Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1924 Kneel here and wait

He avoided the two cars, but attracted more blockers.

On the grass of Xihe Embankment Park, the motorcycle was finally stopped, surrounded by cars of various colors.

With the sound of the door closing, a group of men came towards Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with machetes and baseball bats and sinister faces.

"Boss?" Li Qi got out of the car, stood side by side with Chen Xin'an, turned around and called out.

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "Just let it go and fight, I can handle anything!"

"Haha!" Li Qi grinned happily, took out the Eagle Thorn on his body, and twisted his wrist from an overhand grip to an overhand grip.

This will provide greater strength and a more stable grip.

"Chen Xin'an, are you here to bury my son?" Next to a Mercedes-Benz, Sun Guofu, who had aged twenty years overnight, looked at Chen Xin'an with gritted teeth.

He waved, and more than twenty people began to approach.

On the other side, Bai Sanniang scolded with a ferocious expression: "Chen Xin'an, it's just the right time for you to come to my door! Today I want you to die in Xihe to avenge my son!"

Around her, there were more than thirty people surrounding her, all of them holding machetes.

"Chen Xin'an!" Liang Chunyan also stepped out of the car, and Liang Shuo was not beside her.

She clenched her fists and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "If you don't let me have an easy time, I won't let you live either!"

Beside her, there were four or five cars and a dozen people, all looking at Chen Xin'an angrily.

The largest number of people are some cars with the words "joint defense and law enforcement" printed on them. This is Xihe's law enforcement team!

The leader was wearing uniform, looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said: "My people were injured by you two Dongshan dogs?

Even if you two kneel here and kowtow to each other today, I won’t let you go!

Let you two Dongshan dogs see the power of our Xihe joint defense team!

It doesn't matter, you play with them first, we are not in a hurry.

Don't worry, they can't escape as long as we are here! "

Li Qi turned his head and smiled at Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you are so popular!

I still want to keep a low profile, but I have only been in Xihe for more than an hour, and I am already blocked by so many enemies! "

Chen Xin'an also looked helpless, shook his head, looked at the people in front of him and said:

"Why do you have to commit suicide when you can just live a good life?"

"You are looking for death!" A short-cut man rushed over with a machete, aimed at Chen Xin'an's head and chopped it off, cursing:

“You’re already on the verge of death and you’re still talking nonsense here!

You really think we are all here to scare people, right?

Just lie down! "

The machete made a whirring sound and struck Chen Xin'an's head.

But in the blink of an eye, his wrist tightened!

The opponent suddenly rushed to him, and with severe pain in his wrist, he dropped the machete!

Then there was a flash of cold light in front of him, his arm went cold, and then the right half of his body became numb!

The companion who rushed up next to him felt his face heat up, and a fishy smell came from him!

The moment they turned to look over, they were so frightened that they screamed loudly!

I saw that the right arm of the flat-headed man was broken at shoulder level!

The companion on the left didn't see this scene and wanted to kick Chen Xin'an over!

Chen Xin'an's face was expressionless, and he turned his body half a circle, then struck down with a crisp click!

The opponent fell to the ground, and there was a half-broken calf at the knee level next to him!

Everyone suddenly stopped, looked at the two people on the ground, and then dispersed with a crash!

The scene of severed limbs is not unheard of.

But it’s the first time for most people to see something so simple and bloody!

It’s so simple!

As soon as they met each other, before everyone could react, the two of them fell into a pool of blood!

At the same time, on the other side, Li Qi took the initiative to rush towards the crowd!

The eagle thorn in his hand is like a poisonous snake spitting messages, constantly stabbing the enemy's body!

Even if it wasn't a fatal part, his stomach and ribs would be stabbed through as long as he came near!

In the blink of an eye, five people were already lying on the ground, three of them were wailing and covering their stomachs with their hands.

Between their fingers, the intestines have overflowed!

These two people are so cruel!

A group of people were frightened as soon as they came up!

They were gangsters, and fights were commonplace.

They are not afraid of being beaten to the head and bleeding. It is not uncommon for them to be hit in the eye and break someone's arms and legs.

But like now, they rarely experience bloody scenes where they just remove the parts and poke out people's intestines!

He was hired with money to bully the few, and he had no intention of fighting for his life.

They didn't dare to fight.

This scared everyone, and hearing the screams of those on the ground already made their scalps numb!

Then a magical scene appeared on the grass. Two people chased and fought dozens of people!

Some street gangsters are nothing more than a rabble no matter how many there are.

How could it be compared to a confrontation between two ruthless men who had actually been on the battlefield and almost crawled out of the dead?

This is because Chen Xin'an and Li Qi have not completely let go.

After all, they are just a bunch of low-class bastards, and their crimes are not punishable by death.

If Chen Xin'an and Li Qi let go completely and take action, people will be killed. By now, this group of people will have fled!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Sun Guofu in a swaggering manner and looked at him with a sarcastic face.

"You said I came to bury your son? Why don't you go?

With such a deep love between father and son, why not die with him? "

Sun Guofu looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

Only now did he truly feel the terror of this man!

Not just because he has good kung fu and strong strength.

It's also because of his unfathomable background and his ruthless attacks with no scruples!

Chen Xin'an suddenly stepped aside, and Bai Sanniang rushed from behind, holding a knife in her hand, trying to stab Chen Xin'an to death!

But her movements were so clumsy that she couldn't even cover up the sound of her footsteps.

Chen Xin'an deliberately waited for her to come behind him, then dodged and slashed her neck with a knife!

There was not even a scream, Bai Sanniang fell to the ground!

His body was instantly soaked with blood, and the people around him looked frightened and retreated!

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at the corpse on the ground. She looked at Sun Guofu expressionlessly, raised her right arm, pointed at the group of people around her and said:

"It doesn't matter to me whether these ants are dead or alive, I don't even want to waste the effort of killing people!

But you guys want to die, I can help you! "

Liang Chunyan looked at the blood under Bai Sanniang's body flowing toward her, and was so frightened that she lost her mind!

He wanted to avoid it like a poisonous snake, but his legs were numb and he didn't even have the strength to walk!

Chen Xin'an had already pulled Sun Guofu up to her and said coldly: "Flies like you want to die, right?

You provoke me again and again. Do you think I dare not kill you?

You just want to die, I will help you! "

He turned over the machete in his hand and raised his arm!

At this moment, there were two pops, and Sun Guofu and Liang Chunyan in front of them both knelt on the ground!

They were completely devastated and frightened!

They finally understood that the man in front of them was definitely not someone they could mess with!

"How dare you kill someone in the street?!" The man in uniform finally came to his senses, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Do you know who we are?

How dare you commit murder in front of me?

It’s simply lawless!

Brothers, get these two murderers under control! "

As he shouted, a group of joint defense team members drew out electric shock batons and rushed towards Chen Xin'an and Li Qi!

"Idiot!" Chen Xin'an looked at the man in uniform and sneered coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Kneel down here and wait!" He turned around and rushed towards the group of joint defense members!

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