Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1734 No one will dare to bully you again

A traffic coordinator came over and wanted Chen Xinan to stop. Wang Yi ran over and said a few words, and those people turned around and left, not daring to intervene.

When she came back, Chen Xinan sighed and said to her and Yu Zetao: "If you want to take pictures, just take them aside, don't worry about the others!"

"Yeah!" Wang Yi nodded quickly, turned his head and looked at Yu Zetao, and was obviously relieved to see him.

Chen Xinan, this guy, is still very scary when he is angry!

Chen Xinan shook his head, he couldn't demand that others do things according to his wishes.

Wang Yi was originally a media worker, and it was her professional requirement to use all conditions to get the information she wanted.

Once she saw injustice, she stopped it, so how could she expose and expose it?

But Chen Xinan also knew that Wang Yi was different from other media workers. She was not a profit-seeking person.

If Guoguo was in danger of his life, she would definitely stand up!

More and more people gathered around, looking at the students kneeling on the ground, each of them was a little angry.

"Who is this person? Why is he bullying a bunch of kids in broad daylight? Is there anyone who cares?"

"It seems that this group of students bullied his children. Look, it's the little guy standing next to him. He caught him in the act and gave him a lesson!"

"You can't let the children kneel! The floor tiles are so hard, it must be uncomfortable!"

"I think they deserve it! I know these students, and many of them are children of school leaders.

They are the bosses in the school and often bully other students. It's good to let them suffer a little!"

The fat woman and the thin woman were also in the crowd. They originally wanted to go to the repair shop, but seeing such a lively scene, they were not in a hurry to leave.

The fat woman hugged her fat son and said to the man driving:

"Honey, it was that bastard who kicked our car!

He turned a corner and came here to cause trouble again!

This guy is simply a gangster!

It doesn't matter if he has some money, he still got into trouble!

That's Director Song's son.

Director Song is the most likely candidate to succeed the principal. If this guy offends him, he will be in big trouble!

That little guy can't even think about studying in Huazhang in the future!

This is going to be exciting. If Director Song knew that his precious son was beaten, wouldn't he be furious?"

The man driving the car snorted coldly and laughed and scolded: "I wanted to go down and teach him a lesson.

But I heard Since you said that, let's just watch the fun first.

After Director Song has dealt with this kid, I will go over and make him pay a few hundred thousand!"

In another car, the thin woman was driving and said to her son who was playing with toys in the back:

"Son, look, the one kneeling there, is he the son of Mr. Zhang from your father's company?"

The thin boy glanced out the window and laughed, "Zhang Haohan, that's him!"

The thin woman sneered, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and cursed in a low voice, "You dare to hit Mr. Zhang's precious son from Honghua Company?

He is a big shot who can enter the Chamber of Commerce!

You have lost your mind with a little money, right?

People who are arrogant will be punished one day, just wait ”

Chen Xinan ignored what the people around him were saying and just said to Feng Zhongcheng:

“Don’t be afraid.

Take the medal and let them kneel!

No one will dare to bully you again in the future!”

Feng Zhongcheng raised his head, looked at Chen Xinan and asked: “Uncle, I don’t know you! Why did you help me?”

Chen Xinan touched his head and said: “Because I am your father’s good friend!”

Feng Zhongcheng lowered his head and whispered: “You are lying. Dad has no friends, and Dad doesn’t let me tell others that he is Dad!”

Chen Xinan’s nose was sour, and he touched Feng Zhongcheng’s head and said: “In fact, your father has many friends, not just me.

Your father didn’t let you mention it before He is here to protect you and your mother.

In the future, when others ask you who your father is, you can tell them loudly that your father is Feng Congjun!

He is a hero! "

Feng Zhongcheng raised his head, his eyes shone with unprecedented brilliance, and he nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

Chen Xinan pointed to Martha parked on the side of the road and said to Feng Zhongcheng, "Did you see that little brother?

His name is Xiao Yong, nicknamed Guoguo, and he is also in the same school as you.

In the future, no matter who bullies you, you can go to him and ask him to protect you!

Don't worry, he won't bully you, he is my apprentice!"

Feng Zhongcheng was the boy who sat obediently in the back seat of Martha.

Guoguo was looking at this side without blinking, then stretched out his hand and waved to Feng Zhongcheng.

Feng Zhongcheng quickly lowered his head.

A BMW car drove over with the horn honked, and then stopped next to Martha.

Three men got out of the car.

Two of them were drunk and their faces were red. One had a slicked-back hair and the other had a bald hair. They walked together, arm in arm, and their steps were a little staggering.

"Director Song, then this matter is settled! When you become the principal, I will give you another big gift!"

"Boss Zhang, you are too polite! This is totally unrelated!

The school uniforms are handed over to you. The price can be increased by 2 to 5 points, which is acceptable to parents.

When the time comes, you apply, I approve, and the old principal will take a look and it's done!

We have a good relationship here, so it can't be wrong!

Put all this aside for now, and see what trouble our precious son has caused..."

The two came to the sidewalk together and took a look, and were stunned for a moment.

Then he rubbed his eyes and saw that he was right, his son was indeed kneeling on the ground!

It's not dark yet, and there are so many parents around.

The son of the dignified academic director and the boss of Honghua Company actually knelt in front of the public!

Isn't this embarrassing for these two people?

Director Song blushed and cursed: "You bastard! Get up! What are you doing kneeling here?! What a shame!"

Boss Zhang also walked over angrily, kicked his son on the butt and cursed: "Zhang Haohan, I'm going to be embarrassed by you! Stand up!"

The tall man and Zhang Haohan were just about to get up when they heard Chen Xin'an say coldly: "Did I let you get up?"

Their bodies trembled, and they no longer dared to move.

Director Song turned his head and shouted: "Who are you?

How brave!

You make my son kneel down?

Do you know who I am? "

Boss Zhang said with an impatient look: "Director Song, don't talk nonsense to him! Xiao Ding, it's up to you!"

The driver who got off the car with the two men responded, looked at Chen Xin'an, walked over quickly, and without saying a word, raised his right foot and kicked Chen Xin'an hard in the chest!

Everyone around them exclaimed.

Whenever this person moves, he has an aura that is different from ordinary people. He must be Lian Jiazi!

That parent is going to suffer a lot!

The fat woman gloated and cursed: "Hit! Beat that gangster to death!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even dodge, she just kicked her legs up!

His toe kicked Xiao Ding's knee inward.

Xiao Ding's body turned around in the air like a big windmill, and fell to the ground with a bang, motionless!

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Even the fat woman's smile froze on her face.

What's going on?

It's already over before you even react?

Boss Zhang swallowed and looked at Xiao Ding on the ground.

Although this kid is not a top expert, he is still a practicing master.

She has always been his driver and bodyguard, and has indeed helped him deal with a lot of troubles.

But in front of the other party, he was so careless that he fell over in one confrontation?

Director Song next to him was also a little nervous. The other party was a martial artist, so that would be difficult.

When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain!

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