Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1684 Don't force yourself to chat if you don't know how to chat

After finishing the business at the winery, it was already dark.

Ning Xiruo did not go home, but first went to Zhenghe Hospital to visit Dai Wei and Dong Hongbing.

They were told to rest in peace and recuperate, and the company would cover all treatment costs.

Then he went upstairs again and performed acupuncture on Konoha.

Guo Zhaodi stayed here, waiting for Ning Xiruo to take the needle, and then said to her: "Sister Ruo, I want to discuss something with you..."

"Say!" Ning Xiruo said to Guo Zhaodi with a smile.

Guo Zhaodi looked at Konoha on the hospital bed and said, "My grandma was hit by a car before and the doctor said she was brain dead and advised us to give up.

But my grandfather didn't agree and took care of my grandma for half a year before letting her wake up.

My parents were not at home at that time, and I was taken by my grandfather.

So I followed him to take care of grandma every day.

There is a set of head massage techniques, which mainly stimulate various acupuncture points.

Combined with the effect of medicinal fumigation, it will have a better effect on brain-dead people.

My grandpa taught me and asked me to make these for my grandma when he was away.

The situation I see Sister Ye Zhen in today is similar to that of my grandma back then.

I discussed with Master and tried that method to see if it works for Sister Ye Zhen. "

Luo Qianhe on the side nodded and said: "She has done it once, I think it should be effective.

It may be better than acupuncture!

It's just a bit harder in the early stage, basically four times a day. "

Ning Xiruo looked at Guo Zhaodi with some embarrassment. Just when she was about to speak, Guo Zhaodi shook her head and said:

"What a hard work this is!

I am from a rural area and have worked in the fields with adults since I was a child.

When I get back, I have to do laundry and cooking, and then go on medical visits with my grandpa.

I sleep until eleven or twelve every day and get up at five or six in the morning.

I'm used to it, and I don't think it's anything hard! "

Ning Xiruo is not pretentious. After all, it is her biggest wish to let Ye Zhen wake up now.

She nodded and said to Guo Zhaodi: "Little sister, thank you for your hard work!

I leave Ye Zhen to you. If you need anything, just ask.

Don't worry and do it boldly. No matter whether it succeeds or not, I won't blame you and will give you a big red envelope! "

Guo Zhaodi blushed and said, "I don't want a red envelope!

Sister Ruo said that we are all one family.

When you do things with your own family, why do you need any red envelopes? "

Ning Xiruo, who had been worried all day, finally smiled, rubbed Guo Zhaodi's head and nodded to her.

After returning from the hospital, Ning Xiruo rubbed her eyebrows and said to Mou Pingxuan: "Xiaoxuan, I'm sorry to delay your get off work on the first day.

Let's go get something to eat and then take you home. "

Mou Pingxuan smiled and said: "I live far away, so it is inconvenient to go back.

Well, Mr. Ning doesn't have to worry about me getting off work. I can find a hotel nearby and I can handle it for one night.

There are still some things to discuss with Mr. Ning later, so don't worry, we can talk slowly, and we can talk about any number of points. "

Guan Qing turned around, smiled at each other with Ning Xiruo, and smiled at Mou Pingxuan:

"That's just right. You sleep with me tonight! What kind of hotel do you want to stay in? How can a hotel be as comfortable as home?"

Everyone has gone home from get off work, and the twin sisters are here tonight.

Since the establishment of Ning Ruo Anhao Group, the two sisters have completely separated from Junhao Group, and now they belong completely to Anhao Group.

In Chen Xin'an's absence, they would fully represent Chen Xin'an and attend various occasions. The full-time driver was Xiao Zhang.

Xiaojiu didn't come back. She originally heard that something happened at the company and wanted to leave her parents in the hotel and come back to help.

Ning Xiruo called her to comfort her and told her that she was almost done with it, so she calmed down.

She stayed at the Junhao Hotel tonight. Ning Xiruo had arranged a few days' travel itinerary for her and her parents, allowing them to enjoy themselves.

Sitting at the dining table, Wang Yi finished listening to Mou Pingxuan's account of what happened today, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said solemnly:

"Fortunately, there is no danger. Xi Ruo, do you need my help?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "It's hard to say now. But I have a hunch that this matter is not over yet. And it will get more troublesome as it goes on!"

Wang Yi was stunned for a moment and cursed angrily: "It's not over yet? Who are they? What do they want to do?"

Ning Xiruo snorted and said: "They didn't want to do anything, they just wanted to kill me!

Everyone should be more careful these days.

We must work together to deal with this crisis! "

Everyone nodded together.

Dao Lei sighed: "It would be great if the boss was here. We can deal with these sneaky bastards who are hiding behind us. Three strikes, five divided by two, and that's it!"

Xiao Zhang kicked him under the table.

Pig head, don't open any pot and lift it!

Are you saying that the boss lady is incapable of doing things?

He scolded Dao Lei with a dark face: "Don't talk such nonsense! The boss doesn't even have the guts to make trouble with this group of people!

They bully the boss who is away and only the boss's wife is orphaned and widowed, so they dare to jump out and cause trouble! "

Wu Yan scolded the two of them with a dark face: "Shut up, you two!

So many dishes can't stop you two, right?

Learn from Xiao Yu, if you don’t know how to chat, don’t force it! "

Yu Zetao raised his head and lay down with a blank look on his face.

Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei shrank their necks.

The yin and yang at the dinner table are so intense that if they want to quarrel, they will be drowned in saliva within three minutes.

So I just ate my food obediently and ran away when I was full.

"By the way, boss lady, my brother asked me to tell you that the boy was caught!" Dao Lei raised his head and said to Ning Xiruo.

"Your brother?" Ning Xiruo frowned. She knew that Dao Lei had a brother, but she had never met him, so he was not familiar with him.

She frowned and asked, "Who did you catch?"

Dao Lei wiped his mouth and said, "That's the big guy you saw at the construction site this morning! That's my brother, Dao Feng!"

Ning Xiruo suddenly realized and remembered.

At that time, I saw that the big man looked familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere. It turned out to be Mr. Dao's eldest son.

Dao Lei grinned and said, "It's normal that you don't know my brother, half of the people in Zhongyi Hall don't know him.

His nickname is Lao Meng, and he has been a maniac since he was a child, the kind who can't even kick out a fart.

My dad dislikes him because he has trouble doing things and can't speak well, so he dislikes him very much..."

Everyone looked disgusted.

Your brother can't speak, but you can?

Ning Xiruo interrupted him and said, "Who did Brother Feng catch?"

Dao Lei said: "That's the guy who's been making fire down there!

A kid who just joined the engineering team.

I wanted to call you, but your line has been busy.

So I handed it over to the police. It should have been registered there. If you want to find him, just ask the police! "

Ning Xiruo looked at Mou Pingxuan, and their expressions changed at the same time.

Mou Pingxuan stood up and said to Dao Lei, "Which police station were you sent to, and who was the policeman who received you?"

Dao Lei was startled, spread his hands and said, "I didn't know..."

Xiao Zhang slapped him and scolded him: "Call Brother Feng and ask!"

Dao Lei quickly took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

After a while, he made a sound, then hung up the phone, widened his eyes and said to Ning Xiruo:

"That kid is dead! He was hit by a car and died after he registered at the police station. The vehicle responsible for the accident has not been found yet!"

Everyone was stunned.

Mou Pingxuan quickly said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, we need to find that Wu Rui!

She's probably in danger too! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "And that warehouse manager! Xiao Zhou, contact the Food Supervision Bureau, check Wu Chaoyang's phone number, and ask him to find Wu Rui!"

Just when Zhou Zhi was about to agree, Ning Xiruo's cell phone rang. He picked it up and answered it. A man's anxious voice came from inside:

"Mr. Ning, I am Wu Chaoyang, Wu Rui is by my side, she wants to see you!"

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