Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1817 You were all killed by him

The scene in Motanzhai once again appeared in the woods!

Raging fires soared into the sky, and the Gu demon's unwilling and painful howl could be heard in the forest.

But it was quickly engulfed in fire!

The raging black tide has now turned into black smoke, and the air is filled with a disgusting smell.

Mompowa and Malanda knelt on the ground, facing the direction of the grove, crying loudly!

Chen Xin'an also burst into tears.

Thinking of those scenes of living with Xin Yishu in Qingniu Mountain, it makes my heart twist even more!

All the Gu Miao people behind him knelt on the ground.

They all also know that Gu King exchanged his life for the peace of Shiwandashan!

This kindness is heavier than a mountain! Deeper than the sea!

"You are trying to steal my bag? Bring it to you!" With a scream, a Gu Miao man rolled down the big rock!

Pang Botao stood on the stone, pointed angrily at the ancient Miao man and cursed:

"Do you really want to die? How dare you steal my uncle's bag?

I struggled for so long and killed so many brothers before I got these black pearls. Why the hell do you still want to steal them?

Believe it or not, I will chop you up! "

The ancient Miao man got up from the ground, roaring like a wild beast.

He looked really scary, his whole face was covered in blood and flesh, and his scalp was cut out, leaving a bald patch on one side and a bald patch on the other!

This guy turned out to be Baowengli!

It turned out that he was not dead and actually escaped from Motan Village.

It's just that Xiang Bianji is not as lucky as that one.

He did not die in the fire in the village.

Instead, he died under his master's poison!

"Give it to me! Give me those black pearls!" Bao Wengli wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Pang Botao fiercely and shouted:

“Give me your stuff and get down on your knees and beg me.

Maybe, I'll let you get out of here alive!

Otherwise, you will die miserably! "

Pang Botao was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard a big joke, and said sarcastically:

"What did you say?

Want me to get down on my knees and beg you?


Are you stupid?

Do you think you are a Gu demon?

Even the Gu Demon has turned to ashes now, so what do you think of a waste like you?

Still want to snatch my black pearl?

I think you are really tired of living!

Let me chop him to death! "

Following Pang Botao's roar, a group of men in suits rushed over aggressively.

The surrounding Gu Miao people took a step back and paid no attention.

After all, these people are like dogs eating dogs. If it weren't for them, Motan Village wouldn't be like this!

But at this moment, a whistle came from Baowengli's mouth.

The men in suits who had just walked up to him suddenly stopped with an ouch before they could make a move!

Someone exclaimed: "There are snakes on the ground! Lots of them!"

Only then did everyone notice that a group of colorful venomous snakes appeared on the ground!

"Ah!" A man in a suit who was bitten fell to the ground, his face was livid, foaming from his mouth, and he kept twitching!

Someone shouted: "Be careful, it's a five-step snake! There's also a flat-headed wind! There's also a mountain wind! They're all highly venomous snakes!"

Those who were bitten had already fallen to the ground, twisting their bodies in pain, foaming at the mouth, and turning their eyes white!

Mompowa said to everyone: "Everyone, be careful where you step and tie up your trouser legs quickly!"

Guandu said tremblingly: "Is there anything you can do?"

Mongpowa shook her head and said: "No! This is a side branch of Gu art. I have never practiced it! Senior brother?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I can ensure that the people around me are safe, but I can't protect everyone!"

In Qingniu Mountain back then, King Gu did teach beast language and insect language, but it was only for self-protection.

He is not a superhero, he has been learning how to save people from the beginning!

This kind of technique, when you learn to save others, you are saving yourself.

But when it comes to harming people, the wider the audience, the better.

Pang Botao didn't expect this guy to have such a move, so he turned around and ran away in fright!

But as soon as he turned around, a king cobra stood upright and looked at him at close range!

Pang Botao screamed in fright and sat down on the ground.

The boys around him were so frightened that they ran away!

"Don't! If you have something to say, don't do this! Let them leave here quickly!" Pang Botao was so frightened that he trembled when he spoke. He turned his head and looked at Baowengli with a pleading look on his face.

But the other party was indifferent, and his face was so bloody that no expression could be seen.

But the cold light in his eyes made him shudder!

He carefully handed the bag in his hand to Baowengli and said in a trembling voice: "It's all for you! Please let me go! I'll kowtow to you! Spare my life!"

A hideous laughter burst out from Baowengli's throat. He looked at Pang Botao with disdain, bent down and picked up the bag containing black pearls.

Then a hissing sound came from his mouth.

At the same time, a king cobra snapped and bit Pang Botao's neck hard!

Pang Botao screamed, grabbed the snake with all his strength, and pulled with all his strength!

The king cobra tore off a piece of flesh from his neck and was thrown to the ground.

In just a few seconds, Pang Botao's neck and head turned black!

He opened his hands and wanted to grab Baowengli, but he didn't even have the strength to crawl forward!

He could only look at Baowengli unwillingly, his eyes almost bulging out, and then he twitched twice and remained motionless!

The people around were petrified and avoided this side.

Bao Wengli was standing in the group of snakes, his eyes swept over everyone with a look of disdain, and then fell on Chen Xinan!

"Interesting!" Seeing that Chen Xinan was not affected by poisonous snakes, Bao Wengli's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

He pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "You bastard killed my master! I heard that you are the apprentice of the Gu King?

Since my master and your master are irreconcilable, we are destined to be enemies!

If there is no one, this matter will not turn out like this!

At that time, Xiang Bian and I can secretly turn the master into our puppet and control the entire Shiwan Mountains!

Don't think I'm joking. The master has been poisoned by me and A Ge for two years!

But you, a bastard, messed up the situation!

It may be a little difficult to dominate the Shiwan Mountains now.

But with money, I can do whatever I want, which is much better than being a mountain king!

But you must die!

Everyone who knows about this must die!

There are so many people here today, I wonder how many you can save..."

Chen Xin'an didn't waste any words and raised his left arm directly to him!


A ball of silver light flashed, and Bao Wengli fell to the ground with a scream!

His face was full of steel needles, which made his already horrible appearance even worse!

Chen Xinan looked at him coldly and said, "How dare you, a traitor to your teacher and ancestors, frame me?

You think you are invincible just because you can drive away snakes?

I tell you, this little trick is useless to me!"

"It's useless to you, but what about them?" Bao Wengli got up in a panic, his left eye was bleeding black and red, and he was obviously blind.

Only his right eye was left, staring at Chen Xinan, then he took out a bamboo flute from his body, put it in his mouth and played it!

Soon, there were bursts of exclamations from all around, and someone shouted, "Snakes! Be careful, don't touch them!

Get away from those trees, there are some on top!"


With a gunshot, a man in a suit fired a shot at the snakes under his feet

Several snakes were broken into several pieces!

But more poisonous snakes were enraged and pounced on him, instantly entangled him!

With screams, when the snakes left, the man in the suit had a purple face, foamed at the mouth, and died of poison!

Everyone was trembling with fear.

Bao Weng laughed wildly, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Remember, you were all killed by him!"

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an showed a happy expression.

He listened for a while, then put his hands to his mouth and screamed!

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