Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1729 I won’t let my brothers and friends die.

There is really no way to chat with this grandson, he can make people angry to death!

I remember that when the two of them met, they were about the same strength.

Luo Xiaoman felt that although he was slightly inferior to Chen Xin'an, he could still draw a tie even if he tried his best.

It won't work anymore. This grandson's combat power keeps rising. He rides Juechen, and the gap between him and his combat power is getting wider and wider!

Seeing that this guy was pretending to be relaxed but couldn't hide his proud look, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help but feel angry.

"Old Chen, don't get carried away!

Don't think that the person who was defeated by Monk Mu Zhu was mediocre!

In fact, there were many factors involved in that battle, and the former president was also unlucky enough to lose!

But he is still a serious master. Even if my father faced him, he would have no chance of winning!

Moreover, he was still a member of the Lu family. Back then, he was chased by a group of Chinese masters, but they failed to kill him and he escaped.

This shows how strong he is!

You should be careful about him in the future! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said calmly: "Are you talking about Lu Zhensheng?

What happened to Four Seasons Flower City this time was his fault!

But you can rest assured in the future, I killed him yesterday!

I was originally at the third level of internal strength, but I took medicine and forcibly raised myself to the fourth level!

But what’s fake is fake, and because I’m afraid of death, I let him die!

I have killed all the real ones. Is it difficult to kill a fake one of yours? "

No more talking!

Luo Xiaoman's face turned completely dark and he said to Luo Qianxue: "Put a quilt on me, I'm sleepy and want to sleep!"

Chen Xin'an held his hand and said, "Aman, don't be in a hurry to go to bed!

I haven't told you about the masters I've met these days. It's fun to fight with them!

Do you remember the Qingxi King who injured you?

I chased Inca and killed him!

Before he died, he was so cowardly as King Qingxi..."

"Xue'er, see you off! Oh doctor, I have a headache! My ears are ringing and I can't hear anything!"

Luo Qianxue pushed Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "Okay, he missed you every day when you didn't come back, and now you're angry with him when you come back!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, stood up and covered Luo Xiaoman with a quilt, even covering his head, wrapping him in the quilt from head to toe, and bowed three times to the bed.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Luo Xiaoman took off the quilt and exposed his head.

Chen Xin'an laughed and left the ward.

Seeing a stranger enter the ward, Guo Zhaodi, who was massaging Konoha's head, stood up and asked him: "Sir, who are you looking for?"

After speaking, I was stunned for a moment. Why did I feel that this person looked familiar? It seemed like I had seen him somewhere.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her, "Zhao Di, are you still used to living here?"

Guo Zhaodi was stunned, then jumped down from the bed with a cry, looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in her eyes and said, "Uncle?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded.

"Uncle, you are finally back!" Guo Zhaodi burst into tears and rushed over, hugging Chen Xin'an tightly.

Even though she already knew that the uncle was actually not very old, Guo Zhaodi was still unwilling to change her story.

He doesn't even want to be called master.

She kept calling him uncle because she knew that this was her own patent.

Only she can call this man, the man who is closest to her in her heart besides her grandfather and parents.

Of course Chen Xin'an didn't care about this. He rubbed Guo Zhaodi's head and said with a smile:

"Thank you for taking care of Ye Zhen, you have worked hard these days!"

When it came to Konoha, Guo Zhaodi thought of something and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Uncle, I seemed to see Sister Ye Zhen... blinking her eyes last night!"

Call him sister Ye Zhen, call him uncle, this generation is in chaos!

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to this now, and asked with a look of surprise: "Blink? Is it very often?"

Are there any other actions?

Has the doctor tested it? "

He turned around and walked to the bed, knelt at the head of the bed, and gently touched Konoha's neck with his hand.

Guo Zhaodi shook her head from behind and said: "It just blinked a few times, very quickly, and then it stopped moving.

The doctor came over to check and didn't say anything.

But when my grandpa saved my grandma, she would blink frequently when she was about to wake up, and then her fingers would slowly move!

Sister Ye Zhen may take a little longer.

But I think it should be a good thing.

Uncle, should I increase the dose a little? "

Chen Xin'an put down her hand and said to her with a smile: "Zhao Di, you discuss with your master about prescribing medicine, you don't have to ask me!

Come here and I'll teach you a massage technique.

When you have time in the future, just press Ye Zhen like this! "

"Okay, uncle!" Guo Zhaodi nodded vigorously.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Xin'an walked out of the ward and entered the next ward without stopping.

Master Luo and the others live here.

There was a young man standing in front of the window, and he knew it was Luo Zheng when he saw the sinister look on his face.

"If you don't have that ability, don't take it upon yourself. Don't you feel tired after pretending all your life?"

Master Luo was lying on the hospital bed and scolded angrily: "If you came to see me, you have already seen it, pick up your things and get out!

If not, then go ahead and do what you are supposed to do, and don’t be an eyesore in front of me! "

"You think I look at you sparingly!" Luo Zheng cursed angrily: "Brother Zhen didn't drive me here, why the hell didn't I come!

Is it fun to see you beating up and killing someone so old that you look like a grandson?

You don't feel embarrassed, I feel disgusted! "

Master Luo scolded angrily: "Get out of here if you find it disgusting? I am begging to disgust you? I am willing to live like this, can you control me?"

Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and cursed: "I don't care about you! If you hadn't been so fond of showing off, how could you have offended so many people?

My mother will not be implicated by you and be hit by a car!

You said it would have been great if she hadn't pushed you away and killed you! "

Master Luo's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Luo Zheng blankly, as if his whole body had been tapped.

Luo Zheng grabbed the fruit bag on the bedside table, threw it into the trash can, and cursed: "I won't even feed the dog to you!"

Wiping away her tears, she turned around and walked out of the ward.

Master Luo sat on the bedside and stared blankly at the place where Luo Zheng was standing just now.

Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang, who were rushing in from the opposite side, looked at each other.

Afraid that he would do something irrational, I quickly got out of bed and came over.

"Master Luo, don't act like a child."

"That's right, Master Luo. There are no insurmountable differences between the two fathers and sons. Once the anger subsides, they can have a good chat and everything will be fine."

Master Luo just sat blankly and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an walked in.

When they saw him, Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang's eyes widened.

How come this guy suddenly appeared like he fell from the sky!

Chen Xin'an nodded to them, stood beside the bed, and said to Master Luo:

"Lao Luo, Aman told me about you before.

I asked Sungalo to keep an eye on the case for me.

Before going to Qingxi, he said he had some clues and found the driver who caused the accident.

I originally wanted to come back from Qingxi, then go to find this person and hand him over to you.

But I didn’t expect so much to happen later…”

"Give me his address!" Master Luo finally had a look in his eyes, filled with anger and hatred.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Not now! I will hand it over to you when you heal your injury.

Master Luo, I will leave this matter to you and avenge yourself.

But I, Chen Xin'an, would never let my brothers and friends die.

If you just go for revenge with the idea of ​​dying together, I won't let you go! "

Master Luo stared at Chen Xin'an closely and nodded vigorously.

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