Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1954 Capsized in the gutter

The knife is very short and does not penetrate deeply, but it hurts!

And it is difficult for muscles or bones to clamp the blade, so it can be easily pulled out.

When Cai Xiaozhi took the knife and wanted to attack Li Qi, he heard a sharp shout from in front: "Cai Xiaozhi!"

Cai Xiaozhi, whose eyes were red, glanced at Chen Xin'an, who was slowly walking over, with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said:

"No one can stop me! Give Xiaoxue back to me!"

Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi and said to Cai Xiaozhi, "Do you know who I am?"

Cai Xiaozhi cursed angrily: "Don't bother me! No matter who it is, get away from me! I only want Xiaoxue, don't stop me, do you hear me?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and said, "You are Cai Yingwu's son, right?

Do you know who kicked your father out of office?

Cai Guangyuan is your cousin, right?

He's dead, right?

Do you know who killed him?

I can tell you, it’s all me! "

Cai Xiaozhi was shocked!

Taking this opportunity, Li Qi helped Xia Ruixue and left quickly.

When Cai Xiaozhi, who was still in a daze, reacted, he was already blocked by Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved to the people around him, indicating that everyone should disperse, leaving only him and Cai Xiaozhi here.

Looking at Chen Xin'an in front of him, Cai Xiaozhi said with a ferocious face: "Xiaoxue calls you Mr. Chen, so you are the Chen Xin'an!

My father's accident and my uncle's tragic death were all caused by your hands, Chen Xin'an, right? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Son of a bitch!" Cai Xiaozhi grabbed the knife in his hand with his bloody right hand, looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

“My grandpa is still in the hospital.

My aunt has been mentally disturbed for the past two days.

My brother and sister not only have to take care of my aunt, but also my grandpa!

This time I went to Kyoto to find my mother.

You bastard caused two of my Cai family's families to fall into pieces. I'm so incompatible with you! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "You are not qualified! And your Cai family is in pieces?

Have you ever met the people who were harmed by your father and your uncle?

How many families are torn apart? "

"Fuck you!" Cai Xiaozhi yelled: "Who has my father harmed? Who is worthy of his murder?

He is a leader and has worked hard for so many years. How much contribution has he made to Xihe?

You bastard from Dongshan, do you know?

My uncle is just the vice president of a company. Everyone in my family says he has a good temper and is a good man.

Who has he harmed again? "

"Cai Xiaozhi, why don't you change your name! As for Xiaozhi, you are just a fool!"

Chen Xin'an scolded him with disdain: "If nothing else, your father is the leader.

If he is really conscientious, fair and honest, how much money can he make per month?

Can you spend millions to pick up girls?

Who do you think would believe it?

Do you know how many people he harmed by allowing the Xihe Joint Defense Team to do evil?

Do you know how many people he harmed by giving Popuda the green light to go all the way?

And your uncle, as the vice president, helps foreigners to harm compatriots. Is this what you call a good old man?

You're still a college graduate, you're almost like a fucking retard!

The two of them may be good friends to your Cai family.

But to people outside, it means damn it! "

Cai Xiaozhi yelled crazily: "You are the most damned person!

It's you who caused me to become so miserable now!

I want to vent my anger on my father and avenge my uncle Guangyuan!

Chen, go to hell! "

He held the knife and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly, motionless.

When he rushed forward, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked him in the stomach with a bang!

Cai Xiaozhi flew back into the air, hit the door behind him hard, and then fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an walked over, looked at Cai Xiaozhi and said, "What kind of father is his son?

If you have such an extreme personality, if someone breaks up with you, it will be life or death.

I still want to drag everyone on the plane to die with you!

People like you are a disaster even if they are alive!

How about I send you to meet your uncle? "

"Come on!" Cai Xiaozhi vomited a mouthful of blood, got up, looked at Chen Xin'an with fierce eyes, and rushed forward again.

This kid was able to endure it. He was kicked just now, but he didn't throw away the knife in his hand.

"Seeking death!" Chen Xin'an looked at Cai Xiaozhi with disdain.

Such an opponent seemed to be seeking death in front of him!

Since this kid wants to die, let him fulfill his wish!

If you cause trouble on the plane, you deserve to die!

Chen Xin'an was about to be cruel to him, but suddenly there was a violent vibration on the plane!

The steward behind him put down the phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please be careful!

The aircraft is affected by airflow and will experience strong turbulence.

Please sit down in the nearest seat and fasten your seat belt! "

Chen Xin'an felt dizzy for a while.

Are you joking?

Now I'm desperate, you want me to wear a seat belt?

He didn't expect that there would be bumps at this time!

For people who are originally afraid of heights, such bumps are simply a nightmare!

Chen Xin'an not only felt dizzy, but now she also felt like vomiting.

This feeling became even stronger when he held on to his seat and accidentally looked out the window.

Cai Xiaozhi also sat on a seat not far away, holding on to the table in front of him.

But when his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an's face, he was stunned for a moment.

He saw that Chen Xin'an's face was pale at the moment, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He grabbed the table in front of him with both hands, and the veins in his hands bulged.

Cai Xiaozhi, who was originally a graduate of Haidong Medical University, saw Chen Xin'an in his current state, how could he not know what was wrong with him!

"Hahaha!" Cai Xiaozhi laughed wildly, forced himself to stand up, and said through gritted teeth:

“God is really helping me!

Chen, you are really evil.

Even God can’t stand it and is coming to help me!

Unexpectedly, the famous Chen Xin'an turned out to be a patient with acrophobia!

When you dealt with my father and killed my Uncle Guangyuan, did you ever think that you would be like this one day? "

He knew that his chance would not last long. Once the plane avoided the airflow, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill Chen Xin'an!

So he didn't dare to waste time. He held on to the table next to him, gritted his teeth and stood up, staggering over to this side!

Chen Xin'an was so dizzy that when he looked at people, they became double images.

The fear deep in his memory made his whole body stiff, his hands and feet stiff, and he couldn't move at all.

Watching Cai Xiaozhi walk in step by step, although he was anxious, there was nothing he could do.

"Go to hell!" As Cai Xiaozhi shouted, the knife in his hand slashed towards Chen Xin'an's neck!

In the critical moment, Chen Xin'an leaned forward, with his upper body completely lying on the table in front of him!

Cai Xiaozhi's knife slashed across Chen Xin'an's scalp.

It gave Chen Xin'an a layer of goosebumps on his neck!

Good guy, this is a boat capsized in the gutter!

Such a low-profile character would not have caught his eye at ordinary times!

It doesn't take more than three seconds to solve it!

But now, he can only let others slaughter him!

Under the extreme psychological fear, the body can no longer react normally!

Seeing Cai Xiaozhi raising his arm again, Chen Xin'an was a little desperate!

I thought I had overcome my fear of heights.

Now I know that it is not overcoming, but suppressing.

He doesn't seem so scared anymore.

But under certain circumstances, once it breaks out, that kind of fear will make him collapse even more and become even more difficult to control!

At this moment, there was a bang at the door in front, and a hand grabbed the door frame!

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