Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1847 If you lose, crawl out on your knees

Cui Dongtai, who weighed more than 200 pounds, staggered and fell to the ground after being hit by the elbow. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the severe pain made him pale instantly. Now, let alone shooting at Chen Xinan, even holding this gun would be a bit difficult! More than one million chips were piled in front of Chen Xinan. He lowered his head and looked at Cui Dongtai and said, "Boss Cui, do you still want to gamble?" His people ran over from the audience, and under the gaze of so many people, they did not dare to attack Chen Xinan. Moreover, they were not stupid, and they had already seen that this person was definitely not an ordinary person, and they might not be able to afford to offend him! Cui Dongtai stood up from the ground with pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Little brother, leave 10,000 yuan, I, Cui Dongtai, will treat a master like you to a meal someday and make friends with you!" Chen Xinan turned his head and said unceremoniously, "If you don't understand, get out! You are not worthy of eating with me!" "Just wait for me!" Cui Dongtai said to Chen Xinan, packed up his things and left in embarrassment. Ge Chunyan had already packed up her chips, and said to Chen Xinan with a smile:

"I won't play anymore. My little brother is a master, and I won't win if I bet with you!

But I remind you that Cui Dongtai is not a good guy.

He is the boss of Laicheng Jinding Real Estate Development Company and the richest man in Laicheng!

He is ruthless and vindictive!

You made him suffer today, and he won't let you go easily!"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said lightly: "He thinks he can continue to trouble me if he has nine lives!"

Ge Chunyan laughed and said nothing more. She nodded to him and turned around and walked off the gambling table.

A person with a Golden Dragon Card must be strong, and there is no need for her to remind him.

When she left with her people, the only people in this VIP casino, except Chen Xinan and Zhou Kangni, were Zhu Ming's people.

Zhu Ming waved his hand, asked a younger brother to come forward, and then said a few words to his ear.

The man glanced at Chen Xinan, nodded and turned away.

On the gambling table, Huang Erlang looked at Chen Xinan and asked, "Who did you learn gambling from?"

Chen Xinan glanced at him and said lightly, "What are you betting on?"

Huang Erlang frowned and asked, "I'm asking about your gambling skills..."

Chen Xinan said impatiently, "Why are you talking so much nonsense?

I'm here to gamble, not to make friends with you!

It's enough to win your money, who do you care who I learned from?

I learned it from Taishang Laojun, what can you do?

Do you want to go to heaven?"

Huang Erlang was choked by these words.

Zhu Ming turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You are such a fucking madman!

How dare you ignore the gambling god Huang Erye of Haidong!

You'd better make sure you win later.

Don't fall into my hands, or I'll make you want to die!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him, and said to Huang Erlang: "Do you still want to gamble?"

Huang Erlang snorted coldly and said to him: "How do you want to gamble?"

"Master!" Agui said to Huang Erlang: "You don't have to do it yourself, I'll play with him for a few rounds!"

"You?" Chen Xin'an sneered: " Even if you do, you are not worthy! "

Agui was angry and was about to speak, Huang Erlang said: "Agui, step down, you are indeed not his opponent!"

"Master!" Agui was anxious, staring at Huang Erlang and said: "Didn't you tell me?

Skills come from actual combat!

If I always make a move when I am sure of winning, then I will never surpass you in my life!

And he insulted the master in front of the apprentice, which is a slap in the face of the apprentice!

I want to earn this face back, because you are my master! "

Huang Erlang looked at him and seemed to want to say something.

Chen Xin'an also looked at Agui, shook his head and said: "Although his strength is not good, his character is still good.

He is barely qualified to play with me.

Play what you are best at! "

After saying this, Huang Erlang was not easy to talk.

Agui snorted coldly and said to Chen Xinan: "You said so!

Then let's play dice cup!

Compare the size, no limit on the number of dice.

Do you dare to play?"

Chen Xinan asked expressionlessly: "What is your bet?"

"Here are three million..." Huang Erlang pushed out the chips in front of him.

But Agui shook his head and refused.

"I don't have money, I'm betting with you!

Whoever loses will cut off one of the other's hands, do you dare?"

Zhu Ming clapped his hands and said: "That's how it should be! Agui is really a man of blood!"

But Chen Xinan kept shaking his head.

Agui sneered and looked at Chen Xinan and said, "Why, you don't dare?" Zhu Ming cursed, "I knew you were a coward! You still have the nerve to say I don't dare to go to the gambling table? Aren't you just as cowardly? If someone really wants to gamble with you, you won't dare! Unfortunately, you can't do that! If you don't dare, I'll just chop off your hand!" Chen Xinan didn't even look at him and said to Agui, "Your hand can't be compared to mine. It's unfair if the stakes are not equal!" "Then what are you going to bet on?" Agui asked, glaring at Chen Xinan. Chen Xinan looked at him and said, "The loser will only wear briefs and crawl from here to the outside on his knees. Do you dare?" Agui widened his eyes and wanted to get angry, but after looking at Chen Xinan, his eyes softened and he nodded and said, "Okay! Thank you!"

"Are you fucking sick?" Zhu Ming cursed, "I dare not chop off my hand. You bet on such a painless thing. Do you think this is playing house?

Thank him, what the hell are you thanking him for!"

Huang Erlang said in a deep voice, "Okay, let's make this the bet. Bring the dice cup!"

Just because Zhu Ming doesn't understand doesn't mean he doesn't understand either.

What the young man said is right.

People with the Golden Dragon Card have a noble status.

It is indeed unworthy for his apprentice to bet with the Ren family.

But the other party wanted to kneel down and walk out of the bet. It seems to be extremely insulting, but it puts dignity on the same level.

In other words, people say that your status is not equal, but in terms of personality, you are the same, without any contempt or devaluation.

The subordinate came over with a tray, on which were two dice cups and two boxes of dice.

It is said that there is no limit to the dice, but it does not mean that you can just grab a bunch of dice and put them in the dice cup.

Shaking the cup is necessary, and the dice cannot fall out during the shaking process.

The points only count the visible side, not the side that is pressed down.

So when an expert plays dice, he never wants to be greedy.

The number is within the range that he can control.

Huang Erlang is most confident in Agui's dice skills, and his level is comparable to his, and he can roll seven dice at the same time!

In fact, Huang Erlang is also clear about Agui's intentions, that is, he is willing to sacrifice one hand to lead the way for his master.

Let the master know the details of this young man!

But now, although he doesn't have to break his hand, it is more insulting to crawl on his knees. Huang Erlang is also very nervous in his heart.

A series of dazzling snake-mouth swallowing pearls, seven dice were collected in the dice cup in an instant, and this move made the gang of thugs behind Zhu Ming cheer.

As the dice were shaken, the expression on Agui's face became more and more relaxed from nervous, as if he had it all planned out.

Then he put the dice cup on the gambling table with a bang and slowly opened it.

Huang Erlang smiled and nodded, all seven dice were facing six!

A group of younger brothers all clapped their hands in admiration!

It was Chen Xin'an's turn.

He opened the dice box, picked up a dice and put it into the dice cup, and shook it.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed.

"Is this guy stupid? How many points can a dice shake out?"

"I think he was scared by Brother Gui's skills, and he didn't dare to show off his skills!"

"Just admit defeat, don't embarrass yourself here!"

Zhou Kangni on the side was so nervous that she couldn't speak. She didn't understand why Chen Xin'an did this. What else was he competing for?

Then, under everyone's gaze, Chen Xin'an held the dice in his left hand and shook the dice cup with his right hand.

He fed them in one by one, and fed twenty-one in a row!

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