Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1686 This is my own war

Guan Qing stood up next to her and wanted to take action with a sullen face!

This old guy’s purpose is not pure!

Ning Xiruo winked at her, shook her head, looked at Meng Xuanke and nodded and said:

"You're right, I was rude!

President Meng, please borrow the bathroom and wait for me for a few minutes! "

"No problem!" Meng Xuanke nodded with a smile, pointed to the small door next to him and said, "Mr. Ning, I'll wait and see here!"

Ning Xiruo stood up with her handbag and walked into the bathroom.

Guan Qing looked at Meng Xuanke with a gloomy face and said, "President Meng, remember every word you said and everything you did today!"

Meng Xuanke sneered coldly, shook his head and said with disdain:

"Remember, don't remember, so what?

Some news cannot be hidden.

And I didn’t deliberately make things difficult for you, right?

What I said is true! "

Guan Qing looked at him with squinted eyes and asked: "Then I want to ask President Meng, if Mr. Chen were here, would you dare to make such a request?"

Meng Xuanke burst out laughing, shook his head and said, "Miss, you said it yourself, it would be if Mr. Chen were here.

But the truth is, he's not here at all.

I'm afraid, he will never have the chance to appear here again!

You can't use a dead person to ask me to do this or that, right?

His reputation is really not that great! "

Guan Qingqi's face turned blue, and just when she was about to speak, Ning Xiruo had already walked out of the bathroom.

The moment he saw her, Meng Xuanke's eyes almost popped out of his head.

He looked at Ning Xiruo wildly, his eyes following her until she sat down on the sofa opposite, unwilling to look away.

"Not to mention anything else, Mr. Ning's face alone is worth three hundred million!

I was puzzled, it was obviously a beautiful face that could attract people all over the world, how could Mr. Ning be willing to turn it ugly!

This face should be displayed openly for everyone to see, whether they are men or women, they will fall in love with it!

Mr. Ning, let me tell you the truth from the bottom of my heart, if I could have dinner with a beauty like you, I would grit my teeth and take out one billion..."

"Meng Xuanke!" Guan Qing shouted angrily and stood up.

Ning Xiruo shouted to her: "Sister Qing!"

Then he shook his head, looked at Meng Xuanke and smiled:

“President Meng said 300 million, then 300 million!

Let's sign the contract now, and we won't delay Meng Xing any longer! "

Meng Xuanke laughed and said: "With a peerless beauty like Mr. Ning, no matter how long you stay, it won't be a waste of time!"

He left the president's office with the contract and drove Long Ye out of the office building of Jingfa Bank's head office. Guan Qing seemed to be vented and he slapped the steering wheel hard.

Ning Xiruo said to her calmly: "The next one is President Fu Bosheng of Jingye Bank."

"Miss..." Guan Qing's voice was a little more choked up.

The calmer Ning Xiruo acted, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Ever since she was a child, when has the young lady ever suffered such injustice?

But she couldn't do anything but watch.

They didn't do anything, they were just talking. What could she do?

But it was precisely because of this that she felt aggrieved.

I'm so angry that I just can't let it out!

On the contrary, it was Ning Xiruo who comforted her softly: "Sister Qing, don't be angry!

I have thought about more embarrassing scenes than this one, they were all expected, and I was mentally prepared! "

Guan Qing nodded, but her heart felt even more uncomfortable.

The phone rang and Ning Xiruo answered the call: "Xiao Zhou, what's wrong?"

After a long silence, Ning Xiruo continued, "Okay, I'll go back now!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, go back to Anhao Building."

Seeing Ning Xiruo's calm face, unable to conceal her trembling with anger, Guan Qing asked cautiously: "Miss, what happened again?"

Ning Xiruo said in a deep voice: "The departments of industry and commerce, taxation, health, environmental protection, urban construction and other departments have formed a joint law enforcement team.

Now they have entered Anhao Building and issued multiple fines and corrective measures.

Several industries may need to be sealed. "

"How dare they!" Guan Qing was shocked!

This is a direct act of going straight to Huanglong!

Mr. Long turned around on the highway and sped away.

A black Honda also turned around and followed closely.

Soon the black Honda caught up with Mr. Long. Just as he was about to cause a rear-end collision with another car, an off-road vehicle came from the side and knocked the Honda away!

Guan Qing braked and looked ahead coldly.

The glass of the passenger window of the off-road vehicle fell down, revealing a big bald head.

Seeing this guy, Guan Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Gongsun Feiyang waved his hand to Mr. Long, indicating to continue moving forward.

But he pulled the steering wheel, and with the roar of the accelerator, the off-road vehicle crashed into the Honda again!

The Honda was so frightened that it slammed the accelerator and ran away with its head covered in black smoke!

Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing with a sullen face, "The man behind the Lu family has taken action!"

Chen Xin'an also told her that the Lu family has connections in the Grand Palace.

Once that person takes action, he will not follow the truth and will directly do it to death without giving anyone a chance to retaliate!

Guan Qing called to Ning Xiruo with some worry: "Miss..."

That one is the real boss, who can cover the sky with one hand and change the clouds and rain!

It would be strange for a young lady to win in an arm wrestling match with such a person!

"It's okay, I'm not afraid!" Ning Xiruo took a deep breath, clenched her fists and said:

“I can give up my company, and I can give up all my money.

Any property that belongs to me can be thrown away.

But no one can take away what belongs to my husband!

I will use my life to defend everything he left me! "

Guan Qing bit her lip and took out her mobile phone.

Ning Xiruo, who was sitting in the back seat, said: "Sister Qing, promise me not to call Guanbei.

This is my own war, there is no need to involve the Guan family. "

Guan Qing said with red eyes: "But Miss, the other party is too powerful, we can't compete with him!"

"I know!" Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "That's why I can't involve the Guan family!

Sister Qing, don’t forget the mission given to you by Sister Yi.

Carefully record everything we do now and everyone we meet!

If something happens to me.

This is the only evidence to bring down the Lu family.

When Xin'an comes back, give this to him.

He will help me get revenge! "

"Miss!" Guan Qing, who had not shed tears for many years, finally cried out!

Ning Xiruo, however, looked calm and had firm eyes as she sat back and murmured: "Don't worry, I will handle it!

I am no longer that silly girl who only cries and hides behind you when something happens!

I will guard our home and protect our family and friends.

No matter who wants to bully us and rob us of our property, I will bite him black and blue! "

Inside the Anhao Building, everything was almost in chaos.

All work has stopped, and employees are at a loss, gathering around the office door or in the corridor, discussing what is about to happen.

The leader of the joint law enforcement team has just informed everyone.

Due to multiple illegal operations, Ningruo Anhao Group has now announced its closure for rectification and will undergo more detailed inspections by the law enforcement team.

For companies that are found to have problems, the person in charge will be subject to police interrogation, and the company's business license will be temporarily detained and may be revoked!

As if overnight, Ning Ruoanhao Company, which had risen strongly in Kyoto and was developing so rapidly that everyone was stunned, fell into a situation of suspension of business and delisting!

All the various industries and ongoing projects of the entire group suddenly came to a halt.

It's like a high-speed train that suddenly stops braking!

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