Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1841 I'll Help You Win It Back

Seeing Chen Xin'an suddenly appear, Zhou Connie turned pale with fright.

I wanted to escape from this place, but found that I couldn't move at all!

At this moment, she would rather face her boyfriend Yue Zhihua than face this terrible man!

Tang Chen was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger. He happened to meet such a guy who dared to come in front of him to pretend to be an egg. He couldn't help but cursed:

"Where did you come from?

What are you pretending to be here with me?

Why don't you give her a million?

Take a look at yourself, do you think there are a million people with your own virtue?

You don’t even know who I am, how dare you snatch a woman from me?

I'm warning you, get out of here!

Otherwise, would you believe me if I asked you to crawl out here? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said coldly: "Get away, don't mess with me!"

Tang Chen's eyes widened and he scolded him: "I'm giving you face, right?

How dare you talk to me like this, Tang Chen, you just want to die! "

He came over, kicked Chen Xin'an, and cursed: "Who are you telling to get out..."


Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground and said coldly: "Want to die?"

Tang Chen fell to the ground with an ouch, looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, and cursed:

"How dare you attack me?

Okay, just wait for me! I can't kill you! "

Several thugs who were watching came over and said sullenly: "I'm warning you two, don't make trouble here!

Mr. Tang, don’t make things difficult for us! "

Tang Chen stood up holding his stomach, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give Mr. Zhu face!

But I can't take this kick in vain!

Boy, just wait for me, let's go out and settle the score! "

He looked at Chen Xin'an, then at Zhou Connie, spat on the ground, turned around and left.

The onlooker looked at Chen Xin'an and Zhou Connie, said nothing, turned around and walked to the side, but his eyes were focused on this side.

At this moment, the door next to it was opened.

Two strong men dragged an unconscious man with bleeding from his mouth and nose out and out through the side door.

Chen Xin'an glanced over there and saw a boxing ring inside the door.

There was a muscular, short-haired man who took off his boxing gloves with a sinister look in his eyes.

He also happened to look outside. Through a door, Chen Xin'an and him looked at each other, and the door was closed.

"Did I let you go?" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice.

Zhou Connie, who originally wanted to slip away quietly, stood there and did not dare to move anymore. She turned her head awkwardly and said, "Chen, Mr. Chen, I..."

Ignoring what she was about to say, Chen Xin'an looked at her and said, "Think about the conditions I just mentioned and reply to me in five minutes!"

Zhou Connie took a deep breath and seemed to be willing to give it all. She looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "In less than five minutes, I can tell you right now, I won't accept it!"

"Two million!" Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly.

Zhou Connie shook her head and said: "It's not a matter of how much money, Zhihua and I..."

"Three million!" Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly, narrowed his eyes and said, "If you are too greedy, you will die!"

Zhou Connie said tremblingly: "Then kill me!"

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared beside her, grabbed her throat, and asked coldly: "You think I don't dare?"

The people around him exclaimed.

Several security guards gathered around and shouted: "What do you want to do? I'm warning you not to cause trouble here!"

Zhou Connie did not have the fear before death. Instead, she closed her eyes and lowered her hands.

There was no struggle, but tears fell on Chen Xin'an's arm.

Chen Xin'an frowned and released her throat.

Without looking at the thugs who were watching the scene, he said in a deep voice: "Get away!"

"What the hell..." A thug who was watching the scene changed his expression. Just as he was about to take action, he was grabbed by his companion next to him and shook his head at him.

Chen Xin'an looked at Zhou Connie coldly and asked, "What do you want?"

Zhou Connie coughed, rubbed her throat, raised her head and looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"When I was working as a flight attendant, I heard Jing Jing and the others mention you.

I knew you were a golden turtle in the eyes of us people! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, but did not interrupt her.

Zhou Connie continued: "But your feelings for Miss Ning make all of us despair.

It's okay for Anjing and the others to be friends with you.

But I can't, I can't fit into your circle, and I can never be like them.

Even if I forcefully blend in, with friends like this, no more than one more or no less than one less, you won’t notice at all! "

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "What exactly do you want to do?"

A woman like Zhou Connie is beautiful. After all, she is a flight attendant, and her face and body are both passable.

But there are so many beauties around Chen Xin'an, not to mention his wife Ning Xiruo's incredible beauty.

Even Konoha Makoto, Xiaojiu, Du Yunyan, Guan Qing, etc., who is not a great beauty?

Zhou Connie had no advantage in front of them.

If Chen Xin'an is not interested in them, how can he fall in love with her?

Zhou Connie said with a self-deprecating smile: "Mr. Chen, don't get me wrong.

From the beginning, I never thought about what would happen between me and you.

I just want to have a relationship with you, not really have a relationship with you.

After all, I want to have you as a great supporter.

My family is also from Jiangdong, and my parents are ordinary laid-off workers in a small town.

No money, no power, no backing, no background.

The grievances I suffered and the losses I suffered were countless!

I was bullied when I was fifteen.

Just because the other party had a backing, this matter ended up being that I seduced him, and I became a broken shoe in the school!

So I always wanted to find a backstage, until I met you.

This was the reason why I first contacted Zhihua.

At that time, don't ask me to give you three million. I will accept even one million and leave him forever.

But not now.

Zhihua fought for my life three times!

Blocked eight knives!

I can only repay him by marrying him!

You can't drive it away! "

Chen Xin'an was a little stunned.

He could tell that Connie Zhou was telling the truth.

When she mentioned her old uncle, the tenderness in her eyes was not fake.

This is a scheming woman.

But she is not a scheming and vicious woman.

She has shortcomings, but she also has a bottom line.

Chen Xin'an didn't know what to do with her for a moment!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Why are you gambling here?"

Zhou Connie's eyes were full of regret, she lowered her head and said: "Zhihua said that we should have our own new house when we get married.

I want to make more money.

After being persuaded by a friend, I came here to play a few games.

I just started with five thousand and won thirty thousand.

I just stopped at that time, but I didn’t expect that I lost 120,000 in the last hand!

Then... I fell into it completely! "

Chen Xin'an rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

The most basic tricks of the casino can only start to let you win money and taste the sweetness.

I'll let you spit out all your capital and profits later!

"How much have you lost in total here?" Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Connie sighed and said: "More than 2.6 million, almost 2.7 million.

In fact, most of it belongs to Zhihua, I will find a way to pay him back! "

"Don't talk such nonsense! What do you want in return?" Chen Xin'an cursed angrily.

Zhou Connie shivered and didn't dare to say anything.

This guy is not someone to be trifled with. If he gets angry, he won't just scare you if he says he will kill you!

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to her, "Do you still have any chips with you?"

Zhou Connie looked embarrassed. She dug through all her pockets and found one.

There is only this ten yuan chip.

Chen Xin'an took it over and said to her: "Let's go! No matter how you lost, I will help you win back!"

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