Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1766 Haven’t you always wanted to get rid of her?

Huang Ba and Ma Mingyang were both pale and stunned.

I thought that this outsider was confused until his death and didn't know who he had offended.

I didn’t expect that people would reveal it right away!

The two of them craned their necks and swallowed, and now they realized that they and the person in front of them didn't seem to be on the same level!

Chen Xin'an lowered his right hand, looked at Huang Ba and Ma Mingyang with disdain and said:

"Two ants, even if I crush you to death, it will be useless!

Go away, go back and tell Lord Ma that since he took the initiative to take over this matter, there is no need for him to come to me, just wait at home.

Use this opportunity to make some arrangements for your funeral.

I'll go find him soon.

Also, spit out all the things that Duan Chenfeng swallowed, including the principal and profits!

Remember, it’s all with interest! "

Ma Mingyang endured the severe pain, looked at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"In Lingnan, no one dares to look down on the Ma family, and no one dares to offend my father!

Chen, you have offended the Ma family, and there is no place for you in Lingnan! "

Chen Xin'an raised his right hand and banged it against Ma Mingyang's thigh.

A blood hole instantly appeared on Ma Mingyang's right thigh, and the blood stained his pants.

He suddenly fell to the ground and screamed loudly.

Chen Xin'an scolded disdainfully: "You are really cheap! I let you go and you still talk nonsense to me!

If you weren't just an ant, it wouldn't matter whether you died or not, you would already be a corpse now! "

This time no one dared to talk nonsense.

Huang Ba's face turned pale, and he waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat.

A group of people helped Ma Mingyang, put him in the car, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

In less than five minutes, hundreds of people had gathered in front of the hotel, but now everyone except Chen Xin'an had disappeared.

Even those people who were pressed under the ruins of the dripping eaves were pulled out and carried away.

Duan Chenfeng touched the blood on his forehead, stared at Chen Xin'an and said:

“Holy shit, what do you think this is?

Magic or magic? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and laughed and cursed: "Idiot! This is not magic or magic, it is tacit understanding!

Okay, come out! "

From the darkness behind, several young men in black came out and stood in front of Chen Xin'an.

"Damn! You are ghosts. When did you come here?" Yin Xiangming rushed out of the lobby, punched each of these people, and then laughed and hugged each other.

The five men in black turned around, knelt down on one knee in front of Chen Xin'an, hit their right fist on his heart, and one of them said:

"Report to the Chief Instructor! Instructor Hao Dongliang of the Sky Patrol Eagle Special Team leads Zhou Changzhi, Tang Yuanqian, Miao Kunjie, and Min Lingfeng to report to you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Get up!"

Duan Chenfeng on the side asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Chen Xin'an, what's going on? You haven't told me yet!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Duan Chenfeng with sympathy.

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said: "Old Duan, you were tricked, it's really not unfair at all!

With your brain, don't think about things like this in the magical world in the future.

Anyway, I don’t have much brain left, so keep it! "

Duan Chenfeng became angry, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "What do you mean? Are you saying I'm stupid?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and cursed: "What kind of understanding do you have! Does this mean you are stupid?

"Oh!" Duan Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xin'an then said: "This is saying you are stupid! If you are stupider than stupid, then you are stupid!"

"Damn it!" Duan Chenfeng cursed angrily: "You insult my IQ!"

Guan Fei grinned and hugged Duan Chenfeng's shoulders and said, "Brother Feng, don't worry about this. You are just like me, you don't have that stuff!"

Guandu nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

Duan Chen's atmosphere was not light.

What the hell are these people!

Chen Xin'an turned her head, glanced at Tong Chulan and said with a smile, "Thank you! I really didn't expect you to come down!"

Tong Chulan said nothing with a cold expression.

Yin Xiangming curled his lips and said, "I want to come down, but she won't let me. She said it's better for you to come up than for me to come up. If I come up, you'll stay behind."

I agreed, so she..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head. Just when he was about to speak, he heard Yin Xiangming scream: "Chu Lan!"

Suddenly he rushed forward and hugged Tong Chulan.

At this moment, Tong Chulan's face was pale, and blood was dripping from his right hand along the tip of the sword.

Everyone thought it was the enemy's blood, but they didn't expect it to be her own!

Yin Xiangming's face was paler than the woman in his arms, and he shouted in a tearful tone:

"Boss! What's wrong with her? Chulan, don't scare me? Tell me where she's injured?"

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she said to him: "Xiaodu, take her upstairs! Put her back in the room!"

Everyone returned to the twelfth floor, where Tong Chulan's room was in 1203.

Guan Du put Tong Chulan on the bed, checked it over, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, the wound is on the right arm, and the cut was very deep!"

"I know!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice, "Tear off your clothes and disinfect the wounds!"

Guan Du nodded, and just as he was about to unbutton Tong Chulan's chest to make her clothes less tight, Yin Xiangming grabbed her!

"Sister Xiaodu, the wound is on your arm. Don't take off your clothes. You'll be naked!"

Chen Xin'an said to Guandu: "Cut it with her sword!"

Then he kicked Yin Xiangming and cursed: "Get out of here! Go out and wait!"

Yin Xiangming wanted to say something else, but Hao Dongliang stretched out his arm, caught him under his arm, and dragged him out!

In the corridor, Duan Chenfeng stood in front of Zhou Changzhi, looked at the silenced pistol in his hand, and said with sudden realization:

"I finally understand!

After doing this for a long time, you and Chen Xin'an are performing double acts!

I thought he could really use his hand as a gun!

I'm still surprised that this guy is not a robot, right?

By the way, just now you said he was the Eagle Patroller? "

Several special forces members looked at each other.

Hao Dongliang smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, have you never heard of it? We are just a small unit, so there is no need..."

Duan Chenfeng curled his lips and said: "I have never heard of 007 people, so haven't my life been in vain all these years?"

The expressions of the five special forces members changed and they stared at Duan Chenfeng.

This guy seemed to feel the murderous intent and snorted and said: "Why are you so nervous? I'm not the enemy!

I have worked with 003 before, and I was in charge of all the operations in Lingnan!

I know you, the mountain processing plant three years ago was the map I provided you, and that base was taken over! "

"So you are that Brother Feng!" Hao Dongliang held Duan Chenfeng's hand in surprise.

Others also let down their guard.

Duan Chenfeng glanced at the door of 1203, shook his head and sighed: "That boy Chen Xin'an is actually your chief instructor!

I had heard a lot about him, and I thought he was deliberately exaggerating for his grandfather's sake.

Now I know that this guy is really capable! "

The five people looked at each other and laughed.

Hao Dongliang patted him on the shoulder and said, "You really haven't seen what the boss is capable of.

What is this?

In fact, the boss contacted us as soon as he got off the plane.

Hurry up and hurry up, finally..."

Glancing at Yin Xiangming who was in a daze next to him, Hao Dongliang sighed and said, "It's still delayed.

If you arrive early and set up early, no one will get hurt tonight! "

Chen Xin'an walked out of the room, and Yin Xiangming rushed over and called: "Boss..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, patted his shoulder and said, "Your wish has come true!"

Yin Xiangming was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Don't you hate her following you? Have you always wanted to get rid of her? You can now!"

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