Soon, Xu Qing next to him was also hung up, and his clothes were torn!

With a sinister smile on his face, Robert said to Xu Qing: "I have to admit, you are the strongest Chinese woman I have ever seen!

Most people cannot last five minutes after being injected with these drugs.

But you can actually convince this woman to run away together!

If we hadn't been prepared in advance, you would have really run away!

In this case, let me see how persistent you are!

Donald! "

Donald, who was standing aside, came over with a syringe and injected Xu Qing with another injection!

That’s two-thirds of a full bottle!

Xu Qing's eyes rolled up, and his body was twisted in horror.

From head to neck, every muscle bulged horribly, and the whole face turned red and almost purple!

Robert smiled and said: "In three minutes, you will not be the same as before!

No one can last longer than this!

But before you give in, should we have some fun? "

His eyes were focused on Lan Lan, who was hanging up and crying next to him. His eyes emitted a terrifying and strange light, and he said with a sneer:

"You betrayed me! Do you know how I deal with people who betray me?

Donald, bring me the box, our little girl needs a little stimulation! "

"No! Please don't, I won't dare anymore! Give me a chance!

Mr. Sun, help me!

I will do whatever you ask me to do from now on!

We were together last night, have you forgotten?

From now on, I will be your slave. You can play whatever you want. I will promise you everything, okay? "

"Hahaha!" Sun Liangjun laughed, looked at Lan Lan with sarcastic eyes, shook his head and said:

"I'm the best to you!

Since you want to be my slave, then stop screaming.

I want to play with you now, are you ready? "

Just as he was about to take something from the box, Donald stopped him.

Sun Liangjun suddenly understood and smiled at Robert: "Mr. Robert, you come first!"

Robert stood up from the sofa and walked to the box.

He took out a pair of gloves and put them on, and took out a small leather whip.

With a flick of his wrist, the whip unfolded and turned out to be nearly two meters long!

Moreover, the whole body is round and covered with barbs!

Even Sun Liangjun didn't see what material this thing was made of.

"They have too many clothes on them!"

Robert shook his head, waved his hand and whipped Lan Lan on her body!

With a snap, followed by a snap, a piece of Lan Lan's upper body clothes was torn off, and there was a red streak on her skin, and then blood slowly oozed out!

At the same time, Lan Lan screamed loudly and twisted her whole body!

But a group of men burst out laughing. As Robert continued to whip his whip, Lan Lan's clothes became torn to pieces, and her skin was covered with blood marks one after another!

She cried loudly, but no matter how she shouted, no one outside could hear her. The room here was soundproofed!

Robert's expression became more and more excited. He suddenly flicked his wrist and the whip hit Xu Qing's body!

As the clothes were torn, Xu Qing's originally fair and healthy skin was revealed.

But the whip mark was oozing with blood and looked very abrupt!

Xu Qing, who was very confused and trembling all over, endured the pain and remained silent.

But Robert's whip hit her hard at once!

"beg me!

Let me let you go!

Cry in pain like her!

Say you'd do anything for me!

Tell me you want to be my slave!

Don't hold on any longer, I know you can't hold it anymore! "

Robert shouted loudly and waved the whip, hitting Xu Qing with bruises all over his body. He fainted and woke up again from the pain!

Bai Shaobo hunched over, frowning, with a complicated expression.

Seeing Xu Qing's current state, he felt a little distressed, but more excited.

If only he were the one wielding the whip now.

You can be gentler, but you can tear off more clothes!

The whip hit the two women, but there were two different reactions.

One cried for father and mother until his voice became hoarse from crying.

The other one was clenching his teeth, even his lips were bitten by himself, and he didn't even utter a sound!

Robert showed an impatient look on his face, threw the whip aside, and cursed Xu Qing:

"Aren't you going to give in?

As long as you promise us, you don't have to bear this!

I have to admit, you are the strongest woman I have ever seen!

But the more you do this, the more painful it will be.

Let's play something more exciting! "

Bai Shaobo walked up to Xu Qing, looked at her and said: "Xu Qing, stop being stubborn!

Even a man can't bear this pain, so give in quickly! "

Xu Qing was delirious, and the pain in her body was really unbearable.

But what even Robert and the others didn't expect was that the pain in his body could actually suppress the pain in his body.

The two were involved in each other, but Xu Qing recovered some of his sanity and did not fall into deeper sinking!

Hearing Bai Shaobo's words, Xu Qing opened a pair of black and white eyes from his bloody face and looked straight at Bai Shaobo.

Even under such circumstances, these eyes are still full of sharpness.

Bai Shaobo was so frightened that he took a step back and swallowed the words in his mouth!

Robert took out a glass bottle from the box, which contained white particles.

He opened the bottle cap and said to Sun Liangjun: "You want to play too?

Come on, open your hands and put these things on them!

You will discover what a live jumping fish is! "

Sun Liangjun opened his hands and asked Robert to pour the contents of the bottle into his hands.

Looking at those particles, he asked curiously: "What is this?"

Donald said from the side: "Specially processed chemical salt!"

Sun Liangjun's mouth opened wide. He walked to Lan Lan's side and said:

"Oh, my poor baby, why have you become like this!

You said you were following me well, but why did you betray me?

But if it wasn’t like this, I wouldn’t have known you were so fun!

Is this a blessing in disguise?

How about we play like this more often in the future? "

While he was talking, he had already put the thing in his hand on Lan Lan's bloody body!

Lan Lan's whole body seemed to be burned by fire, twisting wildly.

And it can be clearly heard that her arm has been dislocated!

But she didn't seem to feel the pain on her arms, and just turned her body to avoid Sun Liangjun's hands.

The sound that came out of his mouth didn't sound like a human cry!

On the other side, Robert walked up to Bai Shaobo with the bottle and said to him with a smile:

"Would you like some to enjoy yourself?"

Bai Shaobo's eyes twitched and he looked struggling.

He turned his head, looked at Xu Qing and shouted: "Xu Qing, this is your last chance, please give in!

It's just doing something, and you can make money, so why are you so rigid?

Surrender and beg for mercy!

If this continues, the pain will only become more and more painful, and it will never stop! "

Xu Qing looked at Bai Shaobo coldly through his messy hair, his lips moved, and he said with difficulty:

"There are no policemen in China who surrender and beg for mercy!"

"Okay, then I'll see how long you can hold on!" Robert also filled his hand with chemical salt and handed the bottle to Donald.

Then, together with Bai Shaobo, they smeared the particles in their hands on Xu Qing's body!

Rao was already prepared, but the pain beyond ordinary people's imagination still made Xu Qing groan.

The whole body spasmed uncontrollably, and at this moment, a large amount of white foam appeared on the flesh and blood exposed by the open wound!

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