Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1748 Fighting Fire with Fire

Now Chen Xin'an knows what they are talking about!

They were the group of disciples that Master told him about last time!

Although he is a disciple in name, he is actually a non-staff member of Long Shield.

Scattered throughout China, even abroad.

He is an intelligence officer and is also responsible for the reception of Dragon Shield agents.

Originally trained by the three elders for Dragon Shield.

However, some disputes arose within Dragon Shield later, which chilled the hearts of the three elders, so they did not hand over these people.

After Gongsun Sheng took office, he has been coveting these people, and the three elders ignored him.

This time I heard that the three elders handed over the Bronze Master Medal to Chen Xin'an, Gongsun Sheng couldn't sit still!

Isn’t this pushing these people into a pit of fire?

Who is Chen Xin'an?

A troublemaker!

And he has a lazy personality and doesn’t seek to make progress!

If you hand this group of people over to this kid, all the talented people will become useless!

Unexpectedly, they didn’t give it to Chen Xin’an, but to someone else!

This woman...

Very unfamiliar!

Chen Xin'an was also a little surprised. Can Jiang Yu take on this important task?

Mu Jinrong explained to Chen Xin'an: "When you were in a coma, I went to the company.

I happened to meet her looking for a job with Xiao Zhou and said she was introduced by you.

After she left, I asked Xiao Zhou for her resume and took a look at it.

We had a lot of chatting just now, and she told me everything about her situation.

So I also made this decision and gave her a few days to think about it.


Mu Jinrong smiled and said to Jiang Yu: "Xiao Jiang, you have talents beyond ordinary people in terms of statistics and distribution management.

No one is better suited to do this than you!

If you don’t agree now, I will try my best to persuade you to agree.

When you really nod, I will take you out with Huang Hexiang to meet some more important people.

When you become familiar with each other, I will hand over all these people to you!

There are two sets of Bronze Master cards.

The real card is in Xin'an's hands, and the second card is in the two of you!

Making good use of these people is equivalent to mastering the power of the world.

You can help Dragon Shield, but you don't just do things for Dragon Shield. "

Gongsun Sheng's face fell immediately.

Suddenly, the food and wine no longer tasted good!

I thought it was a sure thing, but I didn't expect that someone would cut it off halfway!

Gongsun Feiyang looked at his grandfather's gloomy expression and quickly smoothed things over: "Grandpa, come and try this plate of golden cicada pupae!

Incredibly crispy!

It's best for people like you who have three highs and diabetes and are sick all over.

It can remove dampness and increase immunity..."

Gongsun Sheng had a dark face, slapped him on the head and cursed: "Go away! Shut up and eat your food!"

Gongsun couldn't help but look aggrieved.

I will get beaten even if I please you!

How can you eat if you keep your mouth shut?

Chen Xin'an stared at the plate of golden cicada pupae, motionless as if a hole had been tapped.

After a while, everyone noticed something strange about him.

Ning Xiruo grabbed his arm nervously and asked, "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Xin'an stood up with a cry, startling the people around her!

Chen Huang scolded angrily: "What are you doing! You are so surprised that all the guests are here and you don't understand any etiquette!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "I thought of it!

I've been feeling like I've overlooked something these days, and now I finally think of it! "

Ning Xiruo took his hand and asked, "Husband, what did you think of?"

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Chen Huang and Yao Zhifeng and said, "I have thought of a way to treat you!"

"What method?!" Mu Jinrong asked excitedly.

Yao Zhifeng also said a little strangely: "I have tried various methods, but none of them work!

What can you come up with? "

Chen Huang also waved his hand and said: "Forget it! Stop fussing!

The three of us have already planned to return to the base after everything is explained clearly.

Anyway, I will be a member of the base my whole life, so I can retire there and wait to die! "

Chen Xin'an shouted with a straight face: "Don't say such things again!

And I’m not kidding you, I really thought of a good way!

Master, do you still remember Aunt Xin Yishu from Qingniu Mountain? "

Yao Zhifeng's expression changed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Lingnan Gu King!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

As soon as he mentioned this person, Yao Zhifeng understood what his apprentice meant and said to him, "Do you want to use the cup technique to fight poison with poison?"

Chen Xin'an hummed and said to him: "I have seen her treat the fire scabies on Lao Yangtou's back. I think it should be effective!"

Yao Zhifeng thought for a while, nodded and said, "You can give it a try! I'll contact her later!"

There is no water or electricity on Qingniu Mountain, so there are no mobile phones.

But Yao Zhifeng has his own way of contacting people on the mountain.

It's like the communication between Huang Hexiang and Chen Huang.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It's useless! I went back to Qingniu Mountain this time, and I heard that she returned to Lingnan!"

"Then you say der!" Gongsun Feiyang rolled his eyes.

Chen Xin'an looked at him like an idiot.

Of course Yao Zhifeng knew his apprentice's temperament, and since he had spoken out, he would definitely find him!

He frowned and asked Chen Xin'an, "Do you want to go to Lingnan?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "I just want to check out the newly acquired garment factory over there. By the way, go to the Miao Village to find Aunt Xin and bring her to Kyoto!"

"You can't bring him here!" Yao Zhifeng shook his head.

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "That's not necessarily the case!

It is indeed difficult to hire Aunt Xin, but if I take action, there is hope!

Don’t forget, I was at Houshanya, but I saved her life! "

"Not that one!" Yao Zhifeng sighed and said to Chen Xin'an:

Don’t forget who those old guys on Qingniu Mountain are!

Why did they go up the mountain?

In this life, they will die of old age in the mountains.

I won’t go back to my hometown unless it’s extremely urgent! "

Chen Xin'an's expression changed.

He already understood what the master meant.

Something very important must have happened in King Gu's hometown to make her come out of the mountain desperately!

So when she returned to Miao Village, she had a narrow escape from death!

If Chen Xin'an goes to Lingnan, she probably won't see this person!

Ning Xiruo breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an, "Then my husband doesn't have to go to Lingnan, right?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "Go! If Aunt Xin is really in an emergency, I have to help her!"

Yao Zhifeng opened his mouth but said nothing.

Chen Huang wanted to persuade him, but Mu Jinrong lightly hit him with his arm and shut his mouth.

Ning Xiruo's eyes were a little red.

She is really scared now!

As soon as she heard that Chen Xin'an was leaving home again, she was afraid of encountering the same danger as when she went to Inca again. She really couldn't bear it!

Chen Xin'an knew what she was worried about, held her hand tightly and said:

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will take care of your safety!

I don’t want that broken factory, but there is hope for my grandfather and master’s illness. Even if the hope is slim, I will give it a try!

And Aunt Xin is kind to me.

Although she is not my master, she is a teacher to me!

Everyone on Qingniu Mountain is my mentor.

No matter who they are in trouble, even if I don’t know, as long as they know, they must help!

To the north and south, I will go there! "

Ning Xiruo wiped her eyes, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Husband, I'm just worried, not against it! No matter what you do, I will support you!"

Mu Jinrong said to Chen Xin'an: "Then when are you going to set off?"

Chen Xin'an smiled lightly: "The sooner, the better! But before I leave, I have to do something!"

Everyone got goosebumps for no reason.

Who is going to be in trouble again?

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