Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1890 Why should I make up for other people’s misfortunes?

The village-run primary school in Chenjiacun has always been in a situation of being open or not.

At most, no more than ten people come to class.

Because the fertility rate in Chenjiacun has been extremely low in recent years, more and more people cannot afford a wife, resulting in no one having children.

Therefore, although Chen Ying is a private teacher in a village primary school, she is unemployed all year round.

Chen Ying wiped her hands off her body and put the freshly cooked meal on the table.

Chen Zhanqiang took out a bucket of earthenware and said to her: "Bring the rice in to your mother, and you can come out and eat too!"

Chen Ying was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and responded, picked up the rice bowl, mixed some vegetables, took a steamed bun and walked into the back room.

My mother has been paralyzed for two years. Fortunately, her hands are not paralyzed and she has not completely lost her independence.

Chen Zhanqiang drank a glass of wine and shouted impatiently: "Why is it endless? Do you still need to feed me?"

After a while, Chen Ying lifted the curtain, walked out with her head lowered, and sat on the small bench.

Chen Zhanqiang poured himself another glass, drank it all, and said to Chen Ying:

"This afternoon, Zhang Guanghe from Malan Village came over.

You meet him, set a time, no later than the end of next month, and get the matter done! "

Just as Chen Ying was about to take the bun, she retracted her hand, lowered her head and said, "Dad, I can't see you!"

Chen Zhanqiang drank another glass of wine and said with a straight face: "This matter is not your fault!

Your mother and I have agreed to give Zhang Guanghe a pig and he will come to your door.

Winter plowing is about to begin, and we need to add more people to our family, otherwise we will be hungry next year! "

Chen Ying buried her head lower, but still shook her head stubbornly and said: "Dad, if I don't see you, I won't marry Zhang Guanghe!

He is only six years younger than you. He is older than you and I don’t want him to be my uncle! "


Chen Zhanqiang put the teacup on the table hard and scolded him with a straight face:

“Is this something you can be picky about?

What’s going on at home that you don’t know?

After being a teacher for so many years, you are stupid, right?

Don’t know what to prioritize? "

Chen Ying raised her head, looked at Chen Zhanqiang and said, "Dad, I made an agreement with sister-in-law Xiruo.

I will go work with her in the future.

I will make money to support you and my mother, so don’t worry about me! "

"You're talking nonsense!" Chen Zhanqiang slapped the table hard and scolded her:

“By the time you make money from working, your mother and I will starve to death!

Why are you so ignorant?

Do you think your mother and I are forcing you?

This is a big event for the whole village!

It’s settled, you clean up the West House this afternoon, and you two will live in the West House from now on! "

His daughter, who had always been obedient to him, became angry today. She looked at him and said:

“Dad, I won’t marry!

That man is so much older than me, and he is so lazy.

I don't like him at all!

Even if you force me to get married, I will definitely not have a good life in the future!

I want to go out and leave Chenjiacun! "


A hard slap hit Chen Ying's face!

Chen Zhanqiang cursed angrily: "Try telling me again!

I think you just read too many messy novels!

I send you to school to let you learn knowledge, not to teach you to talk back to me!

Don't keep telling me these useless new words all day long!

What do you like and dislike?

We are from rural areas, and our whole life is about getting married, having children and raising grandchildren.

What do you like or dislike?

Do you think you are a city dweller, and you still have sex when you are full?

You're such a big girl, if you don't feel ashamed to say this, I'll be ashamed for you!

She will be nineteen soon, and your mother was pregnant with you at your age!

If your mother hadn't been in poor health and could give me more children, would I need you to recruit her?

Don't think it's bad to recruit a son-in-law.

You see, brother Xin'an, people are also coming to your door.

What is his current status?

Zhang Guanghe is a second-rate man now. Maybe after marrying you, he will know how to live well with the Gu family? "

Chen Ying covered her face, looked at him while crying and said, "What if he doesn't change?

Do we need to have one more idle person in our family?

Will my whole life be ruined by him? "

Chen Zhanqiang was stunned for a moment, then cursed with a livid face: "There's nothing we can do about it!

Girl, don’t blame your father for being cruel.

Malan Village and our Chenjia Village have been enemies for so many years. Why?

Others don’t know, but you still don’t know?

This is the only way to solve the catastrophe that your uncle left behind. Who makes him your biological uncle?

Chenjiacun already has a big rival in Wujiazhuang. If it continues to have such a fierce quarrel with Malan Village, the young and old men in our village will really have no way to survive!

Can you understand something? "

Chen Ying's lip was broken and there were bloodshot eyes at the corners of her mouth, but she didn't wipe it away, with a sad smile on her face.

She looked at Chen Zhanqiang and said, "Dad, are you really my biological father?"

Chen Zhanqiang kicked her in the leg and cursed angrily: "What a bastard! I'm not your biological father. Did you just jump out of a rock?"

Chen Ying cried and said: "You are my biological father, but why did you push me into the fire pit?

My Uncle Leftover was right and who was wrong back then. The people in Malan Village were so messy, but we in Chenjia Village still didn’t know?

Without mentioning this in advance, I just want to know, why should my happiness be paid for the trouble caused by Uncle Leftover? !

What does it have to do with me?

Just because he is my uncle?

Can't you say it so righteously?

If this is really my second uncle's fault, then it's up to you men to deal with it.

Rather than using his wife and children to pay off debts!

If you want to marry me, I won’t marry you! "

"Stinky girl, I raised you so big in vain!" Chen Zhanqiang was furious. He lifted the table, took out the hemp rope used to tie his pants from his waist, and whipped Chen Ying hard!

Chen Ying remained motionless, letting her father beat her hard, but tears were pouring down from the corners of her eyes!

"Stop it!" Chen Ying's mother was lying on the ground at the door of the back room, shouting feebly at Chen Zhanqiang.

But how could Chen Zhanqiang listen to her? He grabbed a bench from the ground and smashed it on Chen Ying's head!


The wooden bench was torn apart. Chen Ying staggered and almost fell down, but she still managed to steady her body and stood upright in front of Chen Zhanqiang!

Blood flowed from her forehead and covered her face in the blink of an eye, which looked terrifying.

Chen Zhanqiang was also stunned. He wanted to reach out and wipe his daughter, but he couldn't wipe his face.

Chen Ying looked at him and asked in a trembling voice: "Have you beaten me enough? If not, continue. Beating me to death will save you trouble."

Even if I die, I will not marry him! "

Chen Zhanqiang's face twitched and he shouted: "Get out!"

Chen Ying turned around expressionlessly, walked to the door of the back room, and helped her mother up.

Ignoring her pull, he turned and walked out.

He returned to his West Room and closed the door hard!

Chen Zhanqiang sat on the stool next to him with a gloomy face.

I picked up the bowl that fell on the ground and wanted to take another bite, but it dropped hard again!

"What are you doing here!" A voice shouted from behind.

Chen Zhanqiang turned his head to look, quickly stood up, and said with a smile: "Uncle Wu, why are you here?

Ouch, Xiruo, rare guests, rare guests! Please take a seat..."

After looking around, there was only one bench left. He said awkwardly: "You guys wait, I'll go inside to get a bench!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Uncle Qiang, you don't have to work, I'm here to see Yingying!"

Chen Zhanqiang glanced at her, forced a smile and said: "Why are you looking for her? A rural girl can't talk or tell, it's a shame!

Fifth Uncle, Xiruo, have you eaten?

I'll give you some food!

Let me tidy up this place first! "

Chen Zhou said with a straight face: "Stop working! Where is Chen Ying? Tell her to come out!"

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