Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1933 This is the result of my independent research

Some foreign companies have a common feature in terms of security.

There are two types of security teams.

One is a company security guard recruited, either from a security company or directly hired by oneself.

The other one is the security team brought from abroad.

This is the security force they trust most.

And if they take action, the consequences will usually be serious.

It can even cause death.

But the result is that the wind is gentle and the clouds are calm, and it can be suppressed quickly.

Even the black-robed pickets were dispatched tonight?

What does Diesel want to do?

In the R\u0026D room of the Technology Department, a middle-aged man wearing glasses typed the last row of code on the computer.

Looking at the program code generated by walking on the screen, there was a look of ecstasy on my face!

"Successful! I finally got it!"

The man with glasses shouted excitedly.

The technical director next door came over, rubbed his dazed eyes, frowned and cursed:

"Xue Zhongze, why are you yelling at work? I just fell asleep!"

Xue Zhongze said excitedly: "Director Zhao, I have found a way to solve the system vulnerability!"

"What?" Manager Zhao was stunned for a moment, his mind still unable to react.

Xue Zhongze pointed at the computer and said: "Look! Last time, President Diesel said personally that whoever can make up for this backend loophole will be rewarded with two hundred thousand!

I have now found this vulnerability and fixed it! "

Manager Zhao reacted and looked at the patched program on the computer with deep jealousy in his eyes.

He glanced at Xue Zhongze, immediately put on a smile and said: "Congratulations, Old Xue!

Now you are prosperous!

Quickly put the program into the USB flash drive. "

Xue Zhongze pulled out the USB flash drive on the computer and said, "It's already installed!"

Director Zhao grabbed the USB flash drive and said to Xue Zhongze: "The president said that we would report it to him as soon as we find it!

Xue Zhongze, you are very good!

This is the result of the joint efforts of the two of us!

I'm going to give it to the president for appraisal now! "

The result of joint efforts?

Xue Zhongze frowned, pointed at the USB flash drive and said to Director Zhao: "Director Zhao, I spent a lot of time researching this.

It has nothing to do with you...I'll hand it over myself! "

Director Zhao put back the hand holding the USB flash drive and said to him with a straight face: "Xue Zhongze, what do you mean by this?

If I hadn't intentionally left you so much time and let you go study this, would you have been able to do it?

Why isn't it the result of our joint efforts?

And if you want to hand it over to the president yourself, can you definitely hand it over?

As a small technician, what qualifications do you have to meet the president? "

Manager Zhao walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Xue, take a long-term view. Don't just think about yourself when you have some achievements!

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive in the technical department!

All the achievements you have achieved here are given to you by our technical department.

It is only because of the care given to you by me as the supervisor that you can complete it without any distractions.

So this is the problem of all of us, don’t you think? "

After hearing what he said, Xue Zhongze was speechless.

Seeing Director Zhao walk out, Xue Zhongze spat on the ground bitterly.

The technician next to him sneered coldly and said to Xue Zhongze: "You shouldn't have given him the USB flash drive!

Don’t you know what kind of virtue this bastard has?

I think of these 200,000, it’s pretty good to have 20,000 in your hands in the end! "

Xue Zhongze punched the desk angrily.

The patches are all in the USB flash drive. Since Zhao Shuang can be a supervisor, he can understand the principles just by reading them once.

When the time comes, he will say that he made this program himself, and no one can do anything to him!

If I had known this, I should have kept a lower profile.

Quietly hand it over to the president. After receiving the bonus, treat everyone to a meal.

At that time, even if the person named Zhao is unhappy, there will be nothing he can do!

Zhao Shuang took the USB flash drive and walked excitedly to the president's office.

He seemed to have seen the scene when he was holding two hundred thousand cash.

That much money is enough for him to go to nightclubs to get a few top tickets!

Bang bang bang!

He knocked on the door of the president's office.

Because I had the confidence, the sound of knocking on the door was much louder than usual.

There was no response from inside.

Zhao Shuang frowned, was he not here?

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard the door behind him open.

A man with blond hair and a big nose stood at the door, frowning and asking: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Shuang peeked inside and said with a smile: "Assistant Walker, is the president here?"

Walker looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Tell me the same thing!"

This is true.

Everyone in Popuda knows that the person the president trusts the most is Assistant Walker!

But in this matter, only the president has the right to issue bonuses!

Zhao Shuang coughed twice and said to Walker: "Assistant Walker, that's what happened!

A month ago, the president said something at a regular executive meeting, I wonder if you remember..."

Walker looked at him impatiently and said, "Let's get to the point! I don't have that much time!"

Zhao Shuang smiled awkwardly, nodded quickly and said: "Okay! That is to say, the president once said that whoever can find the weakness of the background program and have a way to make up for it will be rewarded with two hundred thousand!

Now, after my disdainful efforts and without any help from others, I have conquered this method!

The background vulnerability has been found and the patch has been made!

This item alone is enough to save our Popuda from losses of hundreds of millions of yuan. Isn't this an exaggeration? "

Walker looked at the U disk in his hand, then glanced at him sideways, with a sarcastic smile on his lips: "You found the backend vulnerability program and made up for it independently?"

Zhao Shuang opened his eyes wide and said proudly: "Of course! If Assistant Walker doesn't believe it, just take this USB flash drive in and check the contents!

By the way, if the procedures are up to standard, you still need to ask Assistant Vaughn to inform the president.

I should be able to get the bonus tonight, right? "

Walker took the U disk, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Okay, then come with me!"

Zhao Shuang smiled and said, "Thank you, Assistant Walker!"

Walker took him up the elevator and to the top floor of the office building. There was the president's lounge, and next door was the restricted area for all Popuda employees!

This is a secret room dedicated to Diesel and Walker.

Even the CEO’s wife and the CEO’s son are not allowed in!

But at this moment, this mysterious door was opened for him, Zhao Shuang!

At this moment, Zhao Shuang's heart was filled with anxiety and pride.

Is it possible that my life is about to take off tonight?

This is an honor that no Popda employee has ever received!

After ringing the doorbell, Walker put his head close to the camera on the door.

Soon, the sound of the door opening was heard inside.

Walker turned around, smiled and said to Zhao Shuang: "Please come in, the president is inside."

Zhao Shuang bowed and nodded and said, "Okay, thank you!"

Following Walker into the secret room, the coded door behind him slammed shut.

It looked like a small office in front of him, with various Chinese antiques placed around it, and calligraphy and paintings by ancient and modern celebrities hanging on the walls, each of which was priceless.

Zhao Shuang sighed secretly in his heart.

The items in here, if you take any one item, it will cost more than 200,000 yuan, right?

If the president is happy and gives him a random gift to take away, he will be prosperous!

But it's so empty here, not a soul can be seen!

Zheng Shuang was wondering when Walker had already walked to the bookcase next to him, seemed to have found a book, and then pulled it out.

With a bang, the bookcase split into two and opened like a door!

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