car, looking at Master Muzhu provocatively, and gave him a thumbs up.

Then he turned his palm and turned his thumb down.

"Inca Kung Fu master?

Just you?

A bunch of chickens and pottery dogs!

Want to kill me?

Come on!

I'll fight you alone!"

The other party didn't wear a translation headset, so he couldn't understand what Chen Xin'an was saying.

But he saw all the gestures he made to his master.

Everyone was furious, shouting and cursing, and rushed up one after another!

The helpers called by Master Muzhu were all his disciples.

After all, it is too inefficient to go after that Chinese boy Chen Xin alone.

It will be much more convenient if you have an apprentice to help you.

The Incas worshiped Buddha very much, and public officials often invited monks to perform rituals.

The police department is also the department that holds the most such activities.

So most Inca monks have good relations with the police.

It was timely to get the news about Chen Xin'an in this way, so Master Mu Zhu led his disciples to hunt down Luo Wa Village.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by this despicable guy before he even entered the village.

Instead, he struck first and caught them off guard, causing heavy losses!

According to Master Mu Zhu's estimation, this ancient Chinese warrior's skills were actually average.

Mainly, he is cunning, cunning, despicable, and will use any means to escape.

If his ten disciples join forces, they will be more than enough to deal with him!

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, that bastard drove his car and hit him randomly, disrupting his position!

In the fight just now, one enemy was dead before they even recognized him, four were seriously injured and couldn't stand up, and nearly half of them were lost!

How could this make Master Muzhu not angry or distressed?

While the disciples were distracting the guy, he flicked two beads in an attempt to kill the guy easily.

Unexpectedly, this kid was as clever as a ghost. He seemed to be fighting against the five disciples, but in fact, all his attention was focused on him and he was always on guard against his beads!

So the two prayer beads had no effect, and they were all bounced away by him with his short spear!

And that cunning guy didn't give him another chance to play Buddha beads. After jumping on the front of the car, he jumped into the car behind!

There are high baffles on all sides of the carriage, and only one head is exposed inside.

It will be very inconvenient to use Buddhist beads in this way!

It is really beneath the dignity of a master like Master Muzhu to climb into a carriage and fight with others.

So he could only let the disciples take action while he scanned the formation below, looking for opportunities!

What Master Mu Zhu didn't expect was that the space in the back compartment of the truck was so narrow that it was like an octagonal cage in a fighting arena.

It seems like it can hold fifty or sixty people, but when it comes to fighting, three people have already taken up all the space!

In other words, what Chen Xin'an faced was just two ordinary ancient warriors who had just touched the threshold of inner strength!

Even if he was injured, he could deal with these powerful opponents with ease and without much effort!


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