Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1712 Don’t know how to pretend to be mysterious

Seeing that the pharmacist was anxious, the old man was not angry. He just walked to the bedside with a smile and put his hand into the medicine basin.

He picked up the dregs of medicine inside, took a look at it, nodded and said: "Nine points of medicine and one point of poison, typical Qingxi poison medicine method.

Little girl, who are you, Poison King Guo Zong? "

Guo Zhaodi raised her head, looked at the old man in front of her strangely and asked, "Old sir, how do you know my grandfather's name?"

"As expected!" Yao Zhifeng nodded, looked at her with a smile and said:

"Your grandpa and I are old friends!

He is now... ok, you don't need to say anything.

If he was still here, you wouldn't come to Kyoto!

Alas, there are fewer and fewer old friends every year! "

Guo Zhaodi looked sad.

Yao Zhifeng turned his head and said to Zhen Xueping: "Girl, you have a good heart, but you are a bit impatient.

And you can't judge people by their academic qualifications, let alone think that you are right and just deny others at will. This will cause big trouble! "

Zhen Xueping sneered and said: "Haha, where did a great sage pop up and come here to preach to me?

I just want to ask, are you worthy?

Don't sing and act in front of me. I don't know any of you. It's a major matter related to the patient's life safety. What should I look at if I don't care about academic qualifications?

Let's see which one of you is better than the other?

Since they are receiving treatment in our hospital, as a pharmacist, I have the right to be responsible for the patient's health!

You don't need to beat around the bush and try to trick me.

I won't be fooled by you!

You, a fake Taoist priest, are not qualified to teach me a lesson. Just from what you said just now, I know that you don’t understand medicine at all, at least herbal medicine!

So do whatever you are supposed to do, or I will call the security guards to come up and kick you out! "

"Why are you making so much noise in this ward?" Someone came in from the door and shouted with a straight face.

When Zhen Xueping saw the person coming, her expression softened and she said to him: "Master, you came just in time!

Is this the talented little girl you told me about?

That’s all!

He's so stubborn, and he prescribes medicine randomly without even admitting he's wrong!

And this old man doesn't know how to pretend to be mysterious.

And I suspect that he has an ulterior motive. It is obviously poison, but he must..."

"Shut up!" Ding Baozhen shouted, startling Zhen Xueping!

She stared at the master with wide eyes, only to see him looking at the fake Taoist priest without blinking.

His chest rose and fell rapidly, his nostrils opened and closed, and he looked so excited that he was about to cry!

Master, what's going on?

It seemed like she had never seen him like this before!

Before he could react, he heard a pop and Ding Baozhen was already kneeling on the ground, his forehead resting on the fake Taoist priest's feet!

He shouted in a tearful tone: "Ding Baozhen pays homage to Master!"

Master’s Master…

Zhen Xueping's eyes almost popped out!

Yao Zhifeng coughed twice, nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm interested, get up!"

As soon as he heard this tone, Ding Baozhen knew that the master didn't recognize him!

He raised his head with red eyes and said, "Master, I am little Ding Ding!"


The people around him couldn't hold it back and almost laughed.

Zhen Xueping rubbed her face vigorously, telling herself that if she laughed, she would be miserable, and she would get slapped on the palm just like when she was a child!

Yao Zhifeng slapped Ding Baozhen on the head and cursed at him: "Good guy, you look so old. People who don't know would think you are my brother!"

Ding Baozhen: "..."

Master, you are a cultivator! Do you think everyone has the same beauty skills as you?

Actually, I’m not trying to flatter you. With the way we look like this, some people would believe you if you were my father...

However, after receiving a slap, Ding Baozhen smiled with tears in his eyes.

Only when the master truly regards him as one of his own can he be treated like this!

"Get up!" Yao Zhifeng said to Ding Baozhen: "Are you also a doctor in this hospital?"

Zhen Xueping quickly said: "My master is the director of Zhenghe Hospital!"

Ding Baozhen blushed and said, "Ashamed, ashamed!"

Yao Zhifeng curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Of the six registered disciples back then, you were the worst and the least effective! You should be ashamed!"

Ding Baozhen: "..."

Zhen Xueping was unhappy and said to Yao Zhifeng: "Grandpa, I don't like hearing what you are saying.

My master is the most famous internal medicine expert in China!

Why do you say he is useless? "

"Shut up!" Ding Baozhen yelled angrily: "Why? Just because he is my master!

Just because he is a medical fairy!

You girl doesn't know anything about movies, so you just know how to talk nonsense here!

How can you have the nerve to say that he doesn't understand herbal medicine?

Still don’t know how to pretend to be mysterious?

Does he have an ulterior secret?

Zhen Xueping, oh Zhen Xueping, why did I accept such a defiant disciple like you!

All the people in white clothes in China will respectfully call me "Grand Master" when they see my master.

It would be a good idea for you to just treat him as a bad guy and drive him out!

You are so good! "

Everyone in Zhen Xueping was dumbfounded.

This seemingly inconspicuous fake Taoist priest is actually the medical immortal himself?

This is a character living in legend!

Mu Jinrong said from the side: "The main thing is that Master taught me well!"

"Shut up!" Ding Bao's face turned dark. Why is he so angry?

He turned his head and glanced, immediately dumbfounded.

As soon as he stood up, he knelt down again and said respectfully to Mu Jinrong:

"Uncle Master Huan Shen, don't be surprised. This disciple has eyesight but cannot recognize Mount Tai. I didn't recognize you just now!"

As Yao Zhifeng's registered disciple, he had met the three elders of Longdun because he was in Kyoto.

Since the Phantom God is here, the person next to him is...

Ding Baozhen knelt on the ground and turned around, kowtowed to Chen Huang and said, "Disciple Ding Baozhen, I have met Master Wusheng!"

Chen Huang waved his hand and said to him: "Okay, stop kneeling, you are not our disciple, there is no need to kneel to us!

Speaking of which, I also want to thank you for taking care of my daughter during this time! "

Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong walked to the bedside, and each of them took Konoha's hand and held it in his own palm.

Ding Baozhen stood up with a look of shock on his face.

The person on the bed turned out to be the daughter of Martial Saint and Huan Shen!

This is a shocking thing!

But even if Ding Bao was really brave, he would not dare to eat this melon.

"Get out! Everyone get out!" Ding Baozhen waved to everyone.

Yao Zhifeng smiled at Guo Zhaodi and said, "Little girl, you stay!

Chizuru, go notify the pharmacy and change the prescription to the original one! "

"Yes, uncle!" Luo Qianhe responded, turned and walked towards the door.

I heard Yao Zhifeng say to Guo Zhaodi from behind: "Little girl, your grandfather and I are good friends.

Are you willing to be my close disciple? "

The corner of Luo Qianhe's mouth twitched, he turned his head and said with a resentful expression: "Uncle, she is my apprentice!"

"As long as she promises me, she will no longer be your junior sister..." Yao Zhifeng said with a smile.

Luo Qianhe vomited blood in anger.

Master, aren't you like this?

The poaching has reached my nephew’s house!

Fortunately, Guo Zhaodi was sensible and said to Yao Zhifeng: "Grandpa Yao, I heard grandpa mentioned your name.

You are the most powerful ancient medicine master!

But I already have a master and have gone through the apprenticeship ceremony.

Grandpa said that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father.

As a daughter, you can't abandon your father just because you see good things in others, right?

So Zhaodi thanked Grandpa Yao for his love.

It’s good for me to follow Master! "

Yao Zhifeng was not angry, but nodded with a smile, rubbed Guo Zhaodi's head, and said with a smile: "Good boy!"

Luo Qianhe felt relieved, nodded and left with a smile, rubbing his nose, which felt a little sore.


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