Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1717 As long as you give money, you can do it anywhere

A group of people quickly left the park and disappeared into the night.

Half an hour later, on the banks of the Kyoto Grand Canal, An Xichen stood on the bow of a sand transporting ship and said to the people on the bank:

"Come up quickly! Don't talk nonsense, no one is willing to go there for four hundred and fifty yuan!

Hurry up, hurry up, don't let me spend money in vain! "

Lao Yanqiang clutched his chest and said distressedly: "That's my money!"

An Xichen even glanced at him, pretending not to hear.

The boat drove for forty minutes and stopped under a bridge.

"We're here!" An Xichen jumped off the boat and said to everyone: "Don't be stunned, come down quickly, they have to go back and get busy!"

Everyone jumped off the boat one after another, looking at the dazzling neon lights on both sides of the strait, and said blankly: "Kyoto is so beautiful!"

An Xichen curled his lips and said, "It's just like that after seeing too much!"

The elder Liu slapped him on the shoulder and cursed: "You act like you can watch it every day!"

An Xichen dodged and laughed: "I have a house in Kyoto!"

Old Liu pointed to the tall buildings in the distance and said, "See, those tall buildings are all mine!"

An Xichen pointed to a place with a shining red light in the sky and said:

"That's the tallest building in Kyoto City, give it to me, I don't want it!"

Everyone burst into laughter!

"Xiao Anzi, I'm dreaming, I haven't woken up yet."

"Anyway, you won't be taxed when you brag, so why don't you brag about it!"

"I haven't even received five thousand yuan yet, so I'm dreaming of getting rich here. Do you know how much a square meter of a house in Kyoto costs?"

An Xichen chuckled and shouted to everyone: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find the big red boat, do you still want to make money?"

Everyone yelled and cursed for a while, but still listened to his words and looked for the big red boat on the shore.

Soon someone discovered a sightseeing boat covered in red paint.

An Xichen said to everyone: "You guys wait here, I'll go up and see if anyone is there!"

Everyone wanted to sit on the shore for a while longer.

Such a beautiful night view is not something you can see in your hometown.

It is also impossible for sightseeing boats to do business during this time.

Anyway, the key has been taken away, and all the boats docked on the shore are empty, with no one on board.

An Xichen guessed that someone here should have called the person in charge of preparing the tools after answering.

Then someone came to sail the boat, load the things into the car, and transport them away, leaving the foreigners to start doing things with the things.

An Xichen jumped on the big red boat and circled around the boat.

The cabin and cockpit doors are locked, but that doesn't mean you can't get in.

An Xichen didn't know where to find a thin wire, stretched it into the keyhole, and after tinkering for a few seconds, he opened the cabin door.

There was a flashlight hanging on the wall. An Xichen took it down and looked around, but found nothing strange.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at the ground beneath his feet.


The lock on the floor was opened. An Xichen lifted the flap with the handle and shined a flashlight down, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Seeing An Xichen jump off the boat, Old Liu quickly asked: "How about this place?"

An Xichen nodded and said, "They're all on the red boat! But there are a lot of things and it's inconvenient to hold them with your hands. I'll go find a car!"

Old Liu asked strangely: "Where are you looking for a car? Why do you act like you are really familiar with Kyoto?"

An Xichen snorted and cursed: "As long as you give me money, I will know all about the underworld!"

Everyone laughed.

This is true.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

Anyway, everyone has nothing and has nothing to worry about.

Wherever he goes, his eyes are completely dark, but he is not afraid of anything anymore. He dares to run anywhere and do anything!

Ten minutes later, a garbage truck stopped by the river.

An Xichen, who had already changed into the uniform of a sanitation worker, clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Hurry up, hurry up, if someone finds out what you stole, it will be over!"

Old Liu smelled the disgusting stench and cursed at An Xichen: "You can't steal a good car."

An Xichen glared at him and cursed: "I really want to steal a Ferrari, but do you think it can fit a group of us?"

This is true!

Old Liu was speechless for a while.

A group of people followed An Xichen onto the boat and carefully moved several wooden boxes down.

The wooden boxes contained all wine bottles.

It's just that the bottle is not filled with wine, but gasoline or Tianna water!

There was also a plastic bag containing a dozen lighters.

Everyone put the boxes on the garbage truck.

An Xichen greeted everyone and said, "Let's go, get in the car, let's set off!"

Old Liu frowned and said, "Don't you need to call? You know the way and where to go?"

An Xichen nodded and said, "I asked before stealing the car! Don't worry, I will definitely take you somewhere, not far from here."

Old Liu was a little hesitant, but at this point, he had no choice but to listen to this kid.

As soon as I got on the bus, I saw the old smoker climbing up with a cigarette in his mouth.

Old Liu kicked him directly on the shoulder and scolded him: "Do you really want to die? I don't know what is in the car?"

The old smoker sat on the ground and said with an aggrieved look: "I didn't light it up again!"

Old Liu also saw it. He really didn't light it, but he didn't want to admit his mistake and cursed at him:

"That's not OK!

Must be extra careful!

It saves you the chance to take out a lighter and light it up unconsciously when you get addicted to smoking, and you will directly cremate a whole car of people!

Everyone around nodded.

Your life is important, don't be careless!

The old smoker looked helpless and put the cigarette into the cigarette case in frustration.

He was wronged first, and now even his fellow villagers don't help him, so he no longer has the confidence to confront the elder Liu.

After he got into the car, An Xichen started the car and drove everyone along the riverside road.

About a quarter of an hour later, the car stopped on the side of the road.

An Xichen said to everyone in the car behind: "Everyone squat down and don't show your heads. We have to enter the community and pass the gate. We can't let the security guards see us."

Everyone hurriedly squatted down, not caring about the stench in the carriage at this moment.

An Xichen got out of the car, walked to the gate of the community, and said to the security guard:

"Brothers, go in and load the car. I have something to do on leave today, so work ahead of time!"

A security guard covered his nose and cursed at him: "No matter how early you are, you can't come to take out the trash after four in the morning!

Don’t you know where this place is?

Can you bear the responsibility of disturbing those bosses to take a break?

Get out of here and come back at dawn!

It stinks so bad that I feel like vomiting just from smelling it! "

An Xichen hugged his shoulders and said, "Brother, it's all work, so please be accommodating!

If I treat you to a drink another day, treat it like making a friend!

Brother, what's wrong with you?

What is this for?"

Seeing the security guard unable to stand, An Xichen shouted.

The security guard standing guard on the opposite side also ran over and cursed at An Xichen: "What the hell did you do to him..."

An Xichen strangled his neck with her other hand and said with a smile, "That's it..."

The security guard tried to break free, but it seemed like a pair of big pliers were clamped around his neck!

Before I could react, my eyes were completely black and I couldn’t understand anything!

Put the two fainted security guards into the duty room.

An Xichen walked back to the opposite side of the road, got in the car and started driving into the community.

Parking the car in a dark place, An Xichen patted the car.

Everyone inside stood up.

An Xichen signaled everyone to open the wooden box, put as many wine bottles inside as they could, and then jumped out of the car one by one.

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