Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1813 I trust her to never do that kind of thing

Li Gu on the balcony was stunned for a moment, then he held his stomach and laughed out loud!

He pointed at Chen Xin'an and said sarcastically: "Junior sister, this is the disciple you accepted outside the mountain

How many skills have you learned from you, and you speak to me in this tone

You are not qualified to say that you want my life, where does he get the confidence

Also, you seem to have forgotten the rules of the sect!

The ancient Miao Gu technique is a secret!"

Xin Yishu said calmly: "I have never taught him Gu technique, and I will not teach him Gu technique!

I just taught him some animal language, which is not the skill of Gu technique."

Li Gu was stunned.

He stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and asked: "You don't know how to cast a Gu at all

Then how can you defeat me

You still want me to kneel down and beg for mercy

Are you dreaming? Do you know how many people here are my people? I just need to wave my hand, and they can die for me!

You are alone, how can you fight me? Rely on them? It's a pity that they can't protect themselves now. I don't even need my people to do anything to take their lives!"

He pointed his finger at the villagers who were wailing in pain around him.

At this time, Malangda shouted to the villagers: "Everyone jump into the river! The poison in your body can be cured!" Li Gu's face changed, and he shouted to everyone: "Stop them!" His disciples raised their machetes and wanted to rush over. The Gu King shouted loudly: "This is also your chance! Do you want to be controlled by his poison for the rest of your life? Go in, just soak for a while, and the poison in your body will be forced out!" The disciples and helpers of the Gu Demon were stunned. Most of them were not willing to work for the Gu Demon. But because they were poisoned by the Gu Demon, they had to do this. Now there is a chance to cure the poison, of course they will not let it go! Seeing his men all jumped into the river, the Zhong Demon was so angry that he almost vomited blood! He cursed at Pang Botao: "Are all your people here to watch the fun? If you can't even control a small Motan Village, how can you expect me to be the chief?" That bamboo pole not only whipped Pang Botao's 140-pound body away, but also broke his right arm! At this moment, he was helped to stand up by his men and grimaced in pain. When he heard this, he cursed angrily: "What kind of broken people are you bringing with you! At the critical moment, one is more than the other! Alai! Ignore those people, kill this guy and his master!" Pang Botao is not stupid. He knows that he will not gain any advantage by directly confronting the villagers now. The conflict with the villagers in the past few days has been too deep. In the past, there was also the poison suppressing them. No matter how fierce the ancient Miao people are, they are not afraid that they can turn the world upside down. But now it is different. Once these people are cured, they will not be oppressed! The ancient Miao people and the people outside the mountain have been fighting for hundreds and thousands of years, and they have not been able to make them surrender. I still want to accomplish this with so few people. It's just a dream! But the poison has been resolved, and it can be used again.

The premise is that the Gu King must die!

To kill the Gu King, his apprentice must be dealt with first.

So concentrate on dealing with these two people, and the rest can be easily dealt with!

Malangda has come out of the river, picked up the machete on the ground, and shouted to the villagers behind him:

"They want to hurt the Gu King! We can't let them succeed, drive these outsiders out of our homes!"

He was very smart and didn't let everyone deal with the helpers of the Gu Demon immediately.

Instead, he aimed directly at the men in suits.

In this way, even the apprentices and helpers of the Gu Demon have some thoughts of sharing the same hatred and enemies.

The Gu Demon knew that once all of Pang Botao's people were really driven away, they would be the next target, and they would definitely fail in the end!

"Stop!" The Gu Demon shouted loudly, wanting everyone not to attack the men in suits.

But no one listened to him.

The Gu Demon's face darkened, and he shouted to everyone: "Do you think that if you really help the Gu King, she will let you live? Don't forget how Hua San Village was massacred thirty years ago!" Everyone stopped and looked at the Gu King with fear. Chen Xin'an clearly felt that Xin Yishu's body on his back became stiff. It seemed that what the Gu Demon said had touched her deeply, revealing the scars in her heart that she was most reluctant to touch. Seeing everyone's expressions, the Gu Demon knew that his words had been cut, and he was happy in his heart, snorted coldly and said: "Hua San Village back then was not far from Motan Village. It was just because of a small matter that provoked the Gu King, and she put a fatal Gu on him. More than 300 people and more than 1,000 people died! Aren't you afraid that she will treat you like this?" The villagers looked gloomy, looked at the Gu King, and looked hesitant. The Gu Demon looked smug, lowered his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Do you know what this woman has done?"

He repeated what he had just said to the villagers to Chen Xin'an in Shanwai Mandarin.

Then he sneered at Chen Xin'an and said, "You also help such a murderous demon"

Chen Xin'an laughed, weighed the bamboo pole in his hand, and then aimed at the Gu Demon, just like throwing a javelin, and threw the bamboo pole up!

"Master, be careful!" A disciple standing behind rushed over and pushed the Gu Demon away!


The bamboo pole broke through the bamboo door of the ancestral temple and made a loud noise.

The Gu Demon's expression changed drastically, he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Don't you understand what I said? She is a murderous demon!"

"Go to hell with your uncle's murderous demon!" Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, carrying Xin Yishu up the stairs of Prince Xin Yishu's ancestral hall, and said:

“I’ve known her since I was seven years old.

I know who she is better than you!

Of course I don't believe you when you say she has never killed anyone.

But if you say she slaughtered a village, that's your uncle's fault! "

The Gu Demon cursed: "You idiot! Would I lie to you about such a big thing?

Ask the old people in the village if they know about this! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "I know it's true, but she didn't do it!

Even if she really did it, there must be something hidden!

Maybe it was you, the bastard! "

Xin Yishu's body on his back suddenly shook, he raised his head and looked at the Gu Demon that was already in front of him!

"Li Gu, Huasanzai did have some issues with me back then.

But their mother-in-law came to me to solve the plague in Huasazhai, and I passed on.

The poison I planted at that time was to deal with rats.

But later, I don’t know why it turned into a fatal Gu!

I remember you went to Feixiang Mountain at that time, but why did you appear near Motan Village the next day?"

There was a hint of panic on Li Gu's face, and he snorted coldly and said, "I already said it back then, Master sent me here..."

The apprentice who had just saved him asked strangely: "Master, you told us before that you came here to chase a rare Gu cicada, which can be used to make Gu ingredients!"

"That's wrong!" Another disciple said: "Master said that he had something urgent to do at Huasan Village, and he happened to see that heartbreaking scene!"

"Shut up!" Ligu shouted sharply and cursed at the two apprentices: "Don't talk nonsense here! Get out of the way!"

"Li Gu, it turns out it's you!" Xin Yishu lay on Chen Xin'an's back, looking at the Gu Demon and yelling angrily:

"I have been feeling guilty for thirty years!

More than a thousand lives, how could they die in my hands?

I thought about surrendering, but I was unwilling to do so.

Because I don’t know what I did wrong!

I have never doubted you. I always felt that I was careless and fell into the wrong trap!

I didn’t expect that it was really you! "

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