Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1682: Being taken advantage of and not knowing it

Everyone in the investigation team looked livid and glared at Ning Xiruo, feeling as if they had been greatly insulted!

Wu Chaoyang said to Ning Xiruo with a sullen face: "Mr. Ning, what do you mean?

I warn you, please cooperate with our law enforcement!

We are not targeting you, but we are here to give everyone a reassuring explanation!

And the finished product here seriously exceeds the standard, this is a fact!

If this was the case for just a barrel of wine, I would just look at it in front of Mr. Ning and let it go.

But if we randomly check three barrels in a row and they are all like this, we have to be cautious!

It is also for everyone's benefit to take these finished products away for unified inspection.

If there is no problem with other finished products, we will return the wine.

It can also clear your reputation, so you should support it! "

"Support?" Ning Xiruo smiled coldly, her eyes making Wu Chaoyang's heart tremble.

This behavior seemed different from the panic he expected!

Ning Xiruo said calmly: "Don't worry, I will definitely support you!

That’s why you are not prohibited from inspecting it.

But only within our factory area.

You also know that these wines are not used in those wines on the market.

You should also know the retail price of Liangmao Liquor.

So if you want to take all the finished products back, it is impossible for me to agree to it.

You said you would pay it back, when?

Is it still the original Liangmao medicinal wine that is returned?

In other words, if you just say that your products are all illegal, then these Liangmao medicinal wines worth millions belong to you?

Captain Wu, if you find it troublesome, I can send someone to pick you up in a car!

If you can't make the decision yourself, ask your director to call me.

I will explain it to him directly then! "

Everyone in the investigation team is furious!

"Mr. Ning, I hope you will cooperate with our investigation seriously and don't mess around here!"

"Who do you think you are? You also asked our director to call you. Do you think our director has nothing to do every day?"

"We work in accordance with the rules and regulations. If you obstruct us, you will bear the consequences!"

Facing the accusations and ridicules from the members of the investigation team, Ning Xiruo showed no fear at all. She just looked at everyone coldly and said:

“You have your rules and regulations, and our company has our company’s rules and regulations.

When you investigate, I am doing my job seriously, but when I implement our system, I am just messing around?

Is this your reasoning?

Why do I, as the president of Ningruo Anhao Group and the vice president of the National Chamber of Commerce, still get ahead of me after just talking to your director?

Then I call Yang Hongtao and ask him to come forward. I call your director to tell him about this. Is that enough to give him face? "

The expressions of all the people in the investigation team changed, and everyone secretly glared at the boy who just spoke so carelessly.

Just talk about things, why are you mentioning the director?

Wouldn't this cause him trouble?

Ning Xiruo ignored them at all, and Duluo Qiancheng said, "Go get me a cup!"

Luo Qiancheng nodded and ran away, quickly bringing a disposable plastic cup over.

Ning Xiruo said to him: "Which barrels do not pass the test? Take me over and have a look!"

"This way!" Luo Qiancheng led the way, leading Ning Xiruo to a large wine barrel containing three hundred kilograms of wine, stepped on a wooden stool, and scooped out some wine.

A female investigator curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Pretending! There is so much wine in it, even if there are really excessive ingredients, you can't taste it!"

Ning Xiruo didn't even look at her and said expressionlessly: "That's you!"

She took a sip of wine, slowly soaked the entire tip of her tongue, and then frowned.

It really doesn't taste right.

She walked over to another barrel that had been inspected, scooped out some wine, and tasted it again.

In this way, she kept walking and stopping, scooping out some wine to taste from time to time, not only the ones that had been sampled, but also those that had not been sampled.

After a while, Ning Xiruo said to Luo Qiancheng: "Bring today's storage slip and call some security guards."

Luo Qiancheng ran over and asked the warehouse manager to get the warehouse receipt, but Ning Xiruo ignored everyone and just wandered aimlessly in the warehouse.

The investigators all looked at her inexplicably, not understanding what she was doing.

Wu Chaoyang's face was livid, and he frowned at Ning Xiruo.

When Luo Qiancheng brought the delivery slip, Ning Xiruo flipped through a few sheets, then handed the delivery slip back to Luo Qiancheng and said:

"Okay, take the security guards and control the warehouse keeper who is working today.

Then call the police and wait for the police to come and search them.

If items are found, the persons and items should be handed over to the police for processing.

For those who have been wronged, let the finance department give each person a red envelope of 500 yuan, which will be considered as compensation for mental damages! "

Luo Qiancheng looked at Ning Xiruo with wide eyes.

Luo Qianxue scolded him: "Don't be stunned, don't talk nonsense, just do whatever I ask you to do!"

"Okay!" Luo Qiancheng turned around and ran away.

A group of people from the investigation team looked at each other.

"What is she doing? Is she drunk?"

"It's all a mystery! This is because I don't want to find reasons within myself and vent my anger on my own employees!"

"With a boss like this, those employees are really going to have bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Ning Xiruo exhaled and said to the investigators with an indifferent expression:

"You guys will cooperate later, get off work later, and wait for the police to come!"

An investigator sneered coldly, glanced at Ning Xiruo with disdain and cursed:

“You said you’re going to get off work late?


We are not your employees!

You, the big boss, still want to show off in front of us? "

"That's right! Don't think that just using the name of Leader Yang will scare you!

We enforce the law impartially and are not afraid of anyone we see! "

“I’m sorry, I have to pick up the kids from school at six o’clock, I can’t do anything!

Whoever is willing to cooperate has nothing to do with me anyway! "

Ning Xiruo looked at the investigators, shook her head, and said sympathetically:

“You’ve been taken advantage of and still feel good about yourself here.

I don't even know what's in your heads!

Tofu brain? "

"What did you say?!" A group of investigators became angry and shouted at Ning Xiruo in unison.

Ning Xiruo ignored them at all, turned to look at Wu Chaoyang and said, "Captain Wu, although our wine is not up to standard, you can't use it to wash your hands, right?"

Wu Chaoyang spread his hands angrily and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! When have I ever done that kind of thing!"

Ning Xiruo glanced at his hand, snorted and said, "It's not you, it's your colleagues!"

"That's nonsense! Don't spit on people here!" Everyone was angry, and they all spread their hands to show their innocence.

Ning Xiruo glanced over and saw a young woman in her twenties stretched out her hand and flashed it. Maybe she was shy about having dirty hands, so she quickly retracted her hand.

Ning Xiruo walked up to her, looked at her coldly and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman's eyes were panicked, and she snorted and said, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ning Xiruo looked directly into her eyes and said, "Of course it does matter!"

At this moment, there was a fierceness in her eyes that she had never seen before. She stared at the woman and asked: "Tell me, what is your name!"

The woman must have just started working and obviously lacks experience.

When Ning Xiruo glared at her, she took a step back in fright and turned pale.

The colleague next to her was unhappy and shouted to her: “What are you doing!

This is the niece of our team!

You are so brave..."

"Shut up!" Ning Xiruo shouted sharply. The person who spoke was so frightened that he immediately swallowed the rest of his words, and everyone else was also silent!

Wu Chaoyang came over and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, this is my niece Wu Rui. Has she offended you in any way?"

Ning Xiruo snorted coldly, looked at him and said, "Captain Wu, come and test this barrel of wine, it must be too high!"

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