Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1952 Madness at an altitude of 10,000 meters

While holding the juice, Li Qi turned sideways and glanced at Xia Ruixue's back, with a strange expression on his face.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Why, do you like her?"

Li Qi quickly waved his hand and said: "No way! How is it possible? I just feel a little strange..."

Chen Xin'an took a sip of mineral water, nodded and said, "Did you see it?"

"Yeah!" Li Diding nodded and said with a strange expression: "This girl is quite scheming. She uses us to deal with her boyfriend!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, curled her lips and said, "It's not just that! She also wants to hook up with you!"

Li Qi's face turned red again and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, don't make fun of me!

The first time we met, she wanted to seduce me...

She is a stewardess, who am I? "

"You are my brother, Chen Xin'an, and that is enough!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi:

"Her good sister is Connie Zhou, who has now become my little aunt.

These people are quite realistic.

You can't say good or bad.

It's crazy and daring to play. It's so trendy and avant-garde that they dare to try it.

The biggest wish is to find a handsome and rich young man, preferably young, to marry him off.

You can live a life of being pampered like a little princess.

But once she calms down and lives her life, she is also a good woman.

Just like Connie Zhou. "

Li Qi smiled bitterly and said, "These conditions seem to be incompatible with me, right?

Chen Xin'an patted his shoulder and said, "Aqi, you are my brother.

You know who I, Chen Xin'an, am.

The brothers who have followed me through life and death are by no means a stepping stone to my success.

If I eat well and drink spicy food for a day, I won't let my brothers go hungry.

So, whether it’s money or status, if you don’t have it now, you will definitely have it in the future.

You have more potential than anyone else.

And with your image and temperament, if you stand there, you will instantly kill all the popular young talents!

Such a man is very tempting to these stewardesses! "

Li Qi was embarrassed by Chen Xin'an's praise.

Am I really that good?

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Aqi, I hope you can find a girlfriend again.

Really, you can't seal your feelings in your memory at a young age! "

He Liping's death was the biggest blow to Li Qi that he had ever experienced.

Chen Xin'an was afraid that if he was stuck in there and couldn't get out, even if this kid followed him, his life would be ruined.

Li Qi's expression darkened, he nodded and said, "I know! I will..."

At this moment, a cry of surprise came from the cabin!

"Let me go, what are you doing!" Xia Ruixue was grabbed by Cai Xiaozhi's arm and struggled hard.

Cai Xiaozhi's eyes were red and he yelled at Xia Ruixue: "I asked you what you told them!

Why do you have so much fun chatting with them?

why do you ignore me?

I made so many calls and sent so many messages, but you didn’t answer or reply.

what do you want?

Xiaoxue, are you even going to leave me? "

Xia Ruixue's face turned pale and she struggled hard and said, "Xiao Zhi, let go!

I'm at work. If you have anything to say, can you wait until I'm off duty?

Please don't affect my work!

If you do this again, I'll call the police! "

"Then call the police!" Cai Xiaozhi seemed to have lost his mind, grabbing Xia Ruixue's arm and shouting: "Let everyone see how you treat me!"

People nearby shouted: "Young man, what's wrong with you? Why are you always pestering this beautiful woman?"

Even Cai Xiaozhi's companions stood up.

Yue Gaofei, Zhu Liang, and Yueyue came over, cursing.

"Cai Xiaozhi, why are you so crazy! If you have something to do, you two can talk after you get off the plane. Don't affect others!"

"That's right! This is 10,000 meters high in the sky. What do you want to do! Let go!"

"If you want to embarrass yourself, can you please don't implicate us? My face has been completely humiliated by you, this piece of shit!"

The plain-clothes air marshal strode over, grabbed Cai Xiaozhi's left hand that was holding Xia Ruixue's, and shouted to him with a stern face:

"Let go! I'm warning you one last time, otherwise I will take coercive measures against you!"

But the next second, Cai Xiaozhi's right hand suddenly took out a knife from his pocket.

He stabbed the air marshal's neck hard and then slashed down hard!

This is a craft knife that is only six or seven centimeters long. It will not be detained by security, so it can be brought on board the plane.

As Yue Yue screamed, the air police covered the wound on his neck with both hands, but still could not stop the blood spurting out!

Yue Gaofei and Zhu Liang were so frightened that they almost sat on the ground. Looking at Cai Xiaozhi who had gone crazy, they yelled and turned around and ran away!

Cai Xiaozhili ignored them, grabbed Xia Ruixue's arm, put the knife in her right hand on her neck, and shouted with a ferocious expression:

"Do you want to break up with me? Now tell me in front of me, do you want to leave me? Come with me!"

Everyone around was stunned, no one dared to say anything anymore, they just looked at this scene in horror.

Only Yueyue stood there stupidly, blocking Cai Xiaozhi's way.

"Go away! Die!" Cai Xiaozhi seemed to have turned into a wild beast. He took the knife in his hand and slashed at Yueyue's neck!

But Yueyue was so frightened that her mind went blank and she didn't know how to dodge.

Just as the knife was about to cut through Yueyue's delicate neck, suddenly a hand grabbed her clothes from behind and pulled her back!

Yueyue took two steps back and fell into someone's arms, narrowly avoiding the knife.

A man's breath with a faint fragrance entered Yueyue's nose. She raised her head and saw a profile of a man with sharp edges.

Chen Xin'an helped her to the side, looked at Cai Xiaozhi calmly and said, "Let her go!"

"What's wrong? Are you so distressed?" Cai Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"She's my girlfriend! Who the hell do you think you are?

Xiaoxue, is this the next home you have found?

You dumped me for him, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the air marshal lying bleeding on the aisle behind Cai Xiaozhi, frowned, and cursed: "I don't have time to talk to you about this! Please lower your head and get out of the way!"

Before the passenger next to him could react, Chen Xin'an had already ran over, held down the backrest, and climbed over it!

Everyone shook their bodies to avoid it.

Chen Xin'an quickly came to the air marshal's side, took out a silver needle, and injected twelve needles into the air marshal's head and chest.

The gushing blood stopped, and the air marshal's face turned red from holding it back.

Being slapped on the back by Chen Xin'an, he spit out a mouthful of blood clots stuck in his throat with a cry, and he could finally breathe!

Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted loudly: "Is there a doctor or someone studying medicine?"

Yueyue quickly raised her hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "I am a graduate of Haidong Medical University.

All of us are! "

Yue Gaofei and Zhu Liang, who looked pale, nodded.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You all come here!"

But how to get here?

The crazy Cai Xiaozhi was still blocking the middle aisle.

He gritted his teeth and shouted to Xia Ruixue: "Tell me, are you going to abandon me because of him?"

Xia Ruixue cried and said: "Xiao Zhi, what are you talking about!

I've told you we broke up several times, okay?

You are too possessive and always suspicious.

I really can't stand you anymore!

Will you let me go? "

Cai Xiaozhi cursed angrily: "I spent millions on you, why on earth do you want to break up just because you want to break up?

When I bought you the LV, why the hell didn’t you say break up with me?

Why didn't you break up with me when I gave you 80,000 lipsticks?

Now I'm so unlucky, you don't want me anymore!

Okay, since you won't let me live, then let's die together!

Come with me! "

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