Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1860 Three Cunning Rabbit Cave

Hearing the screams from Cui Dongtai in the office, all the men in suits outside rushed in!

Cui Dongtai covered his head, stood up and wanted to run, but was kicked back to the sofa by Chen Xin'an!

"You'd better not move, otherwise I'll make you do the same as your brother and chop off your feet first!"

Upon hearing this, Cui Dongtai immediately did not dare to move.

He sat on the sofa, looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "Chen Xin'an, are you tired of living? This is my territory!"

"Let Mr. Cui go!" A group of people broke in and rushed towards Chen Xin'an without saying a word!

Mombova stood up and shouted to everyone: "Everyone, lie down!"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the group of people who were originally fierce and fierce suddenly changed!

One by one, they either held their heads or their stomachs, fell to the ground with painful expressions, and rolled around wailing!

Cui Dongtai's eyes widened, looking at this scene in disbelief, and cursed: "What the hell are you doing? Get up!"

A group of big men in suits were all crying and wailing, but there were no injuries on their bodies.

And Cui Dongtai didn’t see anyone attacking them!

Is this really evil?

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to Cui Dongtai: "Mr. Cui, don't think about it, they are bewitched!

If I wanted to, I could make everyone in your company, including you, infected with poison.

Even if we die, the police will not suspect us!

So, you'd better consider what I just said! "

Cui Dongtai gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, don't think about it!

Do you think I, Jinding, took the lead in the Qingniu Mountain project?

I'm just a contracting company!

This project is the Dongsui Expressway Project.

A highway needs to be built from Dongshan to Lucheng, directly avoiding Qingniu Mountain!

The location of Qingniu Town happens to be a viaduct!

This is an official project!

No matter how awesome you Chen Xin'an is, can you stop the official infrastructure plan?

How many people and forces are involved here, how much can I, a little golden dome, control! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect this level.

If it were really an official project, it would be difficult.

"I'll ask clearly, and we'll discuss it later!" Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone.

Cui Dongtai pointed at the group of men in suits on the ground and said, "No matter what, let my brothers go first, right?"

Chen Xin'an nodded to Mongpowa.

Mompowa took out a small pottery gourd-like thing, put it in her mouth and started to play.

Following the sound, the group of people who were rolling on the ground in pain gradually calmed down.

They got up from the ground and looked at Mombova with frightened eyes.

Putting down the small gourd, Mombova said to everyone expressionlessly: "You have my poison in your body, and you have already tasted the taste.

If you still dare to be dishonest, I will let you taste this life worse than death again!

In five days, you will die of enterolysis and stomach rot.

During these five days, you will experience an extreme pain that is simply unbearable for the human body!

You will wish you could die early and be free! "

A group of big men in suits turned pale with fright.

Someone knelt down in front of Mombova with a bang, crying and begging for mercy:

"Don't kill me, don't torture me anymore!

I'm just a part-time worker, I just do what my boss tells me to do!

I kowtow to you, please let me go! "

Cui Dongtai turned blue with anger and cursed at a group of people:

"Get up the hell!

Each one of them is simply embarrassing me!

Damn it, can you have some backbone? "

Mongpowa sneered coldly and said to him: "It seems that Mr. Cui is a very backbone person!

Why don't I put a poison on Mr. Cui and see how long your backbone can keep you going! "

Cui Dongtai's expression changed drastically, he shrank up, and shouted to Mongpowa: "Don't mess around! If you have anything to say, please say it!"

Mengbowa sneered coldly and said with a strong face: "It turns out that Mr. Cui's strength is only used on others.

Once something happens to you, you will be more cowardly than anyone else!

Is this the big brother you admire? "

Cui Dongtai blushed and glared at Mongpowa, but did not dare to refute.

Mompowa turned to those big men in suits and cursed: "Listen, as long as you don't anger me, those Gu insects will sleep in your bodies for three days.

After three days, it will be excreted from your body.

But once you anger me, those worms will multiply in your body.

By then you will feel that life is worse than death!

Now, get out of here! "

A group of big men in suits turned around and ran away without even the slightest hesitation.

Cui Dongtai stared at this scene blankly, a chill rising in his heart.

These people were all carefully selected by him and were his most trusted bodyguards.

He didn't expect that they would all succumb to one woman now, and he didn't even see this woman take action!

Chen Xin'an is already unfathomable enough.

Are even the people around him so scary?

By the window, Chen Xin'an was making a call on her cell phone.

"Okay, I will be careful. Are grandpa and master okay? Let them get ready. When we go back tonight, I will let Bova poison them.

Well, since it's an official project, I'll reconsider it!

Okay, I'll wait for you to finish the call. Grandma Mu, thank you. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an walked back and sat back on the sofa.

Cui Dongtai snorted coldly and said to him: "Chen Xin'an, I didn't lie to you, did I?

You can't stop this project!

How come you, a son-in-law of the Ning family, got involved with people from Qingniu Town?

What's the benefit of standing up for those idiots?

Chen Xin'an, you are a smart man. You know that it is impossible to stop this project!

I don't have to worry about tonight's matter, plus my brother's matter.

But tonight you have to leave Lae overnight!

Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and asked, "Oh, really? Is there anything that I can't bear?"

Cui Dongtai snorted and said, "You will know soon!"

He stood up and walked to the side.

Li Qi stopped in front of him with a calm expression.

Cui Dongtai sneered coldly and said: "Why, I can't even go to the toilet? Am I being imprisoned by you?"

Li Qi curled his lips and stepped aside.

Chen Xin'an's phone rang again, and he took it out to answer: "Grandma Mu, have you contacted Uncle Hei? Okay, I'm listening!"

After a while, Chen Xin'an said: "Okay, I know what to do!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an glanced at the location of the bathroom and frowned.

He walked over quickly and opened the bathroom door.

This is an outer room and an inner room.

The outside room is the sink and the inside is the toilet.

But there is another door outside, which is connected to a rest room.

There are two doors, and one door is for the corridor!

This guy Cui Dongtai actually ran away!

Several people looked at each other.

Li Qi said guiltily: "Boss, I was careless!"

Chen Xin'an said dumbfounded: "Don't talk about you, I didn't even think of it! Come on, let's go find this fat rabbit!"

At this moment, rumbling footsteps could be heard throughout the entire floor, and I don’t know how many people were approaching here!

Looking at the dark head that appeared from the corridor, Mongpowa's expression changed and she said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, I can't deal with so many people!"

Chen Xin'an pulled her behind and said in a deep voice: "Xiaodu, protect Bawa.

Ah Qi, Xiao Fei, get ready for war! "

"Understood!" Li Qi and Guan Fei responded at the same time!

A group of hooligans held watermelon knives in their hands and rushed over from outside shouting to kill!

As soon as he reached the door, Guan Fei shouted loudly, picked up the three-person sofa, and rushed out!

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