Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1833 A woman like you is not worthy of him

Duan Ningning, who was standing aside, looked at Shi Lan sadly.

He never thought that his mother could abandon him so casually!

Duan Chenfeng shivered in anger, pointed at Shi Lan's nose, gritted his teeth and said:

"Why didn't I see that you are such a woman before?

I originally thought that you couldn't get along with me just because your family was too tight.

I didn't expect you to be so heartless and unjust!

In order to live a good life for yourself, you watched your own son being bullied.

You don't care if you are beaten like this.

How can someone like you be qualified to be a mother? "

Shi Lan was so ashamed that she burst into tears.

She glared at Duan Chenfeng and shouted: "I thought about what happened to the good life, is it wrong?

Do I have to follow you to live such a miserable and fearful life?

Everyone envies me and says that I have a good life and am married to a city man.

But who knows my suffering?

People in the city are also divided into three grades!

I owe so much debt that I even have to sell my house, and my food is worse than a pig!

Forget it, every day he is either chased by his enemies or blocked by his creditors.

There is a group of hooligans in the house every day.

Who wants to live this kind of life? "

Duan Chenfeng sighed and said: "Shi Lan, it's not like you haven't enjoyed a good life where you spend a lot of money!

When I have money, I give it to you.

Whatever you want to buy, I have never stopped you once!

You buy six or seven lipsticks worth tens of thousands of dollars. Did I say anything?

Do you think I've treated you badly? "

Shi Lan smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe it's because I'm used to that kind of life that I hate the poor life behind me even more!

Duan Chenfeng, I have promised you to take your son away, please stop messing around here! "

"Hi!" Shi Lan's parents, who were sitting on the chairs next to them, stood up, grabbed Duan Ningning's arm, and yelled at Duan Fengchen.

They spoke in dialect, and Duan Chenfeng couldn't understand them either.

Shi Lan wanted to explain something to them, but was scolded by the two old men.

Sui Zhanqiang stood aside and watched the fun with a sneer on his lips.

Just when Duan Chenfeng wanted to get angry and grab his son, Ma Yanmei suddenly came over and said to Duan Chenfeng:

“Brother Feng, they said this is their grandson, born from their daughter’s ten-month pregnancy.

The court also awarded them their daughter, and you have no right to take her away! "

"What are you talking about? I have no right to take away my son?" Duan Chenfeng glared at the old man and old lady, wishing to kick them down.

Ma Yanmei said to him: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will help you communicate!"

She turned around and spoke to the old couple.

After a while, she turned to Duan Chenfeng and said, "Brother Feng, they said it's okay to take the child away, but they have to compensate their daughter and ask you to pay 300,000!"

The people below were whispering.

Even people from the same village felt that the two couples were deliberately making things difficult for others.

Three hundred thousand is considered a huge amount of money in the village.

This wedding plus the bride price did not exceed 150,000 yuan!

Why is this kid worth so much money!

But Duan Chenfeng didn't hesitate at all and shouted to the crowd: "Huang Ba!"

"Here we come!" the crowd responded, and then a tall man came over carrying a password box and went straight to the stage.

He walked up to Duan Chenfeng first, bowed and said, "Boss!"

Duan Chenfeng nodded, raised his chin and said, "Give them three hundred thousand, and divide the rest!"


Huang Ba opened the box and revealed a bunch of banknotes inside.

The people below all screamed in surprise.

This is not the first time I have seen so much cash.

Huang Ba reached inside with both hands, grabbed a lot of banknotes, then raised his hands to the audience and threw them all out!

Immediately, he took out a large handful and gave it to the emcee, saying to him: "Give a share to brothers and sisters.

I don’t mean anything else, I just want everyone to watch the show and be a witness! "

"Master Ba, thank you!" The emcee was very knowledgeable and knew Huang Ba. He immediately put the microphone into Huang Ba's hand and stepped off the stage!

Huang Ba took the box with the remaining money and stuffed it into the arms of Shi Lan's parents, saying to them: "Three hundred thousand is too much, so let go of your hands!"

The couple looked at the money in front of them and felt regretful!

If I had known that I would give it to you so happily, I might as well have said that I wanted half a million from the beginning!

Looking at the folks below who were frantically picking up money, the couple wanted to rush down and get back all the money they had robbed!

This is all my money!

"Why do you have so much money?!" Shi Lan looked at Duan Chenfeng and asked in shock.

Duan Chenfeng snorted coldly and said: "The world is like this, the wind and water take turns.

When a man is born, he will be east of Hedong for thirty years and west of Hexi for thirty years. Don’t bully young people into poverty! "

Shi Lan sneered coldly and said: "Yes, you are absolutely right!

Who knows that what you have today may not be yours tomorrow?

So what if it's yours?

No woman will like a man like you, and no one can live with you!

Because you don’t understand what women want, you are destined to be a bachelor your whole life..."

"That's not necessarily true!" Ma Yanmei smiled slightly, looked at her and said, "I am Brother Feng's girlfriend now, and we are discussing the wedding date!

I just like a man like Feng Ge, who is heroic, righteous, coarse and fine, affectionate and righteous, and knows how to care for women!

A woman who cannot see these advantages of Brother Feng is not worthy of Brother Feng and is not worthy of being his woman! "

As she said that, she hugged Duan Chenfeng's arm with a shy look on her face.

Duan Chenfeng was stunned for a moment and glanced at Ma Yanmei with a blushing face.

To be honest, this woman is much more beautiful than Shi Lan.

It's just that Duan Chenfeng never thought about having anything happen to her.

Chen Xin'an was teasing, but Duan Chenfeng was self-aware.

My own conditions are not worthy of others at all, so I don’t make such random thoughts.

Now she knew that Ma Yanmei was trying to show off for him, but she still couldn't help but feel a little distraught.

But he also knew that now was not the time to think about these things, so he hugged Ma Yanmei cooperatively, looking doting on her.

Shi Lan's face was very ugly, and even Sui Zhanqiang frowned.

Ma Yanmei glanced at Shi Lan, as if she had discovered something, and said with a smile: "Sister, ex-wife, why is this bride so plain?

Is there nothing on your neck or hands?

The groom’s family doesn’t look like someone who can’t afford three gold coins, or are they simply unwilling to buy it?

I do have some here, Brother Feng bought them for me.

How about my ex-wife, tell me which one you like, and I’ll take it off and lend it to you! "

She showed off the gold rings and bracelets on her hands, as well as the jade bracelets.

She even flipped her hair up to reveal a platinum necklace with rubies around her neck.

You can tell at a glance that the materials of these things are of the highest quality. They are not things that can be bought in rural areas for three to five thousand!

In fact, Ma Yanmei brought it to Chen Xin'an to discuss how to deal with it.

I didn't expect it to come in handy here.

Shi Lan was so embarrassed!

Because it was her second marriage, the other party didn't buy these for her, so she didn't ask for them either.

Unexpectedly, it has become a big joke now, and she feels like she is going to be embarrassed!

Sui Zhanqiang also stared at Ma Yanmei with a gloomy face.

Just now he humiliated Duan Chenfeng with his ex-husband.

Now this woman is repaying him with her ex-wife's sister.

With a snort, Sui Zhanqiang said with a livid face: "Is there nothing wrong now?

Son, you are coming back, so get out of here if you have nothing to do!

Don't delay my wedding here! "

"Leave?" Duan Chenfeng shouted angrily: "How can it be so easy to leave!

My son was beaten like this and just walked away? There is nothing so good in the world! "

Sui Zhanqiang gave a cold shout, looked at Duan Chenfeng and asked, "What do you want?"

Duan Chenfeng was about to speak when a little yellow guy stood up from the crowd and shouted to the stage:

"Brother Qiang, your girlfriend asked you to answer the phone!"

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