Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1815 Ten Thousand Poison Gu Formation

Don't talk about him, even Xin Yishu, who was lying on Chen Xin'an's back, noticed something strange about him.

She reached out and touched Chen Xin'an's nose, then looked at the black blood on her fingers and asked in a trembling voice:

"Ten Thousand Poisonous Gu Insects!

Even I don’t dare to look down upon it!

Ligu, the devil, has been raising the king of Gu kings for thirty years in the land of life and death in Huasazhai.

I’m also hard to defend.

But you guy is not afraid of this!


Chen Xin'an grinned, took a step forward, looked at the Gu Demon, and said with a ferocious smile:

"Please Gu God

I am your Gu God!

Your poison is completely useless to me!

Because of me, I am immune to all poisons! "

The Gu Demon's face suddenly turned pale, he shook his head vigorously, glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted:


You are not a Gu God, and you are not immune to all poisons!

You just gave me an outsider, how could you not be afraid of our ancient Miao Gu! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and cursed: "Idiot! You must have cast at least twenty kinds of poison on me since I came up to now, right?

But I'm still standing here fine now.

Can't you see that all your so-called brilliant Gu techniques have no effect on me?

Ligu, you are finished!

Today, you have to pay for the lives of those you once killed! "

"Pay your life." The Gu Demon stood up and sneered at Chen Xin'an and said, "Do you think I'm at the end of my rope?

you are wrong!

I am a Gu demon, and the Hundred Thousand Mountains are my battlefield!

In my world, I am the king!

I am immortal!

It is also invincible and invincible!

You will all surrender at my feet and become my slaves.

Or, become like the people in Hua San Village and become the fertilizer for me to raise Gu insects! "

He calmly took out some strange musical instrument from his body, put it in his mouth and started playing it.

"I think you are really..." Chen Xin'an wanted to walk over and slap this lunatic to death.

Anyway, he is immune to all poisons, so there is nothing to worry about.

But at this moment, he felt something abnormal.

Xin Yishu, who was sitting on his back, also straightened up his upper body and looked around nervously.

Li Gu put down his instrument and laughed at everyone: "You guys, kneel down and surrender to me!

Otherwise, I will let you feel the terror of the end!

You humble mortals have no idea how powerful the gods and demons are! "

Pang Botao below couldn't stand this guy anymore and cursed: "What a madman!

Ignore him, do our thing, find the black pearls, and take them all away! "

The Gu Demon stood on the drying platform, looked at Pang Botao below with disdain, and said coldly:

"Useless things! You are still thinking about those things outside your body when you are about to die!

Don’t blame me for not relying on you from the beginning!

There is also no way for you to survive!

You guys watch with your eyes wide open and welcome the arrival of my Gu Demon World! "

The men in suits below listened to the shouts of the Gu demons on the drying platform and yelled:

"You are so damn sick and you said that we are about to die. I think it is you stupid Gu Miao people who are about to die."

"You still don't rely on us. If it weren't for us, how could you control Motan Village?"

"You won't leave us a way to survive, right? Come on, let me see how you deal with hundreds of us!"

At this moment, Xin Yishu suddenly turned his head and looked at the top of Beizhai Mountain!

Following her gaze, Chen Xin'an also turned his head and saw that the originally green mountain tops turned black in the blink of an eye, as if they were covered by dark clouds!

Xin Yishu's expression changed drastically and he shouted to everyone: "It's the Ten Thousand Poison Gu Formation! Run, run!"

Chen Xin'an also had a shocked expression on his face, frowned and said, "It's too late!"

The speed of that black tide is too fast!

It has covered the entire mountain in almost the blink of an eye, and it should not take three to five minutes to arrive in front of everyone!

Everyone was stunned!

They didn't know what those things were, but when they heard the words shouted by King Gu, everyone realized that these things were enough to kill everyone!

The Gu Demon burst into laughter, opened his hands, and laughed wildly: "You idiots!

Did you really think I would be unprepared?

These rubbish are just a cover-up.

My methods are beyond the imagination of you mortals! "

"Fuck you, uncle!" Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed in front of him and kicked him in the chest!

With a crunching sound, the Gu Demon's sternum broke, and he fell off the platform with a scream!

Chen Xin'an thought that this kick could kill him.

I didn't expect that this guy was still alive and could really resist being beaten.

After vomiting two mouthfuls of blood, he stood up again, laughed loudly and cursed: "Damn you guys, all of you will die!

From today on, all the ancient Miao villages in the Hundred Thousand Mountains will be my Gu Demon’s world!

Those who disobey me will only die! "

Everyone was stunned and stared blankly at the mountain.

They wanted to run, but their legs were weak.

And at this speed, they simply can't beat it!

At this moment, a bright fire suddenly appeared on the mountain!

A wall of fire soon formed, and countless bamboo buildings in Beizhai were shrouded in fire!

The fire ignited, and the black mass paused.

The originally unstoppable momentum was interrupted and began to move to the side!

Chen Xin'an was overjoyed and shouted: "Aqi!"

Turning his head, he shouted to the people by the river: "Run! Hurry up and run!"

Only then did everyone react, turned around and ran away, shouting!

Chen Xin'an jumped off the bamboo building with Xin Yishu on his back and ran southward with the crowd.

At the critical moment of life and death, no one can distinguish between friend and foe. It is important to escape!

In the woods, Guan Fei and the other four finally stood up excitedly after hearing the noise: "My uncle is out!"

Instead, he walked to the edge of the forest and took a look, and his expression suddenly became stiff.

I'll go and let us pick up people, but I didn't say we would pick up so many people!

A large crowd of people rushed out of the village, which one should I pick up?

"Let's stand together and don't get separated! Just wait here for me, don't run away!" Guan Fei shouted.

The four of them nodded, moved closer to each other, and stood together.

The crowd surged forward and rushed past the four people.

No one asked them what they were doing. Escape was the most important thing at this time!

The four of them didn't know what happened, but they made up their minds to wait until Chen Xin'an came out before leaving!

So they soon saw Chen Xin'an carrying Xin Yishu on his back, and shouted loudly: "Uncle!"

Seeing that the four of them were safe and sound, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to Guan Fei: "Xiao Fei, carry Xin'amu on your back for me!"

"Okay!" Guan Fei turned around.

Xin Yishu waved his hand and said, "No! Put me down quickly!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "You have to leave here right now..."

"Xin'an, listen to me!" Xin Yishu grabbed his arm and said, "You don't know how powerful the Ten Thousand Poison Gu Insects are!

Once they are allowed to wreak havoc, hundreds of thousands of mountains will be devastated!

But they have a fatal weakness, they are afraid of fire!

I must use this forest as a furnace to attract all the poisonous poisonous insects here!

Then burn them all to death with a fire!

This is the only way to save the ancient Miao village! "

Chen Xin'an stared at Xin Yishu and asked in a deep voice: "How sure are you?"

Xin Yishu smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "Ten percent, one hundred percent!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! I believe you! Xiaofei, take good care of Xin Amu!"

He turned around and wanted to leave, but Xin Yishu asked in surprise: "Why are you going back? It's dangerous in the village!"

Chen Xin'an said without looking back: "My brother is still inside!

I have to go back quickly and get my brother out! "

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