Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1702 How rich are you?

I didn’t expect that the card given by Mr. Fang would be used so quickly.

In fact, this card is useless to Ning Xiruo.

If she wants to buy jewelry, she will definitely not come to Wufu Jewelry.

After what happened, coupled with the attitude of the clerk at the main store, it was impossible to say that Ning Xi didn't have any grudges.

Xiaojiu's parents happen to be here to buy jewelry, so let's give it to them.

After looking at several styles of jewelry, the couple felt dissatisfied.

He frowned and said to the clerk: "That's all there is? Are there any good products? Are there no super K products?"

The clerk said impatiently: "No! Do you want these?"

Another clerk said coldly: "I have been working here for many years, and I have never heard of any super K products.

I have heard of high K. Everything here is high K quality. "

Gou Chunhua said with a look of disdain: "This is not a high-K product, at best it is a medium-K product!

Your store looks pretty big, but why don’t you even have good products? "

As soon as this was said, all the store clerks were unhappy!

"What are you talking about! Do you know anything about jewelry? Who are you to say you don't have good ones?"

"I take it you're not here to spend money at all, right?

I can’t afford it and want to look fancy, so I’m picky in every way.

We have seen too many people like you! "

"It seems like you are not willing to spend money. You have to hesitate for a long time to buy a ring!

Still pretending to find fault?

Don’t you realize how miserable you are? "

Xiao Jiu became angry and shouted at the clerks: "What nonsense are you talking about!

Please be polite, how can anyone serve you like this? "

A clerk said coldly: "Our service depends on the person!

You are obviously not here to consume, but to cause trouble. You still want us to be polite?

Do you think that's possible? "

"What are you arguing about?" A man and a woman came out from the back toward the office.

The man is Yan Yanshen, and the woman is the temporary store manager.

A clerk quickly said: "Mr. Fang, these people are here to cause trouble without spending money! Call the security to drive them out!"

Gou Chunhua cursed angrily: "Who do you think is causing trouble?

I'm so surprised by your service here!

The goods are not right and the service is terrible.

If such a store were in Tailan, it would have been closed down due to complaints! "

The agent store manager said angrily: "Be careful what you say! Whose goods are you saying are not right?"

Ge Fugui snorted coldly and said, "Did we say it wrong?

We have been dealing with jewelry all our lives, and we also do this kind of processing ourselves.

I am very familiar with these things and can level them up at a glance.

All of your so-called high-K goods have been reprocessed.

But no matter how it is processed, the base material is still medium K, and the highest quality can only be medium K quality!

If you don’t believe it, let me compare my wife’s earrings with yours.

Even if it is gold, you can see the difference between super K, high K and even medium K! "

He asked Gou Chunhua to take off the earrings, put them on the counter, and said to the clerk:

"Compare it with your purest gold earrings!"

The clerk wanted to say something, but Fang Yanshen glared at her and then made a move.

She had no choice but to close her mouth, bent down and took out an earring from the counter.

Xiao Jiu looked embarrassed next to her. She snorted and wanted to get angry.

If you want to buy, buy it; if you don't want to buy it, leave.

Is it really necessary to use it here?

Do you think I care about these jewelry pieces?

Ning Xiruo saw her resentment, smiled and held her hand and said, "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing!"

Xiao Jiu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Ning Xiruo, seemed to have thought of something, and nodded.

Over there, Ge Fugui had already finished the comparison and said to several shop assistants: "Now do you think we are deliberately finding faults?"

Several clerks were blushing and wanted to retort, but they didn't know what to say.

After all, what they say is reasonable and well-founded, and those in this field can naturally tell the truth from lies.

Fang Yanshen looked at Ge Fugui solemnly and said, "Brother, you are an expert! Can you sit inside?"

"No! I bought a gift for my daughter." Ge Fugui waved his hand and said with disgust: "But it took me a long time to choose..."

Fang Yan looked embarrassed, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Uncle Ge, Mr. Fang is also an old friend. Let's find a quiet place to chat!"

Fang Yan took a deep look at Ning Xiruo, who was wearing makeup, and it took him a while to recognize him, and said quickly:

"Mr. Ning?

I told you I was your friend!

Xiaoyue, pack up some of the models that this friend just saw and send them to my office!

Mr. Ning, brother, sister-in-law, and two beauties, let’s go in and sit down! "

Seeing Ning Xiruo nodding, everyone stopped refusing and followed Fang Yanshen to the office.

Sitting on the sofa, Gou Chunhua still had some lingering anger and said to Fang Yanshen:

"Mr. Fang, since you are also Mr. Ning's friend, then I have something to say directly!

Not to mention the products in your store, just the service is really bad, isn't it?

The clerk's words were as if he had taken gunpowder, wasn't he trying to drive people away? "

Fang Yan blushed deeply and sighed: "I don't have much time in the store, so I indulged them.

I really need to make rectifications in the future. I have been complained about more than once. "

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "I suddenly had an idea and wanted to tell you two.

I think the three of us can do something?

Mr. Fang owns a gold shop, and Uncle Ge has been doing jewelry processing all his life. Isn’t this a match made in heaven? "

Ge Fugui's eyes lit up.

With a deep dialect but a puzzled look on his face, he looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Mr. Ning, let me tell you the truth!

Brother Ge and I are a perfect match, Mr. Ning...

You mean, Ning Ruoanhao wants to enter the jewelry industry? "

Gou Chunhua glanced at him and said, "Mr. Ning has a gold mine in Tailan, don't you know?"

Fang Yan was stunned for a long time and could not recover.

Mr. Ning, how rich you must be!

If this is the case, then this business can be done!

And Fang Yanshen has already vaguely felt that the opportunity for Wufu Jewelry to regain its vitality is now!

He looked at Ning Xiruo and Ge Fugui excitedly and said, "Mr. Ning, brother, I think this proposal is good, we can talk in detail.

Mr. Ning didn't agree to my invitation last time. I can't refuse it tonight!

I’m hosting a banquet for you all at Baiweixuan, so please treat me with favor! "

At this moment, Ning Xiruo's cell phone rang. She stood up to apologize and walked to the window.

"Ning Xiruo, I'm Lu Jiaqi. Come out and have a chat? You choose the place!"

Ning Xiruo hesitated for a moment, then said into the phone: "Bauhinia!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo apologized to Fang Yanshen and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, something really happened tonight!

Tomorrow at noon I will see Uncle Ge and Aunt Hua off at the Sovereign Hotel. Please come with Mr. Fang as an apology from the other party! Please appreciate it, Mr. Fang! "

Fang Yanshen nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I will definitely be there! But here..."

Ning Xiruo smiled and took Xiaojiu's hand and said, "No matter what you discuss, Xiaoyu can fully represent me!"

After coming out of Wufu Jewelry, Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing: "Let's go to Junhao now. Lu Jiaqi's intentions are unknown, and I don't believe her!"

Guan Qing thought for a while and said to her, "I'll make the arrangements!"

With Lu Yuhang in front, Ning Xiruo couldn't be too wary of the Lu family now.

When the lights came on, Ning Xiruo sat at a table in the Bauhinia Restaurant, picked up the phone and said, "Okay, come in!"

At the entrance of the restaurant, Guan Qing took the scanning device he received from the security company and scanned Lu Jiaqi up and down.

Everything on his body that could be used as a weapon was removed and placed in the basket next to him.

After confirming that it was safe, Guan Qing stood aside and let her go.


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