Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1763 From now on, you listen to her

Sitting in the car, Duan Chenfeng sighed heavily, took out his cigarette case, and took out the last cigarette.

"Don't smoke in the car! If you want to smoke, go down there and smoke!" Chen Xin'an scolded.

Duan Chenfeng shivered and got out of the car with a look of shame.

He stood by the car door and took a look, then said with a dark face: "This is my car!"

Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "I know! I just can't get used to the smell of smoke!"

Duan Chenfeng rolled his eyes fiercely.

Why am I smoking a cigarette in my car? Are you used to it?

Standing next to the car, Duan Chenfeng lit the cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "My factory, my money, and my house have all become someone else's!

Overnight, I became a pauper and had nothing!

Even those friends and brothers who once called me to share blessings and hardships with me, have betrayed me!

Just because of an order worth ten million!

Ma Boyang thought I had taken his order, so the Ma family set a trap for me and took away everything from me!

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked in a low voice: "What about your wife and children..."

Duan Chenfeng glared at him and sighed: "My ex-wife divorced me when my child was still two years old.

She is from an ethnic minority and her living habits are very different from mine.

I took my children to my hometown in the mountains.

Now that the child is eight years old, he has met twice.

I give them a sum of money every year.

Now...it's two years in debt! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "What are you doing now?"

Duan Chenfeng pointed to the car and said, "Driving school instructor!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a sarcastic look and said, "So if someone robs you of everything, you just give it to him.

If my wife and children run away, they will run away. It is more worry-free to live alone.

Is this the registered disciple of Martial Saint?

My grandfather has five apprentices. Are you the most useless one? "

Duan Chenfeng's face turned red, he looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and cursed: "You know nothing!

The one who stole my things was Lord Ma of Lingnan!

You are not from Lingnan, so you don’t know how powerful this person is and how powerful his background is!

I can't even see his face, how can I seek revenge from him?

Do you know, if something hadn't happened at his house some time ago, I would have been killed by him!

Now I want money but have no money, and I want people but no one, what do you want me to do? You were me, what would you do? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and said: "It's just Prince Ma, do you really think he is a prince?

No matter how awesome he is, can he be compared to the old law hall?

Comparable to those wealthy families in Kyoto?

Is King Qingxi awesome?

I drove him away from Qingxi and hid in the Inca, but I still chased him out and killed him!

I have always been a person who must avenge myself, and my revenge cannot last overnight!

You are such a coward, don't say you are my grandfather's apprentice from now on! "

Duan Chenfeng was ashamed and ashamed, and a little angry.

The veins on his forehead jumped and jumped, but in the end they didn't break out. He just said with a gloomy face:

"Whatever you say! Anyway, you go back now and I'll take you to the airport!"

Chen Xin'an jumped out of the car, looked at Duan Chenfeng and said, "Duan Chenfeng, actually I called you because I really wanted to meet you.

Now that I've seen it, just do whatever you need to do.

Don't worry about my affairs, just be your driving school instructor! "

He pushed Duan Chenfeng aside with his hand, walked onto the Long Road, and said to Guan Fei, "Let's go back to the hotel!"

The car started, left the alley, and headed to Jiangcheng Hotel.

"Uncle, the Poussin is following behind." Guan Fei said to Chen Xin'an while driving.

Chen Xin'an closed her eyes and said, "Ignore him. If you want to follow, just follow him!"

Back at the hotel, the door to the room was open. Yin Xiangming was sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze. Erzhanzi and his family had also woken up and were eating their lunch boxes.

Mo Ling taught Erpolezi and Little Sweet Girl well. When they eat, they eat, and they don't run around and play around, leaving things everywhere.

Now the couple is teaching their children the same way. They run around while eating, and slap their son on the head with a stick, making his son cry. Even Chen Xin'an feels distressed when he sees it.

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an picked up the little guy and kicked him twice with a look of disgust.

He picked up a banana, fed it to the little one in his arms, kicked it and scolded Yin Xiangming with a smile: "What are you doing here? Sitting in meditation?"

Yin Xiangming blushed and said to Chen Xin'an with a guilty look on his face: "Boss, am I so useless that I can't even handle a woman?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "There are still people you, Master Ming, can't handle?"

"I'm going to be so mad at her and killed by her!" Yin Xiangming cursed angrily:

"I've never hated someone so much!

If I hadn't been able to defeat her, I would have let her know the consequences of provoking me! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do you listen to the truth or lies?"

Yin Xiangming said with a sad face: "Boss, don't entertain me at this time, I'm almost bored to death!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Yin Xiangming, you should listen to Miss Tong from now on!"

"Ah?" Yin Xiangming was stunned for a moment, frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, what do you mean! Do you even look down on me?"

Chen Xin'an scolded him angrily: "Get out! Haven't I always looked down on you?

With your little fighting power, you can fight the five scum properly. Who can help me?

Although Miss Tong seems to be ruthless and snobbish.

In fact, he is calm-minded and knows how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

The most important thing is that she is really thinking about you wholeheartedly!

You have to believe in the old man's vision. Since he can send her here to be with you, he must be satisfied with her in every aspect.

Don't think that if something happened to me and you rushed up in front of me, you are showing loyalty to me.

Yin Xiangming, you are wrong!

You guys, I never considered you my comrades from the beginning.

But my little brother!

You have a place where you can stand alone.

But it will never be on such a battlefield.

If you really help, it will only cause trouble for me and will have no other effect!

So, when encountering such a scene, you just listen to her and hide as far away as possible, do you understand? "

Yin Xiangming was a little confused. He felt that what the boss said was reasonable, but it was also somewhat different from what he thought.

Chen Xin'an was a little impatient, slapped him on the head and cursed: "Speak! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Yin Xiangming nodded quickly, holding his head.

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "Get out of here if you understand! Take a shower and go to bed early. I'm going to the factory tomorrow to have a look!"

On the corridor, Tong Chulan stood not far from the door with a complicated expression.

Turning around, she wiped the corners of her eyes and walked quickly to her room.

After driving Yin Xiangming away, Chen Xin'an said to Erzhanzi: "Your family is on the bed over there, and I am on this bed.

Be quiet at night, I'm a light sleeper.

I don’t object to your tossing, but if you disturb me when I sleep, I will take a photo of you two and promise to come out and throw them to a mountain of 100,000 to make you famous in the monkey world! "

The second pole was so anxious that he jumped on Chen Xin'an's head and tried to pull out his hair. Chen Xin'an threw him directly onto the bed, then ran into the bathroom to take a shower while laughing!

Chen Xin'an is not in good health yet and is easily exhausted mentally. She lay down on the bed and fell asleep after returning from the bath.

More than two hours later, the lights at the hotel entrance came on.

A car drove over and filled the parking lot in the lobby and the roadside.

Huang Ba stepped out of the car and cursed Duan Chenfeng, who was blocking the entrance to the lobby:

"Duan Chenfeng, you took what I said as fart, didn't you?

I told you that this person was wanted by Lord Ma, why didn’t you listen? "

Duan Chenfeng pulled out a narrow knife from his body, wrapped it tightly around his right hand with a white cloth, and said to Huang Ba:

"It's not difficult to find someone, just step on my body and get up there! Come on!"

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