Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1845 These chips are enough

Hearing this name, Yao Bazhi's face suddenly turned pale!

He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Zhu Ming.

"Master Zhu, please let me go!

I'm willing to lose money, you make a price, and I won't say anything!

Even if it costs me everything, I am willing to do it.

Please, don't play with me! "

Chen Xin'an frowned.

He knew that Yao Bazhi was cheating, and he had seen it with his own eyes just now.

But this guy, why would he rather go bankrupt than let Ju Ming play some big roulette with him?

What is this big roulette wheel?

Is it so terrible?

Soon two big men carried a large turntable from the side with many items written on it, as well as a large arrow pointer.

When Chen Xin'an saw the items written on it, she understood why Yao Bazhi was so scared!

Cutting off hands and feet, gouging out eyes, cutting off noses and ears, there are all kinds of punishments.

No matter which one you turn to, it will cause permanent damage to the body.

There is also a boxing match!

This seems to be the mildest way, and it accounts for a large proportion, and the position is wider than other projects.

But this shows that this guy Ju Ming still has some conscience, which is totally wrong!

Chen Xin'an suspected that this project might be the most cruel!

Of course, there is one project that is blank.

In other words, as long as the arrow points here, you can be exempted from punishment and can leave immediately!

Of course, this chance is too slim, because this blank space is too narrow!

Ju Ming shook his neck and said to Yao Bazhi: "Boss Yao, go and spin it yourself!"

Yao Bazhi said with tears: "Master Zhu, let me go..."

Before he finished speaking, a thug held an electric shock baton and stuffed it directly under Yao Bazhi's ribs!

"Ah! Let me turn!" Yao Bazhi howled in pain, walked to the big turntable with a cry, stretched out his trembling left hand, and turned hard.

The big turntable began to rotate rapidly, and everyone watched this scene with bated breath. As the turntable became slower and slower, the arrow finally stopped.

Cut off a hand!

"No!" Yao Bazhi hid his hands behind his back, knelt on the ground and cried to Ju Ming: "

Please, Mr. Zhu, let me go!

Whatever you ask me to do, don't cut off my hand! "

Zhu Ming said with a helpless look: "Boss Yao, there are no rules without rules!

If you dare to show off in my place, you have proven that you don't take me, Ju Ming, seriously!

If everyone is like you, how can I carry on with this situation?

How can I, Ju Ming, hang out on the street? "

While talking, two big men lifted the big roulette wheel down, but brought up a large guillotine.

This thing is a bit like the guillotine used on TV to behead criminals in ancient times.

Seeing this thing, Yao Bazhi was so frightened that he couldn't even scream!

I don't know where the strength came from, but I suddenly pushed away the two big men beside me and ran out!

But there were a lot of thugs nearby, so he was knocked to the ground from the side.

A group of people swarmed up and held him underneath!

Someone took out a needle and injected it into his neck. Then his body began to limp and his eyes seemed to be unable to open.

Only then did everyone let go of him, and two big men picked him up and returned to the guillotine.

Zhu Ming kicked him and said with a sullen face: "Yao Bazhi, it's boring to do this!

Are you willing to admit defeat?

Come, put his hand up! "

The two big men asked Yao Bazhi to kneel next to the guillotine and put his right hand on the guillotine.

Even after being injected with the drug, Yao Bazhi still felt danger and wanted to retract his hand.

But he didn't even have this strength anymore.

With a sinister smile on his face, Ju Ming held the handle of the guillotine with both hands, and then pressed down hard!


A severed hand fell into the bucket below. Then a lot of blood spurted out!

However, these thugs are all experienced and have already laid out waterproof mats.

The blood splashed on the waterproof pad, making a splashing sound and blooming into a large area of ​​red!

At the gambling table, Huang Erlang's face was expressionless, which seemed to be a common sight.

But the fat man and the lady were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they didn't dare to breathe.

As for the people they brought, they were all sitting in the audience, watching this scene in horror, not daring to say anything.

Zhou Connie's face had lost all color, and even her hands couldn't help but tremble.

If Chen Xin'an hadn't been by her side, she would have fled long ago!

Seeing her look, Ju Ming grinned.

"Drag him out!" Ju Ming took the white towel handed over by his subordinate and wiped his hands.

He looked at Chen Xin'an with proud eyes and said provocatively: "Do you want to play?"

Chen Xin'an stood up, walked to the gambling table, and said with a disdainful expression: "A person who doesn't even dare to go to the gambling table is worthy of saying such things to me?"

Ju Ming's face darkened, he looked at Chen Xin'an with sinister eyes, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Let me see how long you can continue to be arrogant!"

From the beginning, he did not overwhelm Chen Xin'an in terms of momentum, but was humiliated by him with a few words. This made him full of hatred for Chen Xin'an in his heart!

Everyone saw Chen Xin'an, who took the initiative to sit on the table, and Zhou Connie, who was trembling beside him.

When Connie Zhou put the chips on the table with a trembling voice, everyone at the table widened their eyes.

Ten thousand chips?

That's it?

The fat man scolded impatiently: "Boy, you only have this little money? Then what a fool you are!

Do you know how much a game here costs?

You don’t have any money but you still want to fight for wealth. Who gave you the courage?

Get away, this is not a game you can play! "

The lady also glanced at Chen Xin'an, shook her head and said: "Young man, your money is too little, stop playing around.

Don't play so big while you don't lose much, otherwise you won't be able to escape! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said nothing.

Then he glanced at the fat man and asked, "You have the final say here?"

"I..." The fat man was stunned for a moment, looked at Huang Erlang and Ju Ming, snorted, and was about to speak.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Then shut up! If you want to play, just sit down. If you don't want to play, get out!"

The fat on the fat man's face was beating, and he glared at Chen Xin'an.

Huang Erlang said: "Everyone who comes in here can sit on the gaming table.

It's just that your chips are indeed a bit short.

But it doesn't matter. The company can lend you one million, and you have to use something as collateral.

If you don't have anything valuable on you, use your hands, feet or organs.

The price is there, show it to him! "

One of his subordinates brought over a form, which stated how much human organs could be mortgaged.

Ju Ming gritted his teeth and said with a ferocious smile: "Use his hands! Or the horse next to him!"

Zhou Connie's face turned pale with fright, and she looked at Chen Xin'an pitifully.

It seemed like she was really afraid that Chen Xin'an would mortgage her out.

Without even looking at the watch, Chen Xin'an took out a golden dragon card from his pocket, slapped it on the gaming table, and said calmly:

"I have money! But I don't want to exchange chips! Because these are enough!"

Ju Ming sneered coldly and said disdainfully: "You just take out a card and you want to pretend to be rich?

How do I know if your card is empty? "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone at the gambling table glanced at him.

He didn't even hide the contempt in his eyes!

The noble lady Ge Chunyan said with respectful eyes: “This is the China UnionPay Golden Dragon Card issued only this year!

It’s more valuable than the black gold card.

Because it means that only those with personal savings of more than 10 billion will have it. "

The personal deposits here do not include the market value of companies under your name, they are all real banknote deposits!

Ju Ming looked ugly.

He didn't expect this kid to be so rich, no wonder he had to take him seriously!

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