Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1911 Never forget where you are from

It looks like an ordinary mobile phone, nothing unusual.

Robert said to Xu Qing: "There is something in it that you are most interested in.

Light source sensing wireless positioning tracking chip.

No matter whether the phone is on or off, whether it has power or not.

As long as there is light in the environment, even the light source after a match is lit, positioning and position tracking can be performed.

Applicable to every job and task of your police force.

If you can fully promote it in the Dongshan Police System, I can give you a commission of 500 yuan per mobile phone.

Should you accept this condition? "

Xu Qing's head was still a little dizzy. She shook her head and looked at Robert with a sneer on her face:

"You seem to have forgotten to tell me that there is this function in it, and what other hidden functions it has!"

Robert squinted his eyes and smiled coldly, and said to her: "Those things have nothing to do with you, right?

You just need to help me use your connections in the police force to promote this phone!

The more people use it, the more money you can make.

Enough for you to spend a lifetime, more than you can earn as a policeman! "

Xu Qing looked at him coldly and said, "Are you the Robert who doesn't even spare his compatriots?

Do you know what I'm doing here tonight?

Just to arrest you, the beast!

Don't think that just because you are a foreigner, you can do whatever you want in China.

We are here to talk about the law! "

"Hahaha!" Robert and Sun Liangjun both laughed.

Bai Shaobo sighed and said to Xu Qing: "Qing, stop being stubborn!

Otherwise you will be miserable!

Even your current identity cannot protect you.

In the past, when your grandfather was here, others were still worried about you.

But now, you are just a squad leader in the city bureau.

In the eyes of people like us, this bit of identity is nothing at all. "

Xu Qing looked at him with disgust and said: "Bai Shaobo, I really treat you as an old classmate.

Even if I use you to catch Robert this time, I also thought that after you people go in, I will help you get the best care.

I didn’t expect that he would treat me like this! "

Bai Shaobo burst out laughing and said to Xu Qing: "Qing, there is no need to say such things to deceive children.

Do you really think I don’t know your character and temper?

I just think you are a bit worthless!

Your city bureau doesn't care about it, so why do you insist on holding on to it?

They say everything is left to the ambassador.

What you did tonight was simply an act of ignorance.

What are you planning? "

Xu Qing glared at him and cursed: "I want my own peace of mind!

Tu Neng is worthy of the clothes he is wearing!

Whatever happens in China, our Chinese police will handle it!

Even if these foreigners are involved, one thing must be made clear to them.

This is China!

Anyone who breaks the law here, our Chinese police will not let him go!

Don't think I don't know, the people you called have been bribed!

But for us police, it is what we should do to compensate the victims for their injuries and to punish the criminals!

Therefore, I must arrest you! "

Bang bang bang!

Robert clapped with a smile on his face.

“It’s so well said, my blood boiled when I heard it.

Unfortunately, Miss Police Officer, you seem to have made a mistake.

Now you are in our hands, not us! "

Xu Qing said coldly: "Do you dare to kill me?

Do you know how serious a crime it is in China if you kill a police officer?

All Chinese police will not let you go! "

Robert shrugged and said, "I know, and I had no intention of killing you.

Because the dead are useless, what I want is the living.

I wonder if a policeman who violated discipline would have the same thoughts as just now? "

Xu Qing frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Robert laughed and winked at Donald.

Donald took out a syringe and a small bottle of blue potion from the box.

Xu Qing had a look of horror on his face and said loudly: "What do you want to do?

I'm warning you, don't mess around, it's not too late to stop now! "

Bai Shaobo said to her anxiously: "Qing, promise them quickly!

Otherwise your life will be ruined!

Not to mention arresting them, you can't even put on those clothes! "

Xu Qing gritted his teeth and cursed: "Promise them? Bai Shaobo, what the hell do you think?

Don’t you really know that the purpose of this bastard is to monitor our entire police system in Haidong?

Do you know the serious consequences of this?

Our Haidong police will have no privacy at all in front of these foreigners!

Everything is clearly visible to them!

If I really did that, it would be a disgrace to the entire police force!

He is a traitor to all police officers!

As Chinese people, you are traitors if you help foreigners do such a thing that is humiliating and humiliating the country! "

Bai Shaobo said anxiously: "Your entire future is going to be ruined, and you still have the mood to care about that?

Now that you are no longer able to protect yourself, you are still talking to me about integrity and humiliating the country. Isn’t this a joke? "

Xu Qing suddenly sat up and squirmed.

It was as if he wanted to slap him, but his hands were cuffed.

She glared at Bai Shaobo, gritted her teeth and cursed: "Listen!

As a Chinese, you should always remember one sentence!

The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but the integrity cannot be lost!

I know you studied abroad and stayed abroad.

But you can't forget where you are from and where your heart should be! "

Bai Shaobo curled his lips and said to Xu Qing with a look of disdain: "I'm not as great as you!

All I know is that those who know the current affairs are heroes!

Xu Qing, if you are still like this, I can only say that even if you are an old classmate, I can't help you! "

Xu Qing looked at Bai Shaobo coldly and said, "You are not worthy of mentioning the word classmate to me.

You have further insulted the innocent friendship between classmates!

From now on, my relationship with you is just that of a policeman and a robber!

If I were the police, I would definitely arrest all of you bastards! "

"We'll see!" Bai Shaobo sneered.

At the same time, Donald inserted the needle into Xu Qing's arm, and the blue potion inside slowly pushed into Xu Qing's body!

"I won't let you go!" Xu Qing glared at Donald and the people around him and shouted loudly.

But no one paid attention, and everyone looked at her with gloating eyes.

Xu Qing struggled to escape and leave the box.

But there was a strange feeling inside her body, as if there were countless ants lying on her bones, making her feel itchy and uncomfortable.

It feels like floating in the air again, a little top-heavy, and the whole body is constantly falling, as if there is no end!

Robert smiled and said: "Beautiful lady, now is just the beginning.

Soon you'll be horny and undignified.

As long as someone else can make you comfortable, you kneel on the ground like a dog and beg him to give you alms!

Let me see how long you can hold on, kneel down and beg me to let you go!

As long as you can agree to my request, I will give you as much as you want in the future! "

Xu Qing felt that his consciousness was beginning to become confused, as if his entire body was no longer his!

But she still tried hard to maintain the last remaining clarity in her mind.

He spat at Robert and cursed through gritted teeth: "Get out! You beast!"

"Damn it!" Robert jumped up even if he didn't spit on him.

He looked disgusted as if he had touched something dirty.

He pointed at Xu Qing and cursed: "You'd better not dirty my clothes, otherwise..."

Xu Qing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of foam!



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