Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1947: Fighting against him will lead to a worse death

How could a group of employees have seen such a tough person?

How dare you take the initiative when being besieged by thousands of people!

For a moment, they were frightened by Chen Xin'an's momentum and took two steps back.

One person in the crowd shouted: "Who are you trying to scare? We all were beaten, what can you do to us?"

Those capitalists who act like a dog-legger when speaking for them deserve to be beaten!

Brothers, do you think so? "

Before anyone could answer, Chen Xin'an had already knocked away several people in front of him, rushed in front of him, and punched him in the face!

The people next to me clearly heard the sound of the boy's jaw breaking as he was knocked away!


The kid knocked down the two of them and fell to the ground, covering his chin with his hands, screaming and kicking his legs.

Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and cursed: "How dare you stir up emotions in front of me?

Do you think there are so many people that I won’t dare pursue you?

Come here! "

Following Chen Xin'an's cry, several employees came over timidly with their heads lowered.

They were the same people Cai Guangyuan brought to besiege Tan Jiahui.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the guy on the ground and asked, "Is there him?"

Several employees took a look and nodded.

Chen Xin'an flew up and kicked the person on the ground away again, causing him to faint immediately!

He turned around again, pointed at the guy he had just kicked down with the crowbar, and asked, "Is there him?"

Several employees nodded again.

Chen Xin'an raised her toes, grabbed the crowbar on the ground, and smashed it into the guy's head!


It was like smashing a big watermelon. The guy's brains exploded and he died on the spot!

The people around him were so frightened that they shouted loudly and backed away!

Chen Xin'an shouted to the employees: "Find all of you! If you miss one, you will end up like him!"

Those employees didn't dare to hesitate and looked at the crowd.

Those guys who were hiding in the crowd and originally used to stir up everyone's emotions turned around and ran away when they saw that something was not going well!


There was a gunshot, and many people squatted down with their heads in their hands!

Chen Xin'an raised her right hand high, holding a pistol and looking at the guys who were trying to escape with a gloomy face and said:

"Come on, let's see if you can run faster or my bullets can chase you faster!"

Those who were preparing to escape were all dumbfounded and stood there without daring to move.

Chen Xin'an said to a group of security guards: "Bring them all here!"

There were a dozen people in total, all hidden among thousands of people, and they were gradually found.

They were all internal agents placed by Cai Guangyuan among the employees, and they were all brought to Chen Xin'an at this moment.

Chen Xin'an said to the security guards: "You guys are leaving nothing behind!"

The security guards were stunned, but they did not dare not listen. They all dropped the machetes and iron bars they were carrying on the ground.

Chen Xin'an pointed at the dozen or so agents and said, "Come on, you guys can kill me together!

Hack me to death and you can escape today.

If you can't kill me, you will be dead today! "

Most of these people are the same group of people who spoke rhythmically during the chaos just now.

When attacking Li Qi, he was the first to attack from the front, and he was also the one who attacked most ruthlessly.

Once the attack stopped, they quickly returned to the crowd, ready to lurk, waiting for an opportunity to continue setting the pace.

I just didn’t expect that all my companions would identify me!

After hearing Chen Xin'an's words, these people looked at each other.

Chen Xin'an handed the pistol to Han Bing and said to her: "Who dares to shoot you and Aqi directly.

Save bullets, hit in the head! "

Han Bing took the pistol, held it tightly in his hand, and protected Li Qi's side.

Chen Xin'an had his hands empty and said to the spies in front of him: "Seize the opportunity.

If you don't use weapons, you won't last long! "

"What the hell, you're afraid of a ball!" A spy said with an angry look on his face and gritted his teeth:

"Anyway, everything has been exposed, there is no place to hide!

The boss is also dead now. If we want to survive, we have to kill him!

Just one person, why are so many of us afraid of him?

Hack him to death and let’s do it together! "

He bent down first and picked up a machete from the ground.

Someone took the lead, and the others no longer hesitated and picked up weapons from the ground.

The employees brought over by Chen Xin'an secretly sighed and took a step back, making it clear that they would not participate.

Chen Xin'an looked at the dozen people in front of him holding various weapons, and said with a ferocious smile: "Are you all ready?"

The person who was the first to hold the weapon pointed the machete in front of Chen Xin'an and cursed at him: "You are so arrogant!

who do you think You Are?

If only one person wants to scream at the rest of us, I will chop you to death! "

He raised the machete in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an also rushed towards him.

The moment the opponent slashed the knife towards his head, he took a step to the side.

The man was chopped into the air with one strike, and the next second Chen Xin'an's fist hit him in the face!

There was a click, and the man fell to the ground on his back, no longer breathing.

What's scary is that his face is sunken.

The front of his head turned into a punch pit.

The nasal bones were completely shattered and the skull cracked.

What was flowing out of the ears and nose was not only blood, but also red and white brain matter!

Kill with one punch, neatly!

Chen Xin'an did not pause, avoiding the sneak attack of another spy.

She grabbed a handful of his hair, pushed him to the ground, and cut his cervical spine with a palm!


The cervical vertebrae were broken, and the man fell to the ground like a noodle and stopped breathing instantly!

The sight of several people who had already rushed in front of him slashing with knives were so frightened that they could hardly even hold their weapons steady.

They all stopped and took two steps back with frightened expressions on their faces.

What kind of fighting power is this!

He killed two people in two moves. A group of people in front of him were like fish and meat at their mercy!

A man holding an ax turned his head and cursed at his companion who was standing behind and had not participated in the beginning:

“What the hell are you doing!

Why don't we come together?

This guy is very powerful. Only with many of us can we have a chance, otherwise we will all die here! "

The companions around him also yelled at the guys standing nearby to watch the fun.

Finally, someone got anxious after being scolded and yelled at these people: "Hit, hit, hit you on the fucking head!

You idiots don't know him, we do!

He is Chen Xin'an, if you fight him, you will die even worse! "

The ax man cursed: "I don't care whether he is Chen Xin'an or Chen Chen'an!

It’s now time, even the King of Heaven, I have to fight!

We're all going together, we have no way out! "

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward again.

By the way, I turned my head and glanced, and I almost screamed out of fright!

There were only three or four people rushing forward with him.

The remaining people turned pale and threw away their weapons, waiting to be killed!

What a bunch of cheaters!

Before he could react, Chen Xin'an had already rushed forward!

The ax man was shocked and raised his ax to hit Chen Xin'an on the head.

But the opponent's fist hit his heart first!

At this moment, he felt as if he was hit hard in the heart by a high-speed sledgehammer!

He could even hear the sound of his heart breaking as he was being punched away.

This was also his last feeling. The moment he landed, he was already dead!

The three people who rushed over threw away their weapons as quickly as possible and knelt down in front of Chen Xin'an!

The surrounding insiders followed suit and all knelt on the ground!

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